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Author Topic: Graspedhate - Tale of a troll wool industry (Community goblin fortress)  (Read 1465 times)

Baron Baconeer

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Azduk had been fighting for his whole life. A dwarf there, an elf there, maybe a goblin here. It was pointless to him, and most of all extremely dull. Most goblins spoke of the art of war, but for him there was none. He yearned for a way to express himself, to show the world what the depths of his soul truly held. Alas, the khagan had decided to make him his war chieftain, and here he was, yet again, stalking yet another caravan with his men. Pointless, pointless, pointless.

The chieftain approached his makeshift camp on the edge of the forest. About a dozen goblins were idling around, eating, gambling and boasting with each other. The group's beak dogs were resting and playfully nibbling at each other. Azduk kicked one of the men sitting on the ground. "Alright you elves, listen up! There's a human caravan approaching that needs a quick butcherswork, so get your weapons and mount up. Now." The goblins lazily stood up and armed themselves, eagerly awaiting for the coming bloodshed.

The caravan wasn't as big as Azduk had thought. Only two wagons, one filled with pottery and other with plethora of animals, trundled steadily across the dirty road. There were measly four guards protecting the cargo blissfully ignorant of the squad lurking in the shadows of the nearby trees. The goblins patiently waited until the caravan was just before their position. Azduk looked at the others, raised his spear, and charged at the hapless men.

The battle was over in mere seconds. The spear-armed mounted warriors killed two of the guards before they even managed to raise their shields, and the two other alongside most of the merchants were cut down when they tried to turn tail and flee. The men were cheerisly mutilating the corpses of the fallen and breaking the pottery in many imaginative ways, while Azduk approached the animal wagon. There were three creatures in one of the cages of the kind he had never seen before. They were quite typical quadrupeds, but cowered in white fluffy fur. When Azduk approached the animals, he noticed one of the merchants hiding amidst the animals. The man was so white from fear that it would've been hard to see if he would be alive if he wouldn't be shaking in panic.

Azduk grabbed the man from his neck and asked: "What are these silly creatures? Some new vanity pet for one of your so-called kings?" The man hastily answered: "T-they're sheep, m-m'lord. W-we ma-make all manner of clothes and s-similar items f-from their wool." "And you can only get it from these... Sheep?" "N-no, you can t-technically harvest it from a-any animal with suitable fur." The man gulped loudly, tears in his eyes. Azduk chuckled and was about to snap the man's neck, but then an idea occurred to him:

Trolls have fur.

Could this be the brand new way of self-expression he had always been looking for? Would his life finally have purpose? Clothing, made from real trolls? Azduk looked at the man. "You are going tell me everything about this wool. That's why you are going to live."


Thus begins the story of Azduk, the goblin and his dream of becoming the greatest troll wool artist ever. But he can't build a fortress alone, so were going to need people dorfed. (Gobbed? I don't know.) So, please state a goblin of your liking (Name, preferred skills, personality) so we can get this story going.

I am using a self-modded goblin civilization for this community fort. (It really just adds playability and few nobility ranks.) I'll get the map of the place up when I have seven goblins.

Goblins so far:
1.Azduk, a troll wool mogul
2.Derm, a bloody merry axegoblin
3.Mo'dakka, a goblin who thinks sharpshooting means shooting people with sharp stuff.
4.Cringy, goblin who finds inner peace in colouring stuff.
5.Riza, friendly neighbourhood bloodletter.
6.Keltiknight, master of elf annoyance.
7.Korp, he who knows the ancient art of adding as much spikes as possible to every single item.

« Last Edit: March 04, 2011, 01:54:19 am by Baron Baconeer »
Yes, mother ****ing walruses stormed in through my well room, fatally gored my expedition leader, and danced off into the frosty tundra to sing happy walrus songs about oysters.


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What is a goblin fortress?

Baron Baconeer

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What is a goblin fortress?

A dwarf fortress with goblins instead of dwarves. So, higher mortality rate and eating of kobold thieves will ensue.
Yes, mother ****ing walruses stormed in through my well room, fatally gored my expedition leader, and danced off into the frosty tundra to sing happy walrus songs about oysters.


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Name, Derm
Preferred skills AxeGoblin
Personality Very... enthusiastic. Even by goblin standards.
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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I have to get in on this.

Gob me as Mo'Dakka, goblin "architect," "mechanic," ballistician and suicidally overconfident lasher.

S/he shall build The Great Wall of Dakka. Might even hit something with it.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2011, 07:23:06 am by plisskin »
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Well, if you're going to be a wool mogul, you're going to need to dye the wool.

I nominate Cringy as the pacifistic goblin grower/miller/herbalist/dyer.


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Goblins are carnivores, so they don't eat plants. Then I'll be the butcher/tanner. Female, named Riza. She wishes to butcher any manner of animal. If you find a female who has a fondness of totems or a specific animal product only produced by butchering, get her.
A quick scan of the stocks menu shows that one of the dead pack animals has a bin full of silk cloth!  It is speedily unforbidden, and my moody glassmaker sprints off to retrieve his prize amongst the smoking, charred, blood-soaked ruin that is the outdoors, totally oblivious to the carnage that was instigated on his behalf.


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I would like to be Gobbed, if possible, I would like either a Woodcutter gob with some axe skill, or a carpenter, if ya cannot get any of 'em, Anything is great. Oh, and his/her personality would be just...bloodthirsty, especially to elves, and has an obsession with chopping trees, elves, and anything that he does not like, sorry, ugh, kinda tired.
First things first.  You're all soulless husks of what might have once been decent human beings, drafted into a sort of moral apartheid from your better natures in the pursuit of things made out of cute animals.  I love it.-Corvidae


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I want to be gobbed! You guys need someone to run the forges- do goblins have forges?

If they do, name me Korp, armorsmith, weaponsmith, wood burner, smelter. I'm particularly fond of bacon.


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Ooh! Ooh! Have you modded in the ability to forge lashes out of metal chains and menacing spikes or somesuch? 'Cuz if so I'm changing from crossbow to lash.

How else can you get goblins to do anything useful?
Legendary Wrestler
Legendary Ambusher

Left Eye

Baron Baconeer

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Re: Graspedhate - Tale of a troll wool industry (Community goblin fortress)
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2011, 01:55:59 am »

Alright, we have all the required goblins to start now. (That was fast  :o) I'll do the few last minute adjustments (slaves and chain lashes - yey!) And we can get the story going.
Yes, mother ****ing walruses stormed in through my well room, fatally gored my expedition leader, and danced off into the frosty tundra to sing happy walrus songs about oysters.

Baron Baconeer

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Re: Graspedhate - Tale of a troll wool industry (Community goblin fortress)
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2011, 02:45:17 am »

"So, this is your ideal marketplace?" grunted Derm, and continued: "Far away from everything, including battle and bloodshed? You intend to live cliffside like some dwarf and actually fit all these trolls with us?" Azduk looked at the troll horde behind him. With all his lifetime savings, he had acquired some equipment and measly one hundred and ten trolls. Hardly anything, but hey, start's a start. "Quit your whining, like the jealous humans and dwarves wouldn't attack us soon anyway. You'll get to swing your axe soon enough." noted Korp. "Besides, the mountain is full of other riches. Gold and iron. We'll be special." Azduk peered at the face of the cliff. "Riza, Kelt, get mining. We need a shelter before nightfall. And somebody shut those trolls up."

Few days later, Riza and Kelt were digging a staircase, when suddenly they noticed light in coming between the stones. Peering inside, Riza noticed a whole cave system, filled with phosporous fungus. Then something almost hit her - a blowdart.

Cringy ran to Azduk, who was currently sparring with  Derm. "There's a tribe of amphibian men in those caves. Do we leave them in peace, or...?"  Azduk pondered for a moment. "Maybe we could... Introduce them to our trolls. Open the cave!"
« Last Edit: March 04, 2011, 03:10:51 am by Baron Baconeer »
Yes, mother ****ing walruses stormed in through my well room, fatally gored my expedition leader, and danced off into the frosty tundra to sing happy walrus songs about oysters.

Baron Baconeer

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Re: Graspedhate - Tale of a troll wool industry (Community goblin fortress)
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2011, 03:36:45 am »

"So, what are you going to do tonight?" asked gdub from his fellow amphibian man gdib. "Nothing. Going to eat some mushrooms and feel so very high for the rest of the day." "Cool, cool." Suddenly, the two heard a thump. Followed by another. And another. "Must be those pesky overlanders again, I thought we drove them away already. Bah." About fifty metres away of them a wall crumbled down. "Dude, we should totally check that out." "I hear you, bro." But before either of them could do anything, a troll ran out of the hole. Then a second troll came. And  a dozen more. And more and more, followed by two goblins yelling curses.  "OH CRA-"

The mess was horrible. Not only was the cave already filled with all manner of slime, but now the walls were cheerisly coloured with troll and amphibian man blood. Azduk was pretty sure that this was the closest art war could make.
Yes, mother ****ing walruses stormed in through my well room, fatally gored my expedition leader, and danced off into the frosty tundra to sing happy walrus songs about oysters.


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Re: Graspedhate - Tale of a troll wool industry (Community goblin fortress)
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2011, 11:51:02 am »

Yay, Im a miner! (As we all know, it always seems miners are the first legendaries, or is it just me....) Man, I laughed all the way with the cavern bit.  :)
First things first.  You're all soulless husks of what might have once been decent human beings, drafted into a sort of moral apartheid from your better natures in the pursuit of things made out of cute animals.  I love it.-Corvidae


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Re: Graspedhate - Tale of a troll wool industry (Community goblin fortress)
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2011, 03:56:27 pm »

Requesting a goblin, named Spanner, doctor if able. Personality-wise he/she's smewhat crazed, sarcistic in their more lucid moments and prone to experimenting on patients. Considers themself a pioneer in medical science.
Also, any chance of you posting the mod you're using?
« Last Edit: March 04, 2011, 04:03:27 pm by Mekboy »
Quote from: CatalystParadox
Aw, Mekboy! A song for meeeee?
You're so sweet.  Why don't you just come in here so I can give you a hug.
... bring my pants.
Quote from: Urist Imiknorris
You seem to be under the illusion that we give a shit about what happens to dwarves who are too dumb to live.