So I don't like having to bother with the military, so I build a lot of traps and walls. Now for my entrance from the wilderness to my courtyard, I built a single wide path of traps, alternating cage and weapon traps with walls to either side.
: = Wall C = cage W = Weapon Trap
There are 6 of each trap type, making my entrance 12 steps long, plus an iron door on either end. I just got ambushed by Goblin Pikemen and Lashers who walked right into my fort's courtyard. 3 got captured in cages, the other 3 cages didn't catch anything and the weapon traps only killed 1 attacker. (All the traps were loaded and had been for some time.)
Reading the Wiki I see part of my problem was using mostly glass weapons, I think only 1 had iron components... For Weapon traps I usually use 6 weapons, 3 discs and 3 giant axe blades. I also have a small room where I have a cage surrounded by weapon traps which kill caged animals/attackers and the weapons seem to work as soon as they are stepped on.
So my questions:
1 - Should weapon traps use all 10 slots?
1b -Does the material the traps are made out of matter? (other than glass that is)
2 - Is my design flawed somehow? I've read a lot that people lay traps with drops to either side.. I must try that.
3 - Are weapon traps the most effective? I don't like stone traps because the need to be reloaded, and I haven't tried spear/spike traps.