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Author Topic: WH40K Adventure: Flight Interrupted  (Read 794 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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WH40K Adventure: Flight Interrupted
« on: April 21, 2011, 07:22:44 pm »

You study the recruits' faces as the drop pod descends at breakneck speed unto the planet below. They are clearly anxious, as expected from their first assignment as scouts of the Raven Guard. You allow yourself for a moment to remember the first time you've made a landing behind enemy lines, tasked with locating the positions of enemy Nobz as they have been now. Two recruits died, and you were badly injured. Intel received from the Imperial Guard in the field had been incorrect. Still, your squad fulfilled its objectives, and you battle-brothers' deaths were avenged. You mutter a prayer for the fallen, muted by the roar of re-entry enveloping the pod.

You force your thoughts back to the present time. The Planetary Defense Force of Shataris IV, the planet you're currently en route to, has been at odds dealing with an Ork Waagh! for two months. Your company has made haste to relieve the defenders, but not soon enough to prevent the loss of several major population centers. While it seems as though the outcome will be a crushing defeat to the Imperium, there is still a small chance to turn the tables: the jumbled reports of the defenders seem to indicate the presence of different clans amidst the Ork forces. No ork would follow the leadership of another ork without it having an overwhelming advantage in power, and said ork being of a different clan, this advantage would have to be multiplied manifold. The xenos' tendencies could yet be used against them, should the leader be taken out and the Waagh! forced into a power struggle. A small chance of victory. Better than none at all.

Your musings are cut short as you hear an overpowering clang from below. An instant later, the pod's walls begin to twist and incarcerate at least one of the initiates. You fail to keep up with the happenings as your head is racked in every which way, and you manage to rationalize that the pod's begun spinning out of control due to whatever collided with it. The last thing you hear before losing conscience is a clang not unlike that of a moment ago.

You hear distant sounds of gunfire, guttural bellows and explosive ordnance. You open your eyes, but can't make out anything from your blurry vision at the moment. Slowly, you come to realize your body's been twisted into an awkward fetal position by the bending metal. As your vision clears, you also realize your current position has you turned upside down. "Squad, status!" Your voice comes out hoarse, and unanswered. Fearing for the worst, you manage to draw your combat knife and cut through the safety bonds. The pod's machine spirit must have left it at some point, that it did not have them retract. And then you smell it. An overwhelming smell of blood, emanating from the twisted metal walls around you. By the Emperor's mercy alone, you were spared their gruesome fate, entombed inside their own transport. You allow yourself a moment of grief for the inglorious death of your charges. And then you begin to work on getting out of the pod...

After hours of twisting and turning, you manage to extricate yourself from the wreckage of the drop pod. The only salvageable equipment was that which you were outfitted with; your carapace armor, bolt pistol and combat knife. Your vox unit was thrown off your helmet and is lost inside the pod, most likely smashed useless from tumbling around at high speeds inside a pod spinning out of control. Fortunately, none of your injuries were incapacitating. You climb atop the wreck to get a better viewpoint as you take note of your surroundings. To the south, a near endless horizon of red flame marks out the wide line of battle between the PDF and the Orks. Beneath the night sky of Shataris IV, it appears as though that part of the planet is burning, and it may very well be the case. There is little you can contribute to the front lines with what you have. It would appear the ongoing battle has produced a comparatively small skirmish some miles to the west, from where the sounds of battle are loudest. You can also make out some sort of structure to the northeast. You can tell some of the details, and mark it as a communications array.

Your enhanced senses make out the crunching sounds of metal boots approaching your location. Swiftly, you descend from your spot atop the wreck, and ponder what to do. A smashed drop pod in a smouldering crater is hardly the most inconspicuous spot to hide at the moment. On the other hand, it's unlikely the orks will expect any survivors from crawling out of such a wreck. An ambush here is feasibly, if not without risk. Alternatively, you can slip into the shadows and use the surrounding high grass as cover, and wait for a moment to strike on your own terms... Or escape a possibly fatal encounter no worse than before.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: WH40K Adventure: Flight Interrupted
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2011, 07:41:52 pm »

Draw your combat knife and bolt pistol.
Head into the grass, but do not attack. Escape, and live to fight another day.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: WH40K Adventure: Flight Interrupted
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2011, 06:49:24 am »

You draw your weapons, and go down into a crouching walk. The grass blinds you to the movements of the enemy as it does your own, but the ruckus caused by the greenskins allows you to track them down by hearing alone. As they approach, you begin to make out guttural words in the Low Gothic dialect prevalent among the orks. They seem to be discussing something, liberally slamming the blunt end of their choppas against one another's head to reiterate a point. You ponder if approaching them close enough to get a better notion of what they're discussing is worth it, seeing as their attention is not exactly fixed in watching out for hidden scouts in the brush.

Digital Hellhound

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: WH40K Adventure: Flight Interrupted
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2011, 07:07:56 am »

Move closer and kill them. They're Orks, they can't have anything important to say.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gay, Tired and Just here to Vibe
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Re: WH40K Adventure: Flight Interrupted
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2011, 08:30:05 am »

No move closer and listen to them. That might be talking about commanders or other udeful tatical info.
Am I back? Its a mystery to everyone


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: WH40K Adventure: Flight Interrupted
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2011, 10:24:18 am »

You begin to stalk towards the noisy greenskins, making an effort to discern what it is they're grunting about. You stop your tracks a few meters away from them, just enough that they can be seen through the growth. You aim the pistol and are about to shoot one when it strikes you: at least half of them are wearing undersized looted helmets, armors and weapons. These half are also grouped together, separate from the rest of the orks wearing their traditional makeshift weaponry. "An' wus' wron' wif' lettin' da smartboyz do dah thinkin', ya git?" Snarls one of the looters, the largest and with more stolen medals and assorted shiny bits, to his equivalent leading the troupe of checkered leather-clad greenskins. "Zog ya Blood Axe grot-luvvas! We coul' be fighting a WAAAGH! good an' propah' and won it now, if we didn' waste time wit' yer Weirdboy gitz and yer skulkin' around!" The greenskin waved his arms violently as he spat out his words, striking one of his lackeys with the muzzle of his shoota. Much to your disappointment, it didn't go off. His peer smiled cruely. "Really, ya squigbrain? An' when yer git of a wa'boss was in charge, wha' did we do? Oh, we kept runnin' like 'eadless humies in'a their shootaz an' didn' get 'un down before they go' 'alf our boyz dead." The other ork glared at the smug Nob in front of him, and raised his choppa. "ZOGGIN' GIT!" He brought it down against one of his own boyz, chopping his skull in half. The rest looked uncertain of what to do as they stopped dead in their tracks. "WHO ZOGGIN' TOL'YA TAH STOP WALKIN' YA GROT-SHATS!?" His lackeys stepped back in line, and to your faint surprise the ork that had his head cleft in two clambered back to his feet, managing a precarious balance on shaky knees. "Be glad Wa'boss Strotnik needz ya gitz thumpin' 'round tah' powah his weir'boyz. Gunna keep dah humiez' 'ardboyz off our backs, he sez." The other ork merely grunts, obviously frustrated that your chapter has not been allowed to disembark.

It now seems clear that whatever caused your pod to meet its unforeseen demise has something to do with greenskin sorcery. The orks seem to have settled into an uneasy peace over whatever they were originally arguing about. Following them may lead you back to one of their camps... But perhaps communicating your findings to your chapter would be more important at the moment. Perhaps trekking towards the communications array would be a good course of action.. Though if the Blood Axe clan is dominant here, and they are aware of your battle brothers looming above, there are bound to be sentries about... On the other hand, the PDF engaged in the skirmish to the west may allow you use of their comms if you manage to reach them. You might even ask them about what exactly is this ork sorcery about.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: WH40K Adventure: Flight Interrupted
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2011, 03:49:45 pm »

Follow Orkz, pick off a wargear pinata looter if possible and salvage any useful equipment they were carrying.
Code: [Select]
Tremble, mortal, and despair! Doom has come to this world!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: WH40K Adventure: Flight Interrupted
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2011, 09:36:50 am »

You decide to keep on stalking the orks. Apart from the occasional offhanded remark from the checkered greenskins, the troupe marches in remarkable silence and discipline for their kind. The grass begins to grow shorter and the sounds of gunfire louder as you stalk them southwards. Soon, you have crouch almost to a prone position to retain your advantage. It is for the best too, as in an act of uncommon carelessness, you step on some sort of cracking debris. The looters' leader stops dead in his tracks, and his lackeys bump into him. With a snarl, he turns to the nearest ork. "You, squigbrainz. Scout dah pahrimatah." The ork makes a mockery of a salute. "Yessah. Begin' yah pardon sah, wuzza pahrimatah?" The more typical orks snicker at their counterparts' leader. "Check dah grass, ya stupid git..."

The ork begins to march in your direction. You notice he's neither aware of your presence nor has his lasgun unslung. Silently, you withdraw a few steps away from your previous position. The ork begins to carelessly search around, still oblivious to your presence. You allow the grass to rustle loudly against your gear for a moment as you move further into cover, and away from the ork. His head jerks to your general direction, and his eyes gleam with base cruelty as he finally unslings his weapon. "Come ou', come ou', wherevah you are..." He sings, pointing the weapon to the position you were a moment ago. You sheathe your bolt pistol, preferring not to use the loud weapon to take out the enemy. Silently, you circle the ork, and pounce on him as soon as his back is exposed. Your combat knife sinks into the base of his neck, and with your free hand yank the lasgun off its grip, capitalizing on the beast's surprise. It wobbles to face you, chocking on its own blood as you knife penetrated all the way to his throat. It mutters something incomprehensible, even by orkish standards, before you hit it in the head with the back of your lasgun. It falls to the floor, and you shoot at him point-blank in the body several times, the proximity muffling the sounds of the lasgun to little more than a few pops and sizzles.

You hastily search the body for any salvageable gear. Luckily, you find a few frag and krak grenades, as well as an extra ammo pack for your new gun. You retrieve your knife from the ork's corpse, and watch out for the rest of the orks. They seem to have returned to their contentious habits, preferring to argue over what is perceived as another waste of time over searching the perimeter for you. The "debate" is starting to get heated. Do you wait to see what happens? Or trace back your steps in the dark?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: WH40K Adventure: Flight Interrupted
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2011, 02:53:57 pm »
