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Author Topic: Journey of Jawanvil  (Read 1547 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Journey of Jawanvil
« on: January 27, 2011, 12:31:12 pm »

Notes: I write this story from the perspective of the expedition leader, trying to include their nuances into the telling. I write each section based on the seasons. Thus the section on summer is written at the end of summer as soon as autosave kicks in. It changes once in a while, but just bear with me.

the place was abandoned , but I'll start it back up again. Hopefully the next time the popcap actually kicks in.

***Jawanvil Spring 275
Leader: Etur Quakerelease

We found a nice brook with a fair amount of trees and easy soil to mine. I worried that the others would cause mutiny if they don't settle soon. We're nowhere near an amazing location, but it will work. I just hope they're happy with the place.

By vote, we settled on the name Jawanvil. I like the way it fits in with the name the king chose for us - The labor of Armor, of the kingdom of the Armors of gilding.

As a first order of business, I ordered one of the hills carved out and a pond drained onto the soil. The farm is slow in coming, and I'm afraid the others are impatient. There is only so much I can do though.

I also ordered the hills sides carved into steep cliffs on level high. While this won't stop intruders, I think it will make it easier to defend than otherwise.

I also just nominated Zuglar for the post of militia commander. We'll craft him a wooden armor stand soon. I'm not sure he's the smartest of the batch, but he seems to like security more than I do, and he seems to prefer security and to strive for excellence. I think he'll do fine.
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No! No! I will not massacre my children. Instead, I'll make them corpulent on crappy mass-produced quarry bush biscuits and questionably grown mushroom alcohol, and then send them into the military when they turn 12...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Journey of Jawanvil
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2011, 12:33:25 pm »

***Jawanvil Summer 275
Leader: Etur Quakerelease

When I requested the king to stop any migrants from coming, apparently his record keeper wrote down limit:10. We've just had 4 more dwarves come:
Ustuth, soap maker
Mestthos, Engraver
Adil, Woodworker
Urist, Peasant

I'll interview them soon to determine their real qualifications. In the meantime they're being used for manual labor. I hope they don't judge me too poorly for this. The dwarves deserve better than I can provide. I still don't know why they chose me as leader, I feel so inadequate – they deserve better than me.

I think that our head carpenter, Mustem Dumolon, would like the types of wood separated. I've thus designated separate stockpiles for each kind of wood. Zuglar has received his chestnut armor stand and has started training. He has plans for a 'proper' group too, naming himself a part of the inky watches. I've thus started to call him Inky.

After interviewing the migrants, I've found that one is a better woodworker than Mistem. Adil is now our head carpenter. Mistem has said he admires tradition, so I offered him a position in the militia. We've taken to calling him a 'watch', for the inky watches. Now everyone in this militia group will be called a watch. I think it's quite funny. I just hope word never reaches the kingdom of this group – I'd be so embarrassed. Anyways, they're currently training with copper axes, and I've ordered a wooden one for the woodcutters.

Ezum, our farmer and woodcutter, has taken to brewing everything she can. She says something about us having more seeds this way. I'm taking her word for it. Mestthos the engraver also happens to be an adequate butcher, so we can always kill some of the cats in a pinch.

Aside from what I listed previously, we're also carving out an entrance, the architecture decided between myself and Inky. One level below is an area to hold crafts. Two levels below have struck orthoclase and garnierite.

I'm slightly worried about the coming winter, if it might freeze and make us without enough water to survive. I've thus also ordered an underground tunnel constructed to hold water in case of emergency.

Near the end of the summer we were attacked by buzzards. Inky told me of this, but we to my knowledge nothing was stolen and they proved only a miner annoyance. We also ran into a kobold thief, which got away before we could kill it. Though it may take a while, I've ordered a wall started made of orthoclase. Ironic, though, I'm the only person here trained in masonry. This should keep me busy.

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No! No! I will not massacre my children. Instead, I'll make them corpulent on crappy mass-produced quarry bush biscuits and questionably grown mushroom alcohol, and then send them into the military when they turn 12...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Journey of Jawanvil
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2011, 12:34:44 pm »

***Jawanvil Autumn 275

I'm not sure what the kingdom has written down about us. Perhaps they left before word got around, but we accepted several more migrants this season:
Sakzul, weaponsmith
Onul, woodcutter
Logem, clerk
Kivish, gem cutter
Uzol, weaver
onul, Architect

They said hello, I turned them to the stockpiles. If the king sends many more, I'm not going to be happy. That puts us up to 17 people, and it will be a while before I can even bother to learn their personalities.

Ustuth, the soap maker (ha), has shown some great creativity. I've built him a trade depot and crafting station out of orthoclase, and asked him to use any gabbro we have to make something out of stone to sell. She said mugs were the preferred choice for money/stone ratio, in the lack of cinnabar and tin. I'll trust her. But I was unfortunately too late. Ustuth was only able to start working after the outpost liaison arrived. She made a few mugs very quickly and we traded them for some food. Adil sold them skillfully, so she is now our permanent broker. She didn't seem very pleased, but I appreciate her hard work and skill.

Mestthos the engraver has taken to helping me. He professed no skill (or showed any) before, I have thanked him for speeding up the creation of the wall. It is now mostly finished, and will be done before spring arrives. The group has taken to calling him Stony.

We did have small herds of goats rummaging through as well as herds of horses. Next year perhaps we'll trap a few.

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No! No! I will not massacre my children. Instead, I'll make them corpulent on crappy mass-produced quarry bush biscuits and questionably grown mushroom alcohol, and then send them into the military when they turn 12...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Journey of Jawanvil
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2011, 12:35:58 pm »

***Jawanvil winter 275
The wall is finished, and we have carved out an alternate, safer entrance for future caravans. I plan to build a draw bridge for the entrance soon, as well as make a flood trap within the tunnel just in case. I thank Inky for the idea.

We have struck olivine, a glassy-green rock of poor-quality peridot. It is pretty, but not particularly useful. Among this there was also yellow diamond and more garnierite, which I don't know what to do with. Perhaps I will star a road of olivine. I have also made a door out of it, as it looked better than orthoclase of all materials.

Otherwise this was an uneventful, yet busy time. Plenty of plans for the future, few amazing accomplishments as of yet. I feel foolish for preparing for a well as we had no winter. However, I'll build one soon anyways – because what is a fort without a well? I'm also tiring of sleeping without a room and in being caught in the rain.

***Spring 276
Damn it all! We got more migrants:
Ast, Trapper
Asmel, Milker
Dodok, Fish Cleaner
Doren, Animal Trainer
Erush, Gem Setter
Fath, Blacksmith
Id, Armorer
Logem, Clothier
Lor, Fisherdwarf
Shem, child
Sigun, Gem cutter
Nish, Bowyer
Meng, Wood Burner
Meng, Dyer
Ral, Blacksmith
Udib, Hunter
Unib, Peasant
Urdim, Woodworker
Urvad, Fish  Cleaner
Uvash, Lye maker
Zan, Peasant
Zefon, Thresher

I now officially have to worry about making a dormatory instead of a series of rooms.

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No! No! I will not massacre my children. Instead, I'll make them corpulent on crappy mass-produced quarry bush biscuits and questionably grown mushroom alcohol, and then send them into the military when they turn 12...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Journey of Jawanvil
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2011, 12:36:18 pm »

** Summer 276**
Leader: Meng Helmednets

I sit here behind a locked door in Jawanvil, to finish the summer report with the chaos beyond. I don't have much hope of survival, though I do hope that Miskak, the goddess of silence, protects these words from the goblins, that the report my still reach friendly ears.

Osram Silverjewels, the deity of wealth, has blessed this for. The last report said that Jawanvil was worth something around 170,000, most of which was in the amazing architecture. Our architect, onul 'Oliver' clearingcaves , has truly shown his skills with the limited stone we had. Orthoclase walls defined the fort, walls and road made of olivine and garnierite.

Unib Daggertells has been possessed, taking over the mechanic shop. He's oblivious the chaos beyond the door, and keeps muttering something about a mechanism

** Autumn 276 **
The ambushers left after a quick slaughter – we're down to 20 people.

Ezum Thrownknife has gone mad as well – and she isn't drinking anything. She lost her lover, Mistem, who was in the Oily Watches and died in the ambush.

** Late Autumn 276 **
Meng Helmednets
the fortifications we planned to protect against further ambushes paid off – this ambush did not result in  the slaughter of our people from crosswbows from above. However, they did slaughter an entire caravan. We no longer have the dwarvish expertise necessary  to continue this fort. I have no doubt that The Armors of Guilding will send a new outpost, and I hope to be part of it. They will, perhaps, be better able to defend the fort, and perhaps become the true lion that Jawanvil should become.

I have talked to the outpost liaison (who is not too pleased at having his traveling companions slaughtered), and he agrees with my assessment. After our lone miner finishes carving the moat to prevent overhead ambushes, we will be off. I hope to convince the king that I should choose the members and lead the next expedition.
No! No! I will not massacre my children. Instead, I'll make them corpulent on crappy mass-produced quarry bush biscuits and questionably grown mushroom alcohol, and then send them into the military when they turn 12...