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Author Topic: What are some awesome things you have encountered in adventure mode?  (Read 1883 times)

Angel Of Death

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I have encountered cracks in the desert that lead down to the caverns, and quite recently (playing 40d), a dark fortress with a staircase that leads to an underground tunnel.
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Re: What are some awesome things you have encountered in adventure mode?
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2011, 10:14:28 pm »

Journeyed into a volcano (with a flying, magma-proof modded creature) and found a huge hole into the circus. Magma was leaking into it, and since I'm pretty much stuck there, I decided to enter the circus. Fun ensued.
Thank you for all the fish. It was a good run.


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Re: What are some awesome things you have encountered in adventure mode?
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2011, 04:09:44 am »

I found a gem-of-a-woman. Lasher named Black Cat, struck down 2 dragons in 2hits. Both time headshots.


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Re: What are some awesome things you have encountered in adventure mode?
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2011, 05:22:11 pm »

on a epic quest I has collected a party of a Elf a baby goblin and a human archer.
I stood there leader a dwarf with a mighty shield and (Modded) Rapier.
We the adventurers 4 traveled the land unmatched until the young goblin was beaten nearly to death by a wild yak.
we were at a loss barely rescuing the young goblin... but the damage was done.. every 3 steps the poor thing would fall to the ground in pain.
After a few days time had run its course and the poor thing bled to death.
but are adventures weren't over as we mourned the loss of our fallen companion a great beast emerged from the cave.
I had never seen such a thing in all my adventures. Its fiery body flickering as it converged! are human archer let his aeros fly! as the grand beast engulfs him in flaims as we watch are friend and companions skin melt away he fell to the ground miraculously still alive as he gasp on the ground clinging to life I charge in and Strike the beast in the chest throwing my spear.
I stike the hear but its breast is aflaim as the heart made of the fires of hell spit forth burning my leg badly melting to the bone before i could drag myself to safty the beast grips the elf curling him against his body with his left wing scortching his flesh as i drag myself to the exit my friends screeming for mercy behind me. many of my bones broken and my leg bleeding badly as the beast follows I turn to face him and as the beast eaches for me i pierce his brain with my blade! the beast recoils in pain as his body erupts suddenly exploding forth my body is destroyed in seconds.

Rest easy knowing the beast fell to my blade and my sacrifice was not in vain.


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Re: What are some awesome things you have encountered in adventure mode?
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2011, 09:30:25 pm »

I found a massive bandit camp once. I think I may have been using a mod at the time but I'm not sure. Anyway, I arrive there expecting the usual smattering of hostiles and a few pieces of assorted loot. As soon as the camp comes into view I know something's wrong. Instead of a few sparse pieces of armour and the odd chest or bag there is a vast hoard even a dragon would be envious of. By my estimate there were over a hundred bandits in the camp. I immediately enter a martial trance and charge in to try and do as much damage a possible before retreating. My companions are quickly slaughtered, leaving me alone against the overwhelming horde. I take down a couple dozen by smashing their skulls in but there are just too many. My martial trance wears off and I try to make my escape but it's too late now. I was surrounded and quickly beaten to death soon after that.
Life is, in a word, volcanoes.
                        - Random human lord


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Re: What are some awesome things you have encountered in adventure mode?
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2011, 04:18:34 pm »

I had the same as ^ yesterday. Multiple elves, goblins and humans all working together. They killed my miner and peasant companion within seconds, while i started stabbing them in the lower body with a silver spear to make them puke all over the place and eventually pass out, just so i could easily kick / stab / bash them in the head.

I actually killed them all that way except for the commander, but he decided to make my limbs sail off in an arch by stabbing it with a copper pike, to the point where i only had my head, upper and lower body left. (I'ts just a fleshwound!) He then sadly stabbed me in the face.  The elves were actually using regular metal weaponry, the goblins wore armor and the humans were all shooting crossbow bolts and arrows. It was the most glorious battle i've had so far.  And the only armor i had were random bits from goblins, almost all copper and mostly leather.

Before that however, the adventurer started with a copper spear, and the first quest was to kill a night creature. "ohh, no problem." Nope, the spear barely penetrated the skin. I managed to stab the creature in the head for 17 times, and most of the time it just bruised the muscle. It only died because i bit open his torso eventually, causing bleeding.

It's a shame he had to die. Uzem boltstricken, my favorite speardwarf. One day i will avenge him by killing the lonely commander - with a spear.

EDIT:Forgot to add that during the giant bandit camp battle, he already had his leg nerves severed, so he was slowly marching towards everyone with crutch in one hand and spear in other. I even clubbed and elf to death with it in the face.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2011, 04:22:44 pm by IcarusOne »


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Re: What are some awesome things you have encountered in adventure mode?
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2011, 12:12:52 pm »

One time, as a peasant level (15 att, 35 skill) guy, I picked up about two or three companions and asked for a quest. I was to kill some guy who's name escapes me. I fast-traveled along a road and hit > to stop. Walked off the road, and when I hit the camp, lo and behold. About 30+ enemies came to face me. As I was merely an Adequate Bowman (wanted to be a hunter), most of my shots missed as I tried to stick and arrow or 3 in them. Both my companions were slain quickly, and as I figured out I was gonna die and tried to escape, one guy came up to me stabbed me in the foot, then proceeded to beat me to death with a mace. I. Hate. Them.

And if anyone's seen my post about killing a hammerman in three hits and decapitating a goblin overlord in one, a couple of times, when I got quests to kill lashers, they both whipped me in the head, and killed me.


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Re: What are some awesome things you have encountered in adventure mode?
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2011, 04:31:55 pm »

Just recently I had a quest to kill a bandit lasher. Nothing major or interesting but as soon as I got to said camp I noticed 3 things. 1) The loot was everywhere and I'm talking clothes, weapons, iron and better,  and lots of coins. 2) Dead bodies of which there where maybe 10-20 goblins and humans. 3) A fuck ton of bandits who then ate my adventures for breakfast and me run like a bitch into a nearby village (no fast travel). The only reason i got away was by throwing bolts while running and hitting legs and such
No, yep. That's what I meant too. I want to come out of the theater completely fucked up for weeks.


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Re: What are some awesome things you have encountered in adventure mode?
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2011, 06:48:29 pm »

i've had a few.  once i was exploring a basin in the landscape, when i discovered 6 or so waterfalls pumping water into the basin, i barely made it out alive.  i guess it seasonally dried, and refilled in the wet seasons.  either way, racing the water was like a scene from an action movie, slowed down to turns and rendered in ascii.

another time on this same world, a simple bandit quest ended in misery, as this camp was no less than 6 bandit camps combined.  there must have been 50+ hostiles.  it seems every time i finished a leader, one or even two more would spawn. 

i'm glad my "new" world is more full of night creatures than bandits.   
Goblin Fortress (NOW UPDATED FOR 34.02!
magma on his bed when he is sleeping, works every time


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Re: What are some awesome things you have encountered in adventure mode?
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2011, 11:44:31 pm »

This is a little thing, but a lot of my games a while ago were in a human and goblin country that overlapped.  I would recruit soldiers to go out on missions and we would be ambushed by goblins.  After a few games of this, I discovered that both sides in fact had uniforms; my side had helmets engraved with our symbol, two windows, while the enemy had theirs, "images of forgotten beasts".  A small detail, but it went a long way in helping me envision the fights.

On a larger note, I discovered that ambushes scale with how many companions you have.  My most successful adventurer had built up fame killing night creatures and bandits, as well as a coral titan (which my swordsman friend bisected) when I decided to build up the biggest army I could.  Almost immediately, my seventeen soldier "army" of mostly new recruits was ambushed, by 34 goblins.  I counted.  We were totally surrounded, and the ensuing fight was just... epic.  There were multiple groups of fighters, arrows flying everywhere, huge lists of injuries and attacks, and the tension of knowing I my side was losing.  One human wrestler immediately grabbed the closest goblin by the throat and spent the entire fight strangling him to death, while pretty much everyone on my side was slaughtered, taking around ten goblins with them.  In the end it was just me and the aforementioned badass swordsman against the whole squad of goblins.  In a brilliant burst of intelligent AI, he decided to retreat, and then we tore them apart one at a time when they got spread out.

Actually, as I found out later, the companion AI isn't smart enough to retreat when losing.  What actually happened was he thought he was mortally wounded even though he wasn't, so he abandoned the fight, then he rejoined it because he thought he recovered.  But, still, that one taste of being part of large scale combat, even with a group of total strangers, was so incredibly fun.  I can't wait for the army arc.
"T-take this non-euclidean geometry, h-humanity-baka. I m-made it, but not because I l-li-l-like you or anything! I just felt s-sorry for you, b-baka."
You misspelled seance.  Are possessing Draignean?  Are you actually a ghost in the shell? You have to tell us if you are, that's the rule


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Re: What are some awesome things you have encountered in adventure mode?
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2011, 08:10:13 am »

One time, as me and a group of around 12 or 13 companions were traveling to a town to sell all my useless crap attained from killing bandits, we were ambushed by approximately 30 goblins or so. I had an elf, my first officer, an administrator, my second, a surgeon, and about 10 soldiers. I called all my 'army'. I had a surgeon 'cause at the time, I thought they could fix me and my troops. He was killed almost instantly. My remaining troops managed to fight off the attack, but at a loss of both my officers and about 5 or 6 soldiers. I called myself the general and promoted the rest of the survivors to a random rank via [l]ook, selected whoever I wanted to promote, and changed their profession name to a rank between Sergeant, Lieutenant and Captain.

EDIT: When I [l]ooked at the armor and helms of my soldiers, I notice that they all have some type of decoration on them, in the form of their civilisation's symbol.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2011, 08:34:45 am by UristMcHuman »