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Author Topic: The Epic of a'Sitari Gold-Ward  (Read 1140 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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The Epic of a'Sitari Gold-Ward
« on: February 14, 2011, 05:19:16 pm »


This is the Epic(Not So Much) of a'Sitari Gold-Ward
Sorry if this is the incorrect place to post such a thing, but it seemed like the right, and I would rather not be the left. (Sorry, for I love almost every pun. Especially bad ones). This post was on the adventure section but I moved it here because it was receiving very little feedback, and I hoped it would be far better received here. If you read it, please comment on the content of the story no matter what you think of it. Thanks you!


For many Bematha's (Wet-Seasons) the century-wards have kept watch over the world, keeping evil at bay, acting as the beacon of hope for each declining zone. However, recently, there has been no need for such, as the elves have been settling many new forests. But now, more evil have sprung from the earth, and a new century-ward must come.

Prologue :

With evil, once more about, the human petition for another hero to aid them in their conquest for the defeat of evil. a'Sitari meets their demand, and the next century-ward is born.

(This is only the first part, if I receive positive feedback. Actually if I receive any feedback, I will continue onto the second part.)

Forth Note:
    The adventurer in question is a female elf, with superior agility and toughness, and some skill in linguistic ability, and another skill I shalln’t mention at this time, but is actually in the story Lready.. She is at the demigod level, simply because I CAN. She is armed with a mango (tasty) wood spear. She also uses a saguaro rib shield. All names are in as much of the elven tongue as I could procure from the raws of the elven language.

The Epic Of a’Sitari Gold-Ward
I, daughter of the Golden-SwordBow have finally begun to venture forth to the vast expenses of the world away from Thala Forile. There, I was considered amongst the most gifted in the art of war, and was elected as this century’s ward against evil. The obligation spurred my training forth, and soon I became the strongest warrior Thala Forile had seen in many generations. In the training that ensued after the council’s decision I became a very agile, tough, and focused spear elf.
   Like most elven soldiers, I was trained for dodging the enemy’s blows, and then killing them shortly after.
6th Moonstone, 505
In the start of my journey, I lost myself on the path to the human fortress where I would be basing my beginnings until I was well-known enough to start my own company of warriors and purge the evil from the landscape. Now quickly took inventory of my equipment, and found that everything was in order.

The elders had equipped me with a mango wood spear, a leather coat and standard rope-reed clothing. They also insisted I carried a shield, though unskilled in its use, it was certainly a nice shield from the wind. I was also wearing a rope-reed backpack and a leather water skin. Inside it were three drinks of water, and a large-copper dagger was in the backpack, as well as five meals worth of lungfish. I immediately removed the dagger, should the fighting get too close for my own spear, and in case I needed to commit the appalling deed of butchery.
I wandered into the nearest hamlet, then walked to the nearest hut. In the hut were at least five to ten humans. I started a conversation with a human to discover my surroundings and find my first mission. Also, if necessary to gain permission to stay the night, as I wasn’t yet confident in my abilities to ward of hordes of bogeymen, and rid the world of such. That would be later. In any event I began talking to the foreign human, and it was immediately clear we were much different.

The main difference was that he, lived in a Wooden Hut, constructed of my ancestors bones, but those ignorant humans! They must now not that when we die, we become the tree, our spirits inside. To end a tree is nigh worse than to strike down a "living" being. And, he and his companions have no sympathy for the other plants. They trample them, kill them, rip out their roots, and devour them like hungry beasts! While of course, we need food, they need not farm them in such a disrespectful way. I wonder how much they would like to be force to grow in a small space, then killed and eaten. Bah, I would try it one day, if I weren't supposed to be the bane of evil, not the evil itself.

But also, more elusive things came from this human. Those dirty, tree-killing bastards! And then they have the audacity to think I am the evil one. There stares almost made me want to rip their filthy human guts out. The humans tone, now that. They speak to me as if I am a forgotten beast, one to be cast off and chased with torches. Oh, I will show them all!
After this inner outrage, I proceeded to question him about surroundings, obtained permission to stay for the night, and then asked for a task needed completion. He told me of a fearsome beast, Elide IdataTwilights, who had slain Apug SlaughterDabbling, no doubt a human, as no honorable elf would have such a name. The human agrees to travel with me, though I doubt his usefulness, a companion is always welcome.
Before killing Elide IdataTwilights, I shall traverse the distance to the nearest fortress, recruit the remainder of my current band, and then start my quest to end the tumult and strife of this evil world!
At the fortress, I recruit a spear man, a mace man, and a swordsman. While they are only human, I wish not to be ambushed by anyone with aid, and so recruit them regardless. Now I set of to rid the world of this vile creature of the night.
   I check the stars, and it appears I shall oppose Elide IdataTwilights in the night, when it is most powerful, but alas, I shall strive forth! I step into the consort’s cave, and the rancid smell of death assails me, and swarms of large roaches are stirred up.
 A good spear throw away, Elide is clearly visible, its deathly laughter fills the cavern as a drum beat. As Elide’s tail swishes back and forth,
I stride to meet the creature, my companions to my rear. It holds a meat cleaver, streaked with crimson blood, and appears to be soon searching for its next victim.
I charge the beast for the glory of Thala Forile! I attempt to stab the beast in the lower body, but it parries my blow and counterstrikes. Elide misses, and I stab its head, but missing, but it misses as well. My spear then finds it's into Elide's upper right arm, but I only inflict a minor injury. It charges me, but finds my training more than a match for itself. I continue to stab the consort, and my companions charge in to my aid. My swordsmen slashes furiously at the beast, and twists his sword around in the beast's flesh. Such is the reward of evil! However, my other soldiers are not as helpful, and are little more effective as fighters than meatshields. I made an inner promise to recruit true elven soldiers after this sorry display of the lack of finesse these humans posses.

I almost laugh at their clear lack of battle prowess, but hold off, not wanting to damage their morale, and because a human is better as a companion as no companion. Besides, a human is by comparison far better a companion than a dwarf.
My companions are being torn apart, but I am prevailing, and soon death shall be the beast’s reward. The beast and I exchange a flurry of blow, and I am smote in my left hand, and lose my spear. Despite this, I pull out my dagger and continue the battle. Within a few more blows, I am able to slice the consort in half, ending its fell reign.

7th Moonstone 505   
I then rest till dawn, in hopes of healing my hand. It is slight better, but not as good as it used to be, and it probably never will be. I then search the cave, and pick up a leather bag, and my spear. In my search of the cave, I discover a shield, a gemstone, and I pick up the beast knives, should I ever need them. And with that I race forth from the lair.

Feeling the air upon my hair, I laugh, and run my way down to the fortress. My first of many victories against evil! I have finally discovered my purpose in life, and vow never to let a single being of evil exist and long as I still draw breaths from the air of Avafi!
« Last Edit: February 16, 2011, 05:26:46 pm by kytuzian »


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Re: The Epic of a'Sitari Gold-Ward
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2011, 07:58:04 pm »

NOTE : I wrote the next part, just to see if I can get people to respond, and without further ado, here it is. Remember, please comment!


As I reached the fortress, I realized that these human had decided to build it from stone, not wood, and I commend them for this. However, these humans appear just as useless as before, but alas; they wished to know about the success about my mission. In this way I shall humor them, and I prepared to walk down the tranquil snowy path to the unruly fortress, and meet the dirty humans.

Standing near the entrance to the fortress was a human crossbowman. He whispers something in my direction, and it sounds something along the lines of a'Sita. Feeling gratified, and go to talk to him even though I despise crossbows, for they are unearthly, and should not be used. Any good, honest person should own a bow, but I go to him anyway. However, my hearing clears up. He is not worshipping me, in fact, he insults me! After this, we simply pass him. A few minutes later, I encounter a real bowman. I tell him of my deeds, and he agrees to join me. This human also asks me to kill an outlaw.

What a fractured race these humans are! Inside themselves they have brigands, and outlaws. Bands of them, covering the maps, wars waged between themselves, cities, countries, and towns, and individuals. I shake my head at the violence, but accept the mission nonetheless, as there is no doubt those humans are far more evil than my previous encounters with this disgusting race.

I proceed to gather more companions, and I see an axe man, wielding a battle axe, weapon of the tree killers. I shudder and turn my back on him, then venture farther into the fortress, looking for a swordsman or some other more dignified human. I pass more primal soldiers, even including a lasher. They call him a soldier! I only manage to get one more companion, a swordsman, and then I leave the fortress, with the others refusing to join me. They want glory. Bah! They would obtain their share if they would traverse the land with me.

Now I set out for the bandit’s camp, to make more humans join forces with me and vanquish the evil.
Having traveled for over a day, I finally decide to make camp, and wait for dawn. I settle down, and begin to gratefully rest. Having rested, I resume the journey, and after a many houred hike, I see the camp in the distance. I set for it, again with my faithful companions to my rear, ready to assist me in my battle against evil. We now travel more cautiously, and slowly approach the camp.

8th Moonstone 505

Upon growing near to the camp, the outlaw we were sent to hunt has appeared, shouting his name like an acolyte. He is a bowman, and has no armour, just standard clothing. Just now I realize I have been wrong. It is a she, not a he. Upon closer inspection, I noticed her large girth. She also has very long hair, a long nose, sunken blue eyes, and low eyebrows. Her skin is extremely pale.
I approach her, ready to blow arrows at any moment. Fortunately, my bowman shoots first, and tears the skin of the upper body of the outlaw. I aim a stab at her upper body, which should be fairly easy to land. I miss, and she shoots one of my companions. Now I rush into the fight, and fight all the harder, and attempt to strike the death blow.

The outlaw’s arm is bruised, but that is better than nothing. My swordsmen now set to work, and are now slashing the commander with mixed results. I continue stabbing her, and then attempt to slash her with my dagger, should I be able to end the fight quickly. She tries to dodge away, but I quickly catch her, and slash her upper body with my dagger, and tear her left lung. That is what all evil deserves! My next blows are less effective, but the outlaw is already heavily damaged, and should soon fall to our blades.

Now she is almost dead, and dropped her weapon. We should be able to fall her soon, without to many injuries. Surprisingly, the death blow is struck by the peasant I recruited from the hamlet. I commend him on his bravery, and now I go to finish off the rest of the outlaws. Our bowman is already firing at the rest of the outlaws, and is having mild success.

Currently I am exchanging blows with human spearman, and my companions are beginning to join in the brawl. Now there are two humans and while they are dodging my blows at first I begin to gain the upper hand in our fight. I end the lasher coming after me, and go back to the spearman. The spearman is more skilled than the lasher, but I am winning nonetheless. My companions have ended the lives of the other outlaws in a futile struggle, and allow me to kill the enemy more easily. The spearman is one of the stronger foes I have encountered, and my blows seem not to have much effect, nor do the combined force of all five my companions.

After a long exchange of blow I succeed to kill this outlaw as well, and I now scour the battlefield for items. I pick up the commanders arrows and bow, and the bow is a noble weapon, not to be left on the battlefield, and I may try my hand at it myself. I also pick up a spear for throwing, and move onward. All of my companions still walk among the living, and I go to the fortress to report my success.
On my way to the fortress, I see a different fortress, and decide to venture to this one instead. Also I see a bandit camp just to the north, and that is likely where my next mission resides.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2011, 05:36:20 pm by kytuzian »


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Re: The Epic of a'Sitari Gold-Ward
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2011, 09:09:10 pm »

Maybe you could do LPs.
"So while a handful of psychopaths in lab coats are turning Japan into a land of mythological beasties to bang, the USSA's drowning in stupidity, China doesn't exist anymore, and Canada's just sitting there waiting for all this shit to blow over so they can go back to being Canada. Oh, and South Korea think they're Zerg now." <-Slag explains fallout in a nutshell


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Epic of a'Sitari Gold-Ward
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2011, 09:18:20 pm »

NOTE: Comments are greatly appreciated, even negative ones. Also, I continue to update in the futile hope that one day. Whoops. I have a dream, that one day, my stories will be judged, not on whether they are about elves, but on the true content of their souls! (Sorry about that.) Anyway, sorry for the lack of quality at the end of the story, I just didn't really feel like it, but I did it anyway. It might be edited later for more interest. Sorry about the double post too, but I didn't want it to be contaminated by this NOTE.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 06:32:26 pm by kytuzian »


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Re: The Epic of a'Sitari Gold-Ward
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2011, 06:32:31 pm »


I enter the fortress, hoping to see more interesting human than the previous rabble that greeted me. Upon entering this fortress as well though I see another crossbowman, and spit, disgusted, at his feet. As I pass by the human, he mutters a curse against elves, and probably assume I cannot hear the venom in his voice. Past the crossbowman, I more see a bowman, surrounded by a lasher, hammer man, and axe man. Nearby I also spot a spearman and swordsmen.

I walk up to the bowman, and report the success of my mission. However, before I could tell him, he tells me that life is all about suicide. By Avafi, these disgusting humans. Is that whom they worship? Do they worship gods of suicide and murder? Malice and Hate! Death and Killing? I realize that with what I have seen, I shouldn’t be surprised, but, I am utterly shocked. I move past the man, and would have slain him there if his companions weren’t watching. And that human deserved to die, not to live as he was granted by the grace of Avafi.

The swordsmen however welcomes my news, and agrees to join me. I also recruit a spearman, both of whom gladly agree to travel with me. I also meet yet another spearman and he also agree to come with me. I then set off, and attempt to get my next mission. As I predicted, the mission is to go to the outlaw camp, just north of my current location.

I agree, but first rest, and will set out at dawn.

9th Moonstone 505

After a half-day hike, I don my weapons are armour, pull out my shield, and prepare my spear. I do not know what to expect from the brigands, but I hope that they are just as weak as the previous bunch. However, I do know it is wise not to underestimate your opponent, lest it fool you into making a foolish mistake.
With the camp to my west I set off, ready to face them and vanquish this force of evil, no matter how minor they may seem.

It appears that these brigands are dwarves, but I wish to make certain before I commit acts of homicide on the innocent. It appears that they are indeed the outlaws, and I commence the stabbing.

My first strike goes through a dwarven swords dwarf’s left lower arm, and tears the muscle, however, it is stuck, and I decide to twist it in the fool’s arm. Now my companions rush into the fighting, and we begin the exchange that is becoming all too familiar to me. The dwarf’s companions also join in, and the injured dwarf jumps away. I now stab the dwarf in the upper body, causing many wounds, and causing him extreme pain. This time the spear has stuck in his flesh once more, and I twist it again.

His allies are now coming about towards me, but before that I stab the dwarf in the lower body, tearing his guts, causing him to vomit. My allies are now in the thick of the fray, stabbing away. A dwarven wrestler comes up to me, and now I begin to fight him, as he is uninjured, and is a larger threat. I succeed to stab the dwarf’s hand off, and he is now bleeding heavily.

For the next several minutes we exchange an angry bout of blows, and my companions fall upon the dwarves, and are now hacking the to bits. However, now the rest of the dwarven outlaw come, but we are still tearing them to shreds at the moment. After a few more stabs from my spear, I successfully kill the dwarf wrestler, and move on to my next opponent. It seems though that my allies need no help, and I see another one who successfully stabbed off his opponent’s hand.

Now I am after the axe dwarf, and I severe many nerves, and tear a ligament. My next blow shatters the dwarf’s skull, but he continues to fight on. I proceed to eternally ruin his internal organs. Another dwarf is struck down without so much a single casualty on my side. I tear apart the axe dwarf’s brain, and this time he dies.

By Avafi these beasts, they are much worse than the humans, and they defy the laws that you have set down. B y you power, I say, banish these foul beasts back to their mountain homes and never return!

Now, after seeing so many of his fellow warriors fall, the chieftain finally shows up to end up, but I know he will find us a more difficult fight than all his other victims. In the background, my spearman keeps stabbing the dwarves’ hands off. As the chieftain approaches me, I stab his left hand off, and he does not lose anything but is now heavily bleeding. Now I stab the chieftain’s right hand, and he loses it, as well as his steel warhammer.

After a few more minutes, my companions succeed in tearing him apart, and the death blow is struck by my spearman. Now we move on to the last dwarf, a crossbowman. I feel pity for him, as he has to go up against six trained humans with the intent to kill. And me. In an attempt to end his misery I tear his brain with a quick blow to the head with my spear. Now I scour the battlefield for items that could be useful to me, and after that, I go to the fortress to report my success.

In my search of the battlefield, I find a spear, and short-sword, which I plan to eventually change how I fight to with the sword and bow, instead of the spear. I also plan to start throwing spears, or maybe just keep one and drop the rest. Overall though, my search was relatively fruitless, though I did pick up some coins in case I needed to buy something from a human town.

I just make it back to the fortress before dark, and I prepare myself for the ordeal of the next meet.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2011, 05:31:26 pm by kytuzian »


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Re: The Epic of a'Sitari Gold-Ward
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2011, 05:11:53 am »

I would have thought stabbing dwarf's hand's off by an elf would be more interesting than it seems it it, but alas, it was not to be. If no one says anything soon, I'll stop, but no one will notice.


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Re: The Epic of a'Sitari Gold-Ward
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2011, 06:31:17 am »

I shall comment!  :D

Alrighty first of all diversify starters - I went to the car. I drove to the shop. I bought a bottle of sunshine. boring boring boring, try using different starters for each sentence.

2. Personify your character(s) - I finished reading the first paragraph and had already forgotten her name. She is a stereotypical elf, so far there is nothing to distinguish her from any of the elfs' the people on this forum have incinerated every spring.
First of all I would suggest giving her an easier to understand/remember name and also very important: a clear goal. A story usually tells a journey - the destination is already known it's how they get there is interesting.
3. Writing style
While I understand you are trying to write like a combat report it doesn't flow well (which might explain part of the 1st problem)
Use adjectives and adverbs to make it more exciting: "with a savage yell I stab the dwarf in his left forearm, spraying his blood on the grass and eliciting a shocked cry from the stunted tree-slayer"

4. don't give up! keep writing even if no one likes it. The only way to get better is practice. Maybe start with some shorter stories, with simple plots. 

Must... Eat... Demon... Rat ARGLEBLARGH *crash* OMNOMNOMNOM
Tastes.. like... SAAAAATAAAAAAAAN!


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Re: The Epic of a'Sitari Gold-Ward
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2011, 07:08:40 am »

NOTE: This is one damn tough elf. And stabbing peoples hands off is really fun, even though it doesn't make very much sense. Also, thank you Bowie for your comment, I tried to make it better, but getting these mission is kind of boring. Anyway, that is exactly why the chapter name is such.

At the fortress, the normal human signs are present, and after my search for a honest soldier, I come across a swordsman, and a true bowman. As I talk to the swordsman, I introduce myself by name, and he recognizes me shouting, “Bless A’Sitari, the Tapered Mire!”. The other soldiers notice his exclamation, and begin to praise me. Maybe these humans aren’t so bad.

Slenshi is the swordsman’s name, and I share my new with him, and he agrees to join me. Despite my obvious reputation, no one else if willing to join me. As such, I ask around for a new mission, my call is answered by yet another creature of the night.

Ah, there is nothing quite like the thrill of beheading a consort. All the fighting, and the threat of death. What fun! If only my victory were not so assured. But, I accept the task regardless and plan to set out the next morn.

10th Moonstone 505

An early start is the best way to start an adventure! With all the fresh air in my face, I quickly move out, all seven of my companions in tow.
Now, almost upon the lair, I order the spearmen to do a sweep of the area, and to find any ambushes or other sorts of unpleasant surprises. Not that there are really too many pleasant surprises any longer. With naught a thing discovered, I call them back, and open the door to the consort’s lair.

Amoya Fishcarry, the dark consort stands before me, with its copper carving knife waving murderously in the low light. I anticipate a tough fight, because it never pays to underestimate your opponent. My bowman looses an arrow and tears the fowl beasts scales. Now I take over, lashing out twice for every one of it’s blows.

My next blows attempt to damage an organ of the beast, but I end up opening an artery in her hand instead. Now her right hand is almost useless.
The party surrounding me now chases Amoya as she runs away, but when backed into a corner, she succeeds in carving up my spearman and swordsman, tearing their flesh apart. Now, with the creature back in my grasp, the fight begins to turn in our favor. As our weapons find their target, another servant of evil is left in a bloody heap. The body has guts coming out, organs torn and bruised, and limbs incapacitated. After another few minutes of a severe beating, the brute consort is dead, in a head of limbs, guts and blood. Although it is unclear who struck the fatal blow, I am sure the scholars will come up with a solution.

Now I begin the standard search of the battlefield, and this time I find some armour. I pick up and wear a willow helm, which will be helpful should I be struck in the head. The pile of loot also has another willow spear, leading me to believe another elf was struck down by Amoya.

After that uneventful match with the brute consort, I go back to the fortress, and hope for a more interesting quest, as the last one was rather lacking in interest. Now, though, the residents of the fortress are now praising me, and despite our racial difference welcoming me into their groups. After that, I ask for service from the lord of this fortress, but he refuses, and one of his soldiers asks me to kill some more outlaws.

Maybe if I rid this world of the bandits and brigands then I can actually get to defeating more important people, such as the personal servants of evil. Creature I dare not utter the name of. Creatures that frighten the most hardened warriors. Creatures that are the pure being of evil.
But alas, for now, I must go to the camp of the bandits. As the camp is a mighty day’s hike away, I sleep before I traverse the wide expanses between here and there.

12th Moonstone

The sentry says that we may be ambushed, but seeing no monsters, I am doubtful. However, I put on all my gear and stand up, cautiously ready to continue towards the camp. It turns out the sentry spotted nothing, so I finish my sleep, and then continue on the way.

When the camp comes into sight, the sun is leaving for the day, and we begin to go cautiously towards the camp. It turns out that this is yet another dwarf camp. I did not know that the dwarves had so many bandits, but now I see. A pikedwarf and a swordsdwarf come to me, and we begin the fight.
Their commander announces himself to my party as we near the dwarves. My first find its way into the pikedwarf’s lung, and the swordsdwarf’s attack is dodged. The pikedwarf moves away, and now my spear continues to wreak havoc on the dwarves organs and limbs. All blows directed towards me are either parried or dodged. After a short while, it appears that the dwarves have no other soldiers besides these two, and they are quite literally being torn apart.

That is until a bolt from the blue comes in and kills one of my men. The pikedwarf then is quickly dispensed, and a new dwarf appears, ready to join the fray. More arrows now fly into the clearing, and the swordsdwarf must be quickly finished before they arrows and bolt can wreak to much havoc on us. A lasher comes to us, and in a fit of fury and stab my spear through his head, and watch his crumpled body collapse to the ground.

Now I go back to the swordsdwarf and stab off his hand. After the long beating, the swordsdwarf must have only wanted relief, and now that it is dead, it has gotten its wish. Now I go towards our man who is facing against two dwarves. One of them is the commander, and he is like me a spear warrior, and also of much skill. He is human despite his dwarven allies and is now fighting a 3 v 1 battle against one of my number. In a fit of rage I charge into the battle.

The commander jumps back, and this means my spear arm gets to have a little fun. In fact, it is now my sword arm, as I switch weapons from the spear to sword. The speardwarf is struck down, and now I move onto the commander, but he is well-trained and able to block many of my blows. More dwarves come into the fight, but now we are just destroying them, and they aren’t able to do much, and are being hacked apart.

Now, seeing a lucky blow, my spear goes throw the human commander’s skull, killing him instantly. Now I go to the other dwarves, but see the crossbowdwarfs, and go to them instead. Now, wielding my sword to almost as great an effect as my spear, I slice of the bowdwarf’s right arm, and it falls limp to the ground. My next blow kills, and there are only a few dwarves left. I one hit kill the crossbowdwarf, and then go to the remaining macedwarf.

My companions kill him before I can reach him though, and I scour the battlefield for items, as is customary. Just then, a few more dwarves appear from nowhere. I slay one with a slice that severed a hammerdwarf in half, then go to the rest of the remnant.

My mission complete, I now set off for the fortress once more, hoping for an interesting mission this time.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2011, 07:41:57 pm by kytuzian »


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Re: The Epic of a'Sitari Gold-Ward
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2011, 07:42:48 pm »


Oh, right.


Thank you, and I guess I could provide more detail, I'll do that next time. However much it may surprise you, this is actually BETTER than before. Anyway, I guess I'll add her name a little more, mlaye when she starts to be recognized by somebody. Other than that, I don't how else to mention it. Do elves talk to themselves? Anyway, I changed my mind, and I really don't want my elf to be howling, so I'll take that part out. Even if they are cannibals. Thank you for comment. Oh yeah, and the thing that makes this elf different? She doesn't die that easily, and she kills dwarves, instead of the other way around.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2011, 05:12:53 pm by kytuzian »


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Re: The Epic of a'Sitari Gold-Ward
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2011, 06:27:19 pm »

NOTE : I know this one is lame. I just really want a real mission. SOO BADD! I promise though, the next story shall be teh best yet! And I might be able to do two good stories a day on weekends. At the time, I had no idea what a faint shade was. I though it was another consort wife troll type thing.


13th Moonstone

Now that I am refreshed, my companions and I begin the long hike back to the fortress, and hopefully to a real mission. Instead, I am ambushed by a goblin force. As they took us by surprise, and our sentry must have fallen asleep, we are being torn apart.

A deathly blow from my hand shatters the goblin’s skull, killing it. Now that we have killed a couple goblins, the situation is back under control. Two swordsmen are teaming up on a goblin bowman, and I join them. After being hacked, with both of my weapons sticking in the goblin, the death blow is finally struck, and the goblin join the legions of the dead.

The battle is now over, and I begin to asses the damage we have taken. It seems that we lost four companions. Today, I mourn their loss. As such, I decide to burn the trees of this foul zone of death. Even though this shall hurt me, I am sure the ancestors incased in these trees wish not to have so much death lingering around them, and as such they shall be spared from their misery.

They journey afterwards is not at all perilous, and it is completed. However, when I reach the fortress, I notice that yet another two of my companions have mysteriously disappeared. I have no time to mourn them, but I suspect the goblins that ambushed me are behind it.

Now, though, the law-giver of the fortress in which I have based myself is about to give me a quest, a real quest. This shall be my opportunity to smite the greater forces of evil, and be able to defeat it once, and put an end to this terror.

He says that I must kill Olith Throwerstable the HUMAN BANDIT! Bah, how ignorant. Is that really a worthy task for someone as I, a great warrior. I go forth to the quest anyway, but first I must recruit many new soldiers. After many new recruit join my band, Olith must die, and then I shall be the warrior of greatest renown.

But first, we relieve ourselves of our drowsiness, and then move out. With the camp only a short walk from our fortress. Well, technically not ours, but I believe we can call it that now that we have done so much.

The camp is in sight, and I do say, it is the largest camp I have seen in all my life. I count eight humans, and that is not even inside the camp yet. With a yell, I charge into their camp, determined to vanquish this evil that fate has presented me with.

The arrows fly from their bows, as do the blows from my weapons. Now I slash the nearest human, and his arm is cut off. After a few more blows are exchanged, I receive my first blow in a long line. It is though, quite literally just a scratch.

The battles starts a huge exchange of blows, but most in our favor. Now after fighting the swordsman, I change opponents to a maceman charging at me. The mace man lasts about as long as most, about two strikes before being skewered on my spear. Bah, and they hope to oppose us! It would be better for them to hope to live.
But alas, even that minor hope is not to be, and my sword shatters skulls, and my spear pierces them. I am the bane of evil, and arc of destruction, killer of death, destroyed of lives. All in the name of preserving good. Not once when growing up in Thala Forile did I think my life would be like this. I have killed seventeen in my quest for good, and there is no doubt there shall be more. After chasing down the final human, I return to the camp to search for goods.

Ahh, one more, the dead servants of evil lie before me, my quest a success. Now I run back to the fortress, hoping for a real mission. Do they not realize that I am the killer of evil? I thought. Not some mercenary for hire. I will show them one day, I will.       

At the fortress, I receive the quest to strike down a faint shade. Sighing, I accept the quest. Those ignorant fools!
« Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 10:29:06 pm by kytuzian »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Epic of a'Sitari Gold-Ward
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2011, 09:15:07 pm »

NOTE: TWO CHAPTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


14th Moonstone 505

At first dawn my party starts to move out. We are going to the faint shade, and then were told to obtain a mission from a certain Aquos. In about a half-day we reach the shade’s layer.

Inside the creature’s layer, before I had a chance to inspect it the shade introduces itself, naming all its kills. While I am tempted to respond in kind, I hold my tongue, and let loose with my spear.

In the fight that ensues, it is able to land two blows on me. I now see I was foolish to call it weak. This is the mission I was made for! I cannot fail now! I launch a few of my own blows, as do my companions, but they all miss. That is until I swing my sword in an arc of destruction, cutting the fell beast in half!
The beast cave lasts for a while, and I discover all of the victims the shade spoke of. An elf! An elf! A dead elf! Anger boiled up inside me. I hadn’t known that there was an elven victim.  We are the epitome of death, slayers of evil. I think there be only a few more missions before I can move on to the next area of evil.

Today I rest in a new fortress; ready to accept all the missions this area can come up with for me. I shall sleep till dawn in this fortress, and then go accept my new quest and recruits. I meet Aquos, and he beckons me saying “A’Sitari, Shade slayer!”
Then, he assigned me to kill the vile horror. Ha-ha, another true servant of night! This one shall be dead, just as the shade. My band now number 16, and there is doubt anyone can defeat us in battle.

On my way down to the horror’s layer, I notice an eleven retreat. That will be my next stop after I kill the vile horror. This one too has killed an elf. This beast shall be in excruciating pain before I let it die. It shall feel pain, and slowly bleed to death. See how it likes it!

But no, I fear this could be my end. Both of my hands are defeat, so I move to kicking the monster. It ends up retreating after some hard blows from my companions, and I get the confidence to rest, and my hand is healed. With my equipment back in my hands, I go back to the Horror. I do not find it, and scoured the hills for it. Fearing I have just unleashed that Horror onto the lands, I turn back to think out a plan. As the cave grows closer, I noticed a distinctly non-human corpse. It is it!

Sighing, I conclude it must’ve bled to death while I slept. 


Now I journey away to the fortress for yet another beast to slay.
The rearguard cries out “Ambush” as we go past a certain forest. Inside the forest comes a shout “Shlofogojrarbus brifisarus.” This is a recognizably kobold phrase, and kobolds are never friendly. While none are seen out in the clear, it is sure they are lurking in the snow laden forest around my part.

My archer catches sight of one and loses an arrow into the creature’s chest. Over to my right, my swordsmen find another to practice upon. In the distance northward, another kobold is making its way towards us. The swordsmen go to work with their swords, slicing the kobolds. However, I disapprove of their targets, as most of them are attacking the enemies’ toes.

Already, the kobolds’ bodies littered the ground, as did the numerous spilling of blood. I leave the group for a short while to chase a bowman. I slash him, and then spot a swordsmen coming around my rear, hoping for a surprise attack. I skirt away from the danger, and the bow kobold bleeds to death. Right after they are all defeated, I decide to make camp, and heal the wounded.

During our rest, about 17 kobolds come back to ambush us again, and we take major damage. Although many of us are sliced by kobold blades, we end up coming about and soon kill a small number of the kobolds. Though vexing as they were very agile and could dodge many a blow. I kill a kobold with a quick stab, then move on to help a swordsman that is being attacked by 4 kobolds. My sword and spear spin in a flurry of blows around me as we defeat the kobolds.

With both my sword and spear stuck in a target, it is downed and I take the opportunity to bash its head in with my shield, killing it. Another kobold lay on the ground next to me, this one’s head I take off. The battle rages on with many severing and light wounds. Some of them come from the kobold forces, but most are from my own. I find an opportunistic blow to a kobold’s lower body, and slash it open with my sword.

Despite my best efforts, one of my swordsmen is being cut apart by three kobolds. My sword is lodged in the spine of a kobold, and I continue with my spear. My spear also sticks in the wound, so I pull my sword out. I slice an artery and my sword once more sticks in the wound.  One of my swordsmen bleeds to death, and another is being surrounded by the buggers. One of them runs away and I spear the other through the head.

Another one of my soldiers bleeds to death. We suffer other minor wounds from their assault, but mostly are winning, and about half of their number dead. Another kobold was struck down in our conquest, while a group of them appears to be lurking in the background, waiting for the right time to strike. Another kobold falls to my relentless assault and is cut in half with a swift blow from my sword.
My sword the slices through nervous tissue and the kobold literally loses his senses. The kobold is quickly finished after that, and I move on. The visible remaining number of kobolds is only seven. A few more blows find their way to my companions, but most are deflected by armour, the rest being minor. A kobold is knocked down by a quickly blow to its lower body, and I slash it open. I smite its head and the body collapses limp to the ground.

I move on to my next enemy, and the situation is now under control. Most all of the kobolds are defeated now, and we now travel to the fortress for a safe rest. As we walk, I feel uneasy, and refuse to relinquish my weapons. Only now do I notice that the sun is almost completely down, and that the battle must’ve taken nearly all day.

The first thing I do inside the fortress is sleep off all the days battles.

19 MoonStone 505

I wake up and then immediately fall back asleep. My companions manage to wake me inside the hour however, and I continue on with my journey.

Now I take stock of my possessions which are as following :

Rope Reed Fiber Clothing

3 Block of Ice

5 Servings of Lungfish

A decorated Spiny Dogfish leather bag

2 Copper Meat Cleavers

A Large Sardonyx

A Valuable Large Punk Tourmaline

11 Gold Coins

8 Silver Coins

55 Copper Coins

2 Copper Carving Knifes

A Blue Shark Leather Bag

A Saguaro Rib Shield

A Large Copper Dagger

A Large Bandfire Opal

A Pine Crutch

A Large Jelly Opal

A Copper Boning Knife

A Bronze Bow

A Mango Wood Spear

A Donkey Leather Quiver

30 Bronze Arrows

A Willow Helm   

A Muskox Leather BackPack

My next stop will be to a town to sell off my things for a more efficient bundle of coins. Now, during my quest I have slain Twenty-Seven EvilDoers. My Companions number 11 and I must gather more, and then go find a man/lady by the name of SellRose.

With the news reported I move on to a new fortress, as this one has run out of recruits.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Epic of a'Sitari Gold-Ward
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2011, 03:34:55 pm »

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DO NOT READ UNTIL YOU HAVE READ THE ENTIRE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

At the retreat everybody seems to be dead, and no bodies are there, so I move on to search the vicinity, and a another goblin army is present, but this one seems to be severely depleted. After nearly a day more of battles, I move on to the old fortress I used to be at. The law-giver there asks me to slay a hydra. A might hydra. One that has likely been around longer than I. I gladly accept and move to gather support for the upcoming battle.

I look around and see that none of my companions are with me. How peculiar. With my companions number restored, we rest, the move on the hydra layer. The layer is nearly two days, away, and my navigator tells me it is behind mountains, and will take even longer. The first day’s hike complete and uneventful we sleep till daybreak.

By Avafi he was right! It is already the second day, and we now need to travel around mountains. This might even turn into a weeklong trek. Though this is bad, what I awake to is a very unwelcome surprise. A huge goblin force has ambushed us, and I fear this time it may be my last day.

We are being torn apart by the goblins, and there is not much I can do. While I try to kill some of the goblins, these are very fast, and as such are difficult to hit. As the battle rages on, it appears we are on the losing side, and that they are far more difficult to kill than I anticipated. Even with a strong spear to the head, they are not dead, though heavily bleeding. As we are being defeated, the goblin commander finally shows his ugly face, and declares us his property.

I will not stand for this transgression, and so begin my attack doubly as a hard. Soon, I am surrounded by 14 un-harmed well armoured an well-train goblins. I manage to kill one and block at least 50 blows to myself. But now, I am dead. An unnamed goblins swordsmen had slash me through my head, and through all of my protection. Now I now the emptiness of death. The sadness of being extinguished.

I AM ALIVE again, brought back to a living tree. A towering redwood in the very center of the Thala Forile.
The High Priestess now resides within me, and it is by her power that my tale has been written. Only after much persuasion have I presented this information, because I can still feel that arm wound, those beating the maces of the goblins hit, and slice to my head. But, now you have been told.

“Veni, vidi, victus”

“I came, I saw, I was conquered.”

-Kytuzian(adapted from Gauis Julius Caesar)