That example doesn't apply to this situation at all.
Yes. yes it does.
You're trying to apply how you *feel* it should work rather than what actally happens.
It's a similar problem to parallel programming.
Only instead of CPU's you have a load of vaguely predictable human beings each with their own drama, off days, problems and issues.
If done exceptionally carefully with a project which was designed from the start to be developed that way then it can be done.
But it's hard. that's why so many big software projects fail utterly.
nailing it on to a partly done project is a death sentence.
It isn't even a case of bringing people up to speed.
each node you add increases the communication overhead no matter how good they are.
1 node: no communications overhead.
2 nodes: 1 path.
3 nodes: 3 paths.
4 nodes: 6 paths.
5 nodes: 10 paths.
6 nodes: 15 paths.
nodes increase liniarly, paths do not.
The guy writing the pathing code has to talk to the guy writing the code for handling animal movement or else when they put their 2 pieces of code together it just doesn't work.
They have to communicate: even if it's only in the form of insanely detailed requirements documents.
You get more bugs with 2 coders because the 2 might have subtly different ideas about how some data should be handled.
Some stuff can be split off into an entirely seperate thread with little or no communication with the main thread as long as the project has been designed as such: for example the RAWs which has been designed so that modders can do their thing without ever speaking a word to toady.
but then that's already being handled by the modders.