I couldn't find a general thread for general ranged combat improvement suggestion, probably because the search function hates me, so I thought of making a thread for general suggestion to improved ranged combat in both fortress and adventurer mode, so here goes:
1-At the moment, NPC bow/crossbowmen in fortress and adventurer mode are able to shoot at a much larger range then the player adventurer can. Many times I have been shot from way beyond my field of vision, as if they have scoped crossbows or something. I suggest that the adventurer should be able to do this as well. The player's field of vision needs to be much larger to counter that, but in order to avoid huge lag, you would only be able to see that far when either aiming with a ranged weapon or using the [l]ook command, which would dramaticaly increase your field of vision and range while you're doing it, thus allowing you to actualy snipe at enemies from afar like they do to you. This would give ranged weapons an advantage over throwing, that would only be possible at the normal range.
2-Aimed shots should be allowed for ranged weapons aswell, albeit much more skill dependant and harder to pull off then with a melee weapon in close combat. You should also only be able to aim at generic parts, such as head, upper/lower body, arms, legs, etc, unless you're really, really skilled.
3-Reload times should be applied to adventurer mode aswell, no more shooting every turn. Of course, they should be different for bows and crossbows, and not take stupidly long. Just enough to stop ranged attacks from being spammed every turn. Throwing weapons should still be possible every turn, though.
4-If we are to have battles between armies in DF, ranged combatants should be able to do an "arched shot", in which they aim upwards and shoot, making the projectile fly in an arch and start to fall, towards the enemy. This would allow for super long range shots, but also much less accurate. You'd be lucky if your arrow/bolt even hit the square you were aiming at. The travel time should also be taken into account.
Obviously aimed attacks should not be possible when using this method, which would only be useful during larger battles.
These suggestions would allow for some differentiation between ranged weapons and the throwing skill, like so:
Bows: Faster then the crossbow, slower then throwing. Allows "long ranged" shots. Innately less accurate then the crossbow, and takes more skill to be used effectively.
Crossbows: Considerably slower then bows. Allows "long ranged" shots. More accurate then the bow, and takes less skill to be used effectively.
Throwing: Faster then the bow, much faster then the crossbow. Does not allow "long ranged" shots. Accuracy largely depends on skill, and it takes alot of it to be used effectively.