This game is quite similiar to Mulletmasters Titans of Dwarven Industry, though its in a Prison. I had the idea of a Forum Game with a Dwarven Prison now a while in my head, lets try it out XP
You arrive at the Gates of Worldsforge, formerly one of the biggest Dwarfen Foundries and now Biggest Correctional Facility in the Dwarvish Empire of Id Idith "the Rock of Systems". Since the year 2500 the Dwarfs had left their Mountainhomes and similiar to the humans, settled on the surface. However since the Last Clan-Thing the newly chosen King Geshud Roadbolt is facing a war with the Human Republic of Greyhelm, giant government debts and a economic recession is also knocking on his door. It is the year 3100 and you have been sent to this godforsaken place to get things done.
Worldsforge is a lone sleeping volcano, surrounded on one side by a dead forest in which the undead former inhabitants walk since the Great Elfswar. On the other side are the Great Obsidian Wastes of "Hollow Emptiness", a life less dead place, formerly a nuclear testing side for your Kingdom. As you arrive at the gates, staring at the massive Iron Doors in which scenes of Battles with Goblins,Undead and...Elephants are engraved, you realize that nobody will open you. You throw yourself bodily at the gates and they move a bit, giving you enough place to squeeze through. Inside a thick layer of dust covers teh floor which once must have been granite inlaid with iron. As you look around your not sure whether you are at the right place until you can see some footprints in the layer thick dust. Suddenly one of the side doors into the enormous entrance hall bursts open and a rather small dwarf and a fishing rod fly through it.
The small dwarf stands up grabs his rod and stares at you with big eyes. You are sure he can be no more than 100 or 200 years old.
"Y-y-yyyou who are you? W-wwhat are you doing here?"
you have no Reports on the Prisoners up to now. Only some vague Answer from the King: "Some Elves,some Human POW maybe the on or otha Ogre or Troll"
you havent recieved one up to now