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Author Topic: Finehelm-Community Fortress(Its stuck in my head like a bad song.)  (Read 6645 times)


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Re: Finehelm -Community Fortress(POST SOMETHING Please)
« Reply #60 on: November 16, 2010, 06:08:07 pm »

Fil stood at the edge of the fighting ring. His fists were balled and his tongue ran along the unfamiliar leather mouthpiece that was in- of all places- his mouth. His Blue-Black eyes were boring into his enemy( Who returned the glare openly at Fil. Fil had challenged him at the Fighter’s Bar for the hand of Stitchjaw’s daughter Leza) .
   The incredibly tall -at least for a dwarf-and beefy Fighter. His fist’s where balled as he insulted the Punk’s mother. The bell ringed once and Stitchjaw quickly put the leather mouthpiece with golden studs in and quickly dropped into a fighter’s stance. He noticed Fil subconsciously copy him and grinned.
   Fil glanced at Leza, the beautiful female dwarf who had won his heart over a pint or two of rum.
    Damn I hope she still likes me after this.

The clang of metal on metal started the fight, much to the cheering of the spectators.

Fil stepped forward and right off the bat ducked a blow by Stitch that would have sent him flying. Fil finished up by smashing his fist into old Stitch’s  abdomen. Fil then dodged an elbow that would have shattered a Elf’s skull. Fil then delivered an uppercut that stunned Stitchjaw, allowing Fil to scramble around Stitch’s back, who quickly turned around.
   Fil tackled Stitch and attempted to bring him down. Fil was caught and thrown to the ground and then Stitch broke his nose with a casual punch. Fil didn’t even grimace as he quickly pulled himself up and punched Stitch in the ear, whilst receiving a blow to his gut, Fil was flung towards one end of the ring while Stitch froze in abrupt pain as his eardrum blew.
   “Good punch old man.” Fil slurred nasally after he was done retching.
   “Same to you, Punk.” Stitch said calmly even though it was bit loud.
   Fil stood and then received a blow to the left-on the face- cheek, as Stitch darted forward.
Fil’s heart was pumping adrenaline to every muscle and every vein in his body, all the adrenaline that was in his body would have killed an adult Bull Elephant.
   His fist curled up into the familiar ball that had gotten him through his brawls in the bars and the occasional street riot. Maybe he shouldn’t have done it, but he was beyond all self control as he gave Stitchjaw a left hook.
   Stitch’s jaw broke in thirteen places, two of which where the places where the bone connected to the skull. So in short, Stitchjaw should probably just change his name to Stitch, because of the simple fact that his jaw flew off and landed in the hand of some lucky kid.
   Stitch stood there blinking stupidly before falling over. Two medical dwarves ran up and put him on a stretcher an quickly took him to the hospital.
   Fil’s body relaxed and then tensed as he noticed Leza shoot him an angry look and run after her father. He stood there for a moment when the referee lifted his arm and handed him a large belt which also covered his stomach.
   Fil stood numbly then stepped off the stage, people who won on bets patted him on his back while people who lost- of which there were considerably more- booed good-naturedly.
   Fil tried to walk back to his house when a dwarf in white stopped him, Fil raised his fist to ward him off.
   “Hey! I’m not trying to fight you or anything! I need to set your nose.” yelped the Med Dwarf, as he reached towards Fil’s nose and set his nose.
   “There, not that bad really, I’ve seen worst happen when Stitchjaw punched somebody in the nose. Congratulations on the win by the way, you got me five fire opals. Five!” the Med Dwarf said appraising Fil. The Med Dwarf then smiled and walked away patting Fil on the back as he did so.
   “I’m going to go back to my bed now and stare at the ceiling with my eyes closed now.” Fil said aloud to no one as he staggered back to his house and fell asleep. Soon  he was woken by a knocking on his door.
   “I’m NOT SIGNING AUTOGRAPHS.” Fil yelled out sleepily. Then the knocking grew more persistent and Fil stumbled over and unlocked the door.
   “Filluisenon, you are under arrest for murder.” a guard stood on his doorstep nervously squeaked out under Fil’s glare.
   “Murder of whom!?”
   “Stitchjaw Losecannon and his daughter Leza Losecannon.”
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: Finehelm -Community Fortress(POST SOMETHING Please)
« Reply #61 on: November 27, 2010, 01:56:03 am »

Fil- a dwarf with a shady past. Leader of Finehelm. Discharged from the military for getting in a fight with a commanding officer and getting his squad killed.
Flint- a young military dwarf. Idolizes Fil for his fighting finesse.
Labs- a legless dwarf on opium
Nobbins (wood cutter)
Lorbam Leguepaged (farmer)
Overlord- a overeager idiot. Hates Fil.
Khameo- a pyromaniac with a resentment of authority. Hates Thob so he sorta likes Fil (Enemy of my enemy thing.)
Dermonsta Basementmoral-military. Wants revenge on the demon fish. Military leader
Thob Strongarm-snobby noble who becomes mayor.
Mestthos Mansionshower-military
Olin Tradedpass-military
Julius- A military dwarf
Scubina- Mother of blond dwarf child.
Phil- a bartend
« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 10:37:25 pm by filiusenox »
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: Finehelm-Community Fortress(Now excepting new Dwarves.)
« Reply #62 on: January 17, 2011, 11:21:34 pm »

Labs stirred himself from his blissful sleep he sat for a while, grinning as he felt nothing, then he remembered the Voice’s command.
He pulled himself up from the wooden bed which creaked due to lack of movement for the last two years of its life and pulled himself to the bone stockpile where he grabbed several large animal bones then he went to the metal stockpile and grabbed the Fine Pewter bars that were stocked up.
   He strapped these to his back and went to the nearest smelter.
He used some clay to form a rough mould, melted the Pewter and  poured half of it into the mould then he put the bones on top of  the half melted metal and then poured the rest on top of it.
   He then used some rough leather from his shirt and strapped these artificial legs on and stood for the first time in two years.
   Fil worked fruitlessly drawing and redrawing the temple that pierced the battle scarred landscape of his mind. Finally after twenty or so fruitless drawings he got it perfect and quickly began to plan out how much  metal, glass, and bloodstones he would need.
   Fil sighed and examined the image that was drawn onto the piece of dog leather with charcoal. It was the best drawing he had made in his lifetime, and it would be the biggest impact on his life.
   Suddenly a Dwarf walked into his area and poked him roughly in the back, breaking his staring contest with the drawing.
   “Hey Fil? When are you going to work on my bar?! I expect it done in a week or you won’t get the damn emerald.”
   “I’ll come back at a more opportune time then!” Phil yelped as he quickly backpedaled out of the house pass Flint, who stood and stared at the strange dwarf that was walking backwards.
   “Weirdo.” He muttered under his breath as he stepped into Fil’s makeshift office.
“Hey, Fil? Dermonsta wanted me to come in and ask you to mine out a new barracks. Oh and Khameo decided to get into a fistfight with someone. I can’t really recall who…probably Overlord. What a pretentious name am I right? Fil? Why are you looking at me like that? Boss?… I think I’ll go get something to eat. See you.”
   Flint strode out of the office occasionally looking back toward the obviously fey dwarf that was known as Fil.
((Still can’t get it out of my head…))
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."
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