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Author Topic: Additional levels of enemy attacks  (Read 656 times)


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Additional levels of enemy attacks
« on: February 21, 2011, 09:17:09 pm »

Currently we have:

Kidnapping party
Thief party

Some additional levels within and past the current levels would add to the difficulty and provide variety.  Some potential ones I thought of:
- Assassination parties - similar to kidnappers/thieves, but instead are focused on killing any dwarf or a specific dwarf (are they really an enemy if they nab a noble?!)
- Raiding party -> larger group of thieves hellbent on stealing some specific items.  I imagine seeing 6 kobold thieves be revealed suddenly in my gem room, and scattering like cockroaches trying to escape
- Scout party.  Similar to kidnappers/thieves, but slowly circle the fort, working their way inwards, scouting out traps, defense layout, army size, etc.  If they were used in connection with the "Assault" and "Siege" attacks, it would be wise for dwarves to keep scouts roaming the land to prevent them from learning too much.
-Modify "siege" attacks to literally be a siege, sitting on the outskirts of your fort preventing any trade/tree felling/etc.  They would not directly attack the fort, but would rally if assaulted.
 -- Add in "Assault" which is a larger force bent on outright destroying your fortress.  Perhaps they can have better tactics, could include the planned digging forces, etc.  I think having them utilize the scouts listed earlier to see traps would greatly increase the difficulty, you could not rely on just cage traps

Max White

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Re: Additional levels of enemy attacks
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2011, 09:33:09 pm »

Ooh, this looks fun! Let's contribute.
Assassination partys: Well this sounds cool! I would love these.
Raiding party: Well kobalds have a habit of comming several at a time, so we sort of already have this, but still.
Scout party: Sort of like the goblin ambushes? I know a human diplomat who sees traps will make those traps useless against humans, so maybe a goblin ambush that sees traps should also remove the function of those traps.
Seige: We can do this already, just by adding a single tag to the goblin entity, however, this will remove...
Assults: Well we already have these, don't we? If we add the seiger tag not so much.

Other ideas.
Rustlers: Now that we need to graze cattle, some races could attempt to steal our animals away. Like baby snatchers but for animals.
Grave robbers: Because some nobles require certain tombs, a dead noble without propper tomb should be likely to rise as a ghost and make life hard. A grave robber should go after corpses and items in tombs. This would be likely to bring ghosts.
"Elven horse": Once you annoy a trade race enough, instead of going straight to war with you, they send a trade caravan full of hidden troops and weapons. When they reach your trade depo, BAM! They attack!
Sabbotarge: They sneek into your fort, and start pulling levers, locking doors and all sorts of destructive things. At first you might get only one, but later larger groups show up.

War diplomacy: If two trade civs are at war, such as humans and elfs, they might send a diplomat give mandates such as 'Do trade with the other race' or 'Kill the other race on sight' and failing to comply would make the go to war with you.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Additional levels of enemy attacks
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2011, 09:49:42 pm »

Seige: We can do this already, just by adding a single tag to the goblin entity, however, this will remove...
Assults: Well we already have these, don't we? If we add the seiger tag not so much.

Let me be more clear: 

Sieges: I was proposing making sieges focus a bit less on actually attacking.  They would not attempt to enter the fort or even get near it, would simply try to "Starve you" by preventing trade and lumberjacking and etc for as long as possible.  Current sieges act half like this and half as an assault.

Assault:The assault I proposed would be even larger than a siege and would be more focused on destroying you.  I was thinking something like a very sudden assault, not the lingering siegers seem to do on the occasion.

Raiding:  The current thieves seem to trickle in, yes there may be 4 or 5 coming but not in coordination.  I was thinking 5 or so sticking together and attempting to steal, though 5 people grouped is less stealthy.  Maybe they do not retreat as quickly as single thieves?

Scout:  the current ambushes seem to try to catch single dwarves or the caravan off guard.  I was thinking the scout could be more focused on stealthily finding traps/defenses, not revealing themselves if possible.

I love the idea of your Elven horse!

IT 000

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Re: Additional levels of enemy attacks
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2011, 11:23:55 pm »

- Scout party.  Similar to kidnappers/thieves, but slowly circle the fort, working their way inwards, scouting out traps, defense layout, army size, etc.  If they were used in connection with the "Assault" and "Siege" attacks, it would be wise for dwarves to keep scouts roaming the land to prevent them from learning too much.

Don't really see the point, The only traps I keep outside are cage traps for the local wildlife, so what if the goblins know about those? Just less g's to hog my animal stockpile. If they get close enough to the fortress they'll probably get torn apart by whatever traps I have on my front porch or be foiled by the ol' locked door tactic, assuming they would get in, two words... war rhino...

To clarify I do like this idea, if it ever had a use, but without a reason to be worried about them why have them?

-- Add in "Assault" which is a larger force bent on outright destroying your fortress.  Perhaps they can have better tactics, could include the planned digging forces, etc.  I think having them utilize the scouts listed earlier to see traps would greatly increase the difficulty, you could not rely on just cage traps

Digging is planned, AI improvements are also planned. Such as if the siege turns right and they get chewed up by chainsaws they will go left next time.

I do like where this is going though and here are my ideas.

Stealing resources - Along with the hustlers there should be groups of gabbos that will come on your map, cut down trees, rip up plants and seeds in farms, mess up workshops so they can't be worked at, or nab your wildlife and pets. If discovered they will attack. They may walk on and off the map four or five times. While this really wouldn't hurt a self sustaining underground bunker fort. It would hurt you if you are doing an above ground castle or your in the middle of a golden plated pyramid. Desert environments where trees are rare would be effected the most by the cutting and plant gatherings.

Quick Raiding - Building on top of your raiding idea, I think a group of perfectly visible, unannounced mounted goblins showing up on your map and making a mad dash towards any dwarf would be extremely fun. When confronted with any military force twice as large as them they will flee.

Caravan Raiders - While most ambushes will make a straight line towards your fortress, this group of medium armored goblins will head towards the caravan as quickly as possible.

Wait Raiders - These raiders will wait outside, not taking a step into anything marked inside, they will target any dwarf/tamed animal that is outside the fortress. More educated and trickier then the regular goblin ambushes.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Additional levels of enemy attacks
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2011, 12:15:20 am »

This is a cool idea.
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