I created a mini-fort for the express purpose of making some otherwise unobtainable equipment for adventure mode characters, and I used dflair in an attempt to mark the tiles as non-scatter, but it doesn't seem to have worked.
Luckily most of the good stuff was in iron bins which didn't seem to move, and I atom-smashed most of the unneeded junk on the map before abandoning, but corpses from the refuse pile are scattered all over the place and some of the fancy items are missing.
Also, I had accidentally unleashed HFS with dfreveal though the bastards never actually gained a path into the fort, but it seems like at least some of them managed to get out after abandonment. I'm unsure if this happened due to some sort of creature scattering, or if another previous fort I had right next to it (where HFS did get breached) had clowns migrate from it to the new fort after abandon. (Certainly my adventurer was ambushed by some out in the wilderness nearby so I know they must move around or something, but I'm unsure of how this works. For example, do they actually move around the region or do they stay at the same site and have a certain chance of ambushing people within some radius around the site?)
Things I'm wondering:
Does dflair not work or am I doing something wrong?
Do dwarves, when they abandon the fort, just take some of the objects with them when they leave? (I had actually forbidden all of the good stuff so that nobody would accidentally try to claim any of it.)
Do live creatures, even ones who are totally walled-in with no path to the surface, also get teleported to random map locations on abandon, potentially getting released from any prison they might be in?