Not every tile in the game would necessarily have to be constantly checked for passing dwarves. Couldn't it just check different places at different intervals, and decide which traffic designation to give based on how many dwarves are nearby on average when the game checks for that location? But I do see the problem. Still, I think Toady could find a way to make this work.
It doesn't have to check, no - the original ant trail theories are all based upon an at-stepping update, although you need to have a timestamp on those tiles, as well, so that you know how much time there has been to average those tiles over (so that you don't compare a piece of tile that has been in your fort's front yard forever to a newly-carved but still high-traffic hallway as you expanded your fort without reflecting the time spent).
Even this is going to take at least two new units of data on every single map tile.
Worse, for this to really make sense in dynamic forts (where I might wall off an old entrance entirely, and set up new traffic patterns I want respected), you will need to way for the game to eventually forget old data, and that means timestamping every single step, which gets horribly complex.
Again, it's not that it isn't doable, but the thing is, you might as well spend the effort it would take to do this to just go to the effort of making a system that's wholly better than A* and make a significant improvement on pathfinding times instead of the marginal one that you would get from trying to make ant trails work with A* would do.
Jump point search isn't that hard, and it makes for significant improvements in rectangular areas that most players make quite often. (It simply searches for large rectangular rooms, and assumes symmetry through them, consolidating searches through rooms into very quick searches instead of having to pathfind through every tile to find the ones that are fastest.)
Again, the ideal solution is some sort of modular Hierarchical pathfinding system, where paths for long-distance travel is stored and updated modularly, so that there is as little overhead in changes to the map causing connectivity updates as possible, since that allows you to simply cut pathfinding entirely down to local searches to the nearest "hierarchical highway".
The main problem with pathfinding is that in a long-range pathfind, as much as 79% of the fortress is searched in a single pathfind... and fortresses contain potentially millions of tiles to search. Even weighting A* heavily does nothing if you are pathfinding far enough away that a 25-point weight will be overcome after 25 tiles of searching, even with weight 1 tiles.
But hey, we've beaten this horse well past death in
this thread already. Oh, and here's one specifically on
jump point search.