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Author Topic: Polar night [Chapter 1; Scene 2]  (Read 3628 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Untitled [Chapter 1; Scene 2]
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2011, 08:48:15 pm »


Heh, the three segments just rose so perfectly to a climax it felt like a shame to separate them. Even with the ***s
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  • Bay Watcher
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    • ufowitch
Chapter 1; Scene 2b
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2011, 11:59:15 pm »

the eigen gran hills separated the mountainous northern span of the great osser forest and the nifenhas bay lowlying and sandy. the ilnwing road would take them south through the hills before swinging back up north once it reached the ayismir coast. north to nifen. but they wouldnt make it out of the hills before noon.

there werent may villages on the lowlying coast, the dirt was too loose and silty for any real farming, and everything was salinated. but in the eigen gran there were plenty. they passed nearby one every couple hours as they traveled. this was goat country. the small farms that accompanied every house produced only enough to support the family. only the largest, best situated villages had a communal farm but almost all of them had a communal herd. none however received any pity from the bandits.

it did not rain and as noon approached the clouds dispersed allowing the suns warmth through. but the sun was small in the sky and could not do much against the embedded cold. what a terrible time to arrive in nifen, arede thought, just before the onset of winter. but it was better to arrive for winter than not to arrive at all. besides, arede would need until spring to get his affairs in order. he wouldnt be traveling the coast once the snow started, that much was at least sure.

it was some time after noon when they came across the village split by the road. arede looked to the caravan master, who nodded, then said "we have come to inl iyrat, we are nearly out of the hills. so we will rest for two and one third hours and then be at nifen before nightfall." the wagons halted and the merchants prepared to do business with the villagers who had already begun to crowd around taking aredes announcement as directed at them as well. they had two and one third hours to trade with what would likely be the last caravan before winter.

arede and ainswif exchanged glances as thrane took the cover off the wagon, then ainswif proceeded forward to conduct his business. arede took his meaning and slipped between the wagons to his left. there was a steep incline, down a hill towards the village proper. arede turned around. he could see two of the men were going off to hunt. velgas, and one other who had already traveled too far down the road for arede to tell who. they were fools for thinking they could catch something in a couple hours, but arede didint think anyone had seen him so he slid down the hill holding his feet in such a position as to keep him perpendicular to the level ground he was leaving. and as he went down he held on to the hilt of his sword.

there was a row of stone houses in front of him along a roughly beaten footpath. further past was a large field, but it had already been harvested and laid bare. arede imagined he could hear their herd further down the road, down another hill even steeper, so steep the road had to wind down it. but for now he approached the houses before him.

he ran his hand along the stone of one as he passed between two of them, and then went up a short step to the path. further down the path, towards the field, was a bakers fire dug into a pit under a ceramic oven. the fire was still smoldering but arede knew that such fires would burn for a long time. so he thought the baker had perhaps heard the wagons and ran off towards the road. that seemed most likely but still.

arede approached one of the doors. it had a large slab of wood propped in the doorway and a cloth draped over the other side. arede leaned close to the frame. he heard nothing, as hed expected. he took a step back from the door frame and looked around. there were nine houses made of stone and clay mortar. they were planted along the footpath that surrounded and intersected the fields. the same path lead up the slope back to the ilnwing road. the cottages were modest and arede didnt see much to distinguish them other than quality of construction. he took another step towards the path and then heard something. the laughter of children. he turned back towards the road and there was a group of them walking down the path. maybe six or seven of various ages. he smiled relief and made his way back to ainswif to report that there were no bandits.

velgas and the other came back empty handed. it was eik who had been so eager to run off ahead, unannounced. they didnt get back until a third of an hour before the caravan was set to get moving again. as they rode up ainswif glanced meaningfully at arede. and arede understood his meaning. only fools would go hunting on such a short schedule. they had gone to do something else. arede met them at the rear wagons before they rode up. they dismounted and started to walk by as if nothing were wrong, when arede put his hand on velgas chest.

"where were you?"

velgas smiled halftoothed. "we were out trying to catch some hare. no luck." and he again moved to pass by. so this time arede punched him hard in the jaw, for which he was unprepared. then arede grabbed him by the jacket and pushed him to the ground with his left hand while simultaneously drawing his sword with his right and pointing it at eik before he could draw his own.

"if you move ill kill you." he said staring at the now unsteady eik, who in response took a step backwards. but arede thrust the sword towards him in warning and he stopped. then he turned to velgas who was still on the ground on his back. "and if you move ill kill him and then ill kill you."

velgas laughed in surrender.

"where were you?"

he was still smiling, but as he spoke his smile began to take on a sadistic tone. "we went to one of the nearby villages to have some fun. we knew youd stop us if we tried it here."

arede wasnt sure whether or not to kill them both right then and there when the dann, who had been driving one of the merchants wagons all day, ran up from behind.

eik, who had grown comfortable under the threat of the blade said, "you stay out of this scalphunter."

at that arede lowered his sword and jumped toward eik. arede leaned forward as he stopped while eik bent backwards in reaction. but not fast enough because arede twisted his torso and then snapped back, jamming his raised right elbow into eiks head. eik collapsed and arede began walking back over to velgas his sword pointed forward.

"kill them." the dann commanded. but instead arede sheathed his sword.

arede looked down at velgas. "both of you, take your horses. though they are your own horses take them as payment because i am letting you keep them. take them and leave because when i see you again you will die."

arede turned around and started walking back to ainswif. he regretted immediately letting the villains run away but he knew that murder was a bad business, especially vengeful murder. one that he wanted no part in. if he could walk away without killing anyone then he would try to. plus he didnt like the idea of having his actions decided by the dann.

when hed reached the front of the caravan he reported to ainswif. "it seems eik and velgas had to leave prematurely. but they agreed they have forfeited their payment by breach of contract."

"very good captain." ainswif said and put his hand on aredes shoulder. you could barely tell but ainswif had to be at least twice aredes age. he didnt look it. his hair was only beginning to go grey and his face only wrinkled in his smile and his brow. otherwise his features were dark and thin, like his mustache.

arede ventured to say "do you think perhaps we should leave early. in light of recent events?"

ainswif smiled wryly, leaned in close, and said "i think recent events have yet to expire, captain." and then he leaned back and shut his eyes. and arede knew that he would say no more on the matter.

in fact arede knew what he meant. he meant the dann. and he also knew he was too late. "im a fool!" he thought and turned around. there were two merchants behind him conversing, obscuring his view. he pushed them out of the way and hurried to the back. he was only in time to see instrom go down. velgas removing his blade from the unarmed danns gut. eik was already on his horse and down the path, but velgas was nowhere near his, standing on the side of the road grass up to his ankles, with his bloody knife brandished. it was clear the dann had given him a struggle, his greasy red cap had been torn from his head and his hair had been disheveled. his nose appeared to be broken and blood was running from his nostrils into his mouth and down his chin.

velgas didnt wait for arede to react and immediately began rushing at him with his knife poised with intent.

arede let him come in and did not draw his blade. instead he waited for velgas to come up and then stepped forward. then, as velgas stabbed, now arcing towards aredes back, he lifted his arm and slammed velgas arm into his hipbone with his elbow. then he twisted his elbow into velgas forearm until velgas dropped the knife. velgas made to strike with his free hand but instead arede headbutted him in his already broken noise and he yelped in pain.

arede released him and as velgas fell to the ground arede picked up the dropped knife. a hunting knife, well taken care of. velgas landed on his ass and had no time to react before arede was upon him. when the twos eyes met velgas did not see a man, but a beast. that was his last sight, because then arede slit his throat, deep through the windpipe, blood surged out immediately covering aredes left hand, which supported the blade. and velgas had blacked out before his head hit the ground.

the dann however had not been so lucky. he lay on the ground, conscious, but convulsing from the pain. even if he could have communicated all he would have done was scream. and arede too leaned over him and slit his throat, mercifully. and then arede stood there, with a man dead in the middle of the road and a man dead in the grass, and blood dripped from his hands and down the knife. a crowd of villagers merchants and guards had gathered. the only one who didnt seem to be there were ainswif and thrane.

arede said simply, "help me bury them."
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  • Bay Watcher
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    • ufowitch
Chapter 1; Scene 2c
« Reply #17 on: February 27, 2011, 06:48:12 pm »

it took nearly two hours to dig the two graves and then bury the corpses but arede would not just leave the mess behind for the villagers to deal with. when they were done he could barely keep his eyes open, but he refused to waste another coca leaf as he only had two left. arede walked back towards the front of the wagon and let ainswif know it was finally finished and to get the caravan moving again. his body sagged and that threw off his balance. if he could just find something to lean against. he sauntered back and forth unable to walk a straight line because he was unable to keep his eyes open for more than two or three seconds at a time. finally, he made it to ainswifs wagon.

ainswif was sitting now in the drivers seat. not as if intent to go somewhere, precisely the opposite. he was lounging in the seat. as well as one could lounge on a flat wooden board. arede propped himself up by resting his arm on a wagon wheel, then leaned forward so his head drooped loose and sweat dripped down his shaggy black hair. he was shirtless even though the evening chill was just about to come on to what was already a cold day. he was pale and lean, but muscular, and was breathing in a drawn out pant, still winded from digging those graves. it looked as if he might at any minute die. still, he had caught his breath long enough to speak. slowly though, his body was depleted of oxygen.

"all has been taken care of."

the caravan master looked down at arede who was on the verge of collapse and smiled, having not noticed him before. "good. i hope everyone is prepared to leave. because we are."

thrane looked up at his master and then instantly started to ascend to the drivers seat. ainswif had stood and clapped his hands together and everyone had focused on him. normally it would have been aredes job to announce their departure but he was obviously in no shape for any such thing.

ainswif said, "we are leaving immediately. if you are not ready then you will just have to catch up." and with that he sat down on the left side of the drivers seat, closest to arede, and then said to him, "there is one matter—"

arede preempted him. "i will drive mileas wagon in place of instrom." ainswif smiled and clapped his hands as if that was what he had intended all along.

"very good then, captain." then to thrane, "shall we go?"

arede hung back as ainswifs wagon lurched forward and rolled to lead the caravan. mileas wagon was near the back, and he started walking towards it. but it felt as if the line was extending around him as each wagon pulled forward in succession.

arede had barely enough awareness to be sure the line was not in fact extending, that he was not dreaming, but his taxed consciousness was slipping from him. milea, who was standing just before him, seemed to his eyes a hood of pastel green covering a face of darkness. but he knew her face as a thing of beauty, and so did not believe his vision.

"im to drive your wagon in place of the dann." he said to her unable to read her expression for concern at having someone so fatigued in charge of her goods. she did not say anything so he climbed up the wagon and let the oxen do the work.

they were a pair of massive, rubicund black aurochs, powerful and slow but able to survive days of freezing rain. and they were well trained. they began pulling shortly after the two wagons in front of them had begun. it was almost disgusting the providence of it. the dann had died so that arede could take a nap.

"one i wouldnt have needed if i hadnt had to have buried your ass." he mumbled to himself. already starting to fall asleep. and he did fall asleep. for all of five minutes before the road reached the incline and the wagon jerked to a stop. even the best trained oxen couldnt navigate themselves down such a steep winding path. it was slow going, and for arede every second of it was almost physically painful. so monotonous yet so deliberate. he could not afford to shut his eyes for a moment yet there was nothing he needed to look at. but once they were out of the hill and into the bay are he knew he was in the clear. even as the road swung back north it was gradual. the oxen would follow the wagons in front of them and the ones behind, and arede knew he wouldnt be able to sleep soundly. he closed his eyes in confidence.

for the first half hour or so he kept waking up every few minutes and made sure that the oxen were on course. but shortly after that he fell into a deep sleep as the road straightened. and he did not open his eyes for two hours or more, until the sun had already sunk unto the horizon, the sea, and the sky was of purple and fading orange.

he woke up because he heard a yell, then the sound of something heavy hitting the ground. his eyes focused immediately and he jerked up reaching for his sword. but it was too late, he noticed that on his right, creeping up the side of the road, were two bandits in leather over thickly padded cotton shirts. they were carrying crossbows. the short one realized that arede had seen them and pointed and they both fired their crossbows from only about five meters away.

they both hit at that range and arede was struck in the right chest and thigh by bolts. they sunk in deep and he could feel them latching onto his muscles with their hooks. he had just managed to get his sword free of its scabbard but now dropped it to the ground between the two yoked oxen, still trotting along. he then himself fell off the left side of the wagon into the road. his head cracked against the ground and he was knocked unconscious.

he came to and the first thing he noticed was that it was raining and he was covered in mud. he twisted to go prone but felt a sharp pain in his chest. he looked around, it was dark now and he couldnt see any movement, just bodies. slowly he straighted so as to look towards the back of the caravan, past his feet. milea was squirming around in the mud reaching out for someone, her arm covered in her own blood. her other arm was pressed against her stomach, which had been pierced. she didnt see arede. she didnt see anything. she just jerked back and forth in agony. he turned to look towards the front of the caravan. he didnt see anything but he heard struggling coming from that direction off to the right side of the road. where he couldnt see.

there was nothing he could do about that, but a moment later he heard another sound from just beside him. it was a bandit, the short one who had shot him, he popped up from the back of mileas now uncovered wagon, which he had apparently been rifling through. he jumped down to the ground only a couple meters away from aredes feet. by the way he stared ahead arede could tell he had heard the struggle too. arede thought for the knife, velgas knife that he now had in his boot. before he could start to reach for it he realized the sheath was empty, the knife was already in his hand.

the bandit approached warily. he no longer hand his crossbow, which arede gathered meant he had left it on the back of the wagon. instead he was carrying a short sword. he did not notice arede and as he passed arede drove the knife into his leg just above the ankle.

the bandit yelled , kicked his wounded leg, and then stomped on aredes hand. he looked down at the beaten man and grinned, poising his sword. but ainswif appeared in the middle of the road carrying one of the bandits crossbows. and he fired a bolt right into the bandits back.

the bandit tensed and fell to a knee. arede took the opportunity to pull out the knife and stab him again, this time higher, in the calf. the bandit screamed the scream of a soul who had given up and dropped his sword. ainswif appeared from behind and suddenly the screaming stopped. arede noticed the tip of the blade peeking through the bandits chest. ainswif had stabbed him through the spine. the bandit dropped to the ground dead and arede again blacked out.
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