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Author Topic: Granitemaw - Exiled to the surface  (Read 590 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Granitemaw - Exiled to the surface
« on: March 22, 2011, 09:11:14 pm »

1st Malachite, 11

A cursed history, Granitemaw has. Tales of death, of misery, and yet I have been dispatched here, with seven other dwarves to reinforce this place in the wake of what was a massive battle. Interestingly, aside from broken arrows, and large pools of muddy ground, the surface seems quiet, almost too quiet.

A quick look around showed treasure, just on the surface, but dig down just a little, and you soon find terror, or magma. Few good records of the early days of the fort exist, but all point to collapsed tunnels, or goblin invasions, which Granitemaw sees yearly. There is pools of dwarven blood and spilled wine all over the halls of this impressive structure.

The dwarves here had left their mark however. A number of engravings have been found in large underground chambers, detailing accounts of failed defenses against goblin raiders, of stories of a dragon that has settled in the same region as Granitemaw, and for further proof of troubles there is the corpse of... How can it be described. Massive, made of opal, and surrounded by dozens of dead, goblins and dwarves alike. Even more telling is the rows and rows of coffins, and also a few headstones, showing not everyone that had been slain had a body that could be recovered. There is also that one ghost. the first ghost the other dwarves call it, that constantly haunts the fortress, but has caused no real troubles besides lingering around.

The structure itself proves there are high plans for this place. Covering an area of at least seventy spaces, with four towers on each corner, cast of obsidian. Even now, the sounds of the miners at work carving this massive block of stone into a paradise. For the last 8 years, these dwarves have been living mostly on the ground level, among the foundations of what can prove to be one of the greatest wonders of dwarfkind. Looking to the top, and I saw the truth of the last battle. Several dwarves, while working on this beautiful structure, had been cut down by arrows.

My name is Dodok Nazushcatten. This is my tale.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Granitemaw - Exiled to the surface
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2011, 10:08:12 pm »

The Sour fields, they call this region. And yet, looking around, you can see wealth, without needing to look too hard. Boulders of limestone dot the landscape, and low hills break up the otherwise flat landscape. Soon however, we could all see it, the massive outline of Granitemaw.  Yet even as we approached, there was trouble brewing. A group of dwarves were fighting off a band of goblin pikemen, staining the brook with blood. Myself and the others with me managed to escape notice. The soldiers seemed grim, with torn clothing, and clad in dented copper armor, likely salvaged. The commanders however were fitted better, with steel and bronze. None of them had complete armor however, but the weapons were good. Coming up to the west gate, the only way in, the defense of what we could see looked fairly rough. Two entrances, both with drawbridges made of limestone. One archer tower, made of gabbro, as what the rest of the structure seemed to be made of. There were however signs of construction, where the gabbro wall was being replaced with obsidian.

Just before we got to the gate, the sound of machinery clicking into place could be heard, and water began to rush out of an opening in a nearby hill. The muddy ground around told me this was a fairly normal occurrence. Inside, I was greeted by the current military commander. Modom Blockadebeaches he was called. He looked fairly better off then many of the other soldiers, clad in bronze armor, and holding a silver morningstar. The rest of the military was here as well, training for combat. Most had weapons of silver, though two had axes of steel. All of them in torn clothing.

"Well it is about time. We haven't seen any newcomers in the last three years" He started off. "Welcome to Granitemaw. The Manager will likely want to see you so you can be placed where your needed." He moves off, allowing access to the inner structure.

What I saw inside, however, showed the true troubles this fort was having. What found me first, were the wardogs. There were a rather large number of them roaming about the main yard. Off to the right, there were a fair number of workshops. For the moment, however, those were silent. Further to the right was a trade depot, and what looked to be the remains of a trade depot and caravan, with various goods scattered everywhere. Nobody had cleared the area of the wreckage yet.Unlike the outside, which was lush and green, the inside had been trampled to sand and blood.

Off to the left showed a splendid dining area, with plenty of tables and chairs, made of gabbro, limestone, even hematite. Besides a few children however, there was nobody there.  Further off, I spotted a forge, and a smelter. Both were long cold and dusty.  Further back, near the wall, past the dining area, were coffins. At least seventy of them, and two headstones. Most of them looked filled. Some were not. These dwarves were ready for that. A fair number of levers are against this wall, in various positions.

Closer to the back wall showed a rather curious structure, made of limestone with a single door, yet the wall only went halfway to the ceiling. I would need to ask about that later. Beside that was a pile of barrels on barrels. Food clearly was no issue. Scanning along the back wall showed a group of wells, recessed into the wall, then a tower, of sorts. Behind that tower, was a farm, and the first dwarves I found besides the military.

At least ten dwarves were here, and they all looked in bad shape, with ghastly wounds. Some were even missing limbs. Others looked like they would never walk again. Nearby however was another stockpile, piled with the bodies of dead goblins. I started to wonder how many dead there really were, when the mayor found me. We were all quickly given tasks to do. I was told to go man the carpenters shop and build bins. I had no skill in such tasks, but, I also had no real skill in anything else, and you had to start somewhere...



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Granitemaw - Exiled to the surface
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2011, 10:33:25 pm »

4 Galena, 11

The white tower was unlocked today, and I got a first hand look at the reason why the outside was so peaceful. Through that door was the way into a complex series of tunnels, fortifications, and hatches. Also here were the bodies of goblins, dozens of dead goblins. However, there was also the sound of cursing and scampering on the lower level. Apparently, one of the invaders managed to survive.

The area was still somewhat flooded, but enough water had been pumped out that we could at least collect the dead before the stench sets in.

Hauling out the dead took some time, but with the sheer number of goblin dead, I soon realized this trap is what was keeping the fort alive. There was no way so few dwarves could handle this many goblins. Take the bodies to the dead pile, thake the equipment down to the mines, or what was left of the mines. Three caverns, probably as large as the yard above, but all nearly barren of stone. Now, it was just mass storage.

Most of the other dwarves seemed to be working on the upper structure. Any dwarf not currently needed in the workshops. Unfortunately, I am not one of them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Granitemaw - Exiled to the surface
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2011, 10:35:19 pm »

[Thought I would play the perspective of a migrant coming to a fairly settled area after a war. Does it look good, or should I give up?]


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Granitemaw - Exiled to the surface
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2011, 06:00:03 am »

Looks good, keep up writing.

Do you accept dwarving?
Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Granitemaw - Exiled to the surface
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2011, 08:37:41 am »

12 Granitemaw, 11

......rt... alert! Repeat, this is a level three siege alert! All citizens to the shelter!"

This was not what I was expecting to wake up to. More then that, Granitemaw has been attacked last month as well. The military worked with practiced ease to pull this set of goblins into the deathtrap. It took a while, but the siege broke without much work. The only casualty being a macedwarf that decided to come too close to the trap.

The military was ordered to disband after that. More casualties were not welcome. It would take months for the trap to be reset again. The design still needed work.

14 Timber, 11

The dwarven caravan has finally showed up. Generally means I now have more wood to work with. I don't really care what the others say, I am going to make more beds. We dont have nearly enough for the 90 of us. On another note, the river has frozen up. I have been told the river stays frozen here for a third of the year, and with the trap still flooded, I pray another siege does not come anytime soon...

Of course, everyone gets involved in the trading, and I can see why I was asked to make bins. The goblins have dropped litterally hundreds of items to sell! So goblin armor for wood, food, weapons, armor, drink, and... orthoclase? Why would we need orthoclase? I will probably find out eventually.

[I was thinking writing this as a single dwarf. There are too many dwarves to keep track of all of them.]


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Granitemaw - Exiled to the surface
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2011, 09:12:19 am »



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Granitemaw - Exiled to the surface
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2011, 10:47:40 am »

2 Opal, 11

Much to many folks surprise, more migrants have trickled in today. 7 dwarves. One engraver, three peasants, and three doctors. The doctors will surely be useful, as I overheard our chief medical dwarf got overthrown. The engraver just adds to the three others in the fort, and was sent upstairs. The peasants were mostly left to do as they please, as there is no real pressing needs on the fort for jobs right now. This brings our number up to 95.

Sadly, that might soon be one less. One of the others has gone mad, demanding items at the metalsmiths forge, and sadly, one of them we do not have. The broker got a good talking too for not keeping better track of our cloth supplies.

A new military has been formed, taking the seven most skilled fighters and banding them together. Just seven, out of the thirty there once were. More likely, they will be guards more then actual fighters.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Granitemaw - Exiled to the surface
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2011, 01:16:15 pm »

At this point, I am up to releasing Granitemaw for others to continue, succession style. As well as the initial plans I had for the structure, if you desire. It would take years to finish carving this block of obsidian.