BARRED is an armor token, not a weapon token, so simply adding that won't work (you should have an error log from that). You need to add a reaction to make a bone weapon (which won't help if you want it in an ongoing world), and add the reaction to your entity. The reaction should look something like this:
[NAME:make bone sword]
Alternatively, you can use [REACTION_CLASS] to make bone weapons/armor
Just open material_definition_template.txt, find the bone's material definition and add
"[REACTION_CLASS:XXXX]" where XXXX is what you want to name the reaction class.
For simplicity, I'm gonna use BONE for XXXX
[NAME:make bone sword]
The advantage with that is that you can determine what stuff is used to construct the item, very useful if you're going to add a tougher bone template and you want to restrict bone objects to the tougher bone.