Mostly I currently use burrows to prioritise digging (allocate one of my two diggers to a burrow spanning the currently priority excavation, to guarantee at least some work is put into digging the much-needed watertank/whatever), rather than at a workshop (or workshop and stockpile) level, but I always try to make a single-tile food-only stockpile and a single-tile booze-only stockpile within that burrow.
Although I know I should probably just have a 'satellite cafeteria' in a burrow of its own that I can also allocate as an extra burrow (and if I ever do multi-burrows for a single dwarf, I also include a transitional burrow, although I'm sure that's not necessary) which means that I don't have to mess about creating and destroying a temporary food'n'booze-store for each and every new workface burrow I create, at least in the same rough area. A slightly larger satellite area (or have a 'restock' dwarf given burrow restrictions to keep a current satellite area speed-restocked from the main store) could also deal with any engravers or builders that are similarly enburrowed after the digging has finished, as well as serving the next priority-dig zone.
So, with a material-specific workshop (perhaps more important than with a digging zone, as that gets finished and the dwarf released, wheareas workshops can be perpetual) coinsider food. Could also be done with a door-bolting method, but needs more micromanagement
I've set up a "hall of masons" before now. A whole row of masonic workshops along a corridor. 5x5 rooms with centrally placed masonry workshop (usually each made of a block of a different stone) and the 16 surrounding space as rock/block storage (dedicated to the very same rock/block type). But I've usually just stacked the olivine workshop heavily with block-making jobs to guarantee the number of olivine blocks I want to use in CurrentProject(TM) whenever that's necessary, and when there's no particular job on spammed block-making across the whole set and then let them shuffle the blocks around (indeed, build an stock-define a new workshop area if a new material has been enblocked....) so I haven't really tried any lock-in methods for a long time (40D era, on a particular megaproject). But one of them with an integrated cafeteria space and appropriately defined burrows would be one way to go.