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Author Topic: Lost Diaries from Leaguemirror (NSF kids)  (Read 827 times)

Gorjo MacGrymm

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Lost Diaries from Leaguemirror (NSF kids)
« on: August 16, 2010, 07:01:40 pm »

*This is my first attempt at a story for my forts.  I have been writting for awhile, but this quickly ballooned on me and the writing style I took classes to learn quickly found its way back to my own personal flavor of narrative, whch I love but my professors hated.  Hope you enjoy. (i hope to paste screen shots later).


Diary of Ustuth Dorenbim, Expedition Leader to Leaguemirror:

Arrival, 1st of granite, spring of the year of Armok 1051.
Well, after years of preparation and countless bribes to certain officials I shall leave nameless, I have finally embarked with six of my fellow intrepid country-dwarves at Leaguemirror.  I have in the past surveyed the sight and found it to be most accommodating.  Gently rolling hills, plenty of vegetation and wildlife and most important, an active volcanic shaft where we might begin construction of the Tools of Armok.  The Guild of Far Yearning, or GFY for short, has promised me the best of their available members for the journey and founding of my new colony.  I have arrived with joy in my heart and a shout in my lungs!  I think my soulful roar caused on avalanche!  We witnessed a mighty collapse of a cliff near the volcanic rim as it toppled within.  A great belch of steam and vapors greeted us.  Good auspices indeed!  Praise Armok!

2nd of Granite:  I am not so impressed with the quality of labor I have hired.  I think those guys at GFY have pulled a fast one on me.  I shall remember to take this up with the Liason when he arrives!  If they think they can cheat me just cuz I am a woman, they are sadly mistaken.  I wanna kick the lot of them right in the stones!
On a side note:  There are some strange beasts roaming around I have never seen the like of.  One of the more brilliant minds ( not bad looking bod either -harhar! ) accompanying me says they are called “Jaah-Gwarz”.  What a stupid name! HAR!

5th of Granite:  Well, these cats are becoming quite the nuisance.  Probably out of sheer frustration with having such a stupid name.  They chased Loren Febbakust (watching him run made my loins itch, if ya knowhatimean), my fellow Axeman and Tree Cutter, for hours this morning, only giving up when it started raining.  I hate the rain too.  Not natural for water to fall from the sky, should come from the earth like all good things, blessed by Armok, God of Blood.
On a side note:  I suppose its a coincidence the Loren is the one who told me the names of the cats.....

24th of Granite:  Work continues on getting the base station up and running.  The stockpiles are mostly designated and work has begun on constructing some temporary workshops.  Of course, I expected it to be done much sooner.  These guys are really beginning to annoy me.  Lazy, constantly taking breaks, drinking up all my alcohol.  I found the lot of them out picking berries not half an hour ago.  I am of a mind to make an example of one of them as a sacrifice to Armok at the volcano.  Cerol Mosusdogik (we call him Mo'dog-dick) has come to me and asked to be a miner, saying he loves to dig into the earth.  I have some reservations, since he is a fucking moron, but at least he is willing to work, which is more than I can say for all these other bastards--'cept for maybe Loren.  Yup, an example may be needed.

26th of Granite:  Didn't take long.  Cerul “I dig gud!” Mosusdogik (you may remember him as “Mo'dog-dick” ) has managed to kill himself with a cave-in at the crater of the volcano.  Thanks be unto Armok that at least he didn't drop the digging-pick in – that would've been a tragedy; so I guess its not a complete loss.  The others are accusing me of wrong doing, but I swear I am innocent, I had been planning to give him a little longer before he had his, uhhh, educational “accident”.  Oh well, no bother.  I have decided to give dog-boy to the flames.  Fuck the rest of them.  They should take the hint.

1st of Slate: I have allowed Id Dorenrit to become a miner.  He protested at first, but he finally figured out what-was-what when he saw me dump dog-dick's remains into the magma and send the fool straight to Armok, the quick way.  Id promises to do better.  Funniest thing I have heard in since “Jaah-Gwarz”.

4th Slate:  We have finally finished construction of the small dam on the lake at the edge of the volcanic crater, just in time for it to stop raining................*sigh*  I should'a been a doctor like my brother, but noooooooooooooooooooooo, I just had to found my own empire.  Why me?  I think I am going to go kick Id in his stones, that should make me feel better-HAR!.  At least Lorbam is working out since I moved him to mining from Tree-Cutting.  Probably because he is already used to hard work (he proved it last night! *wink).

1st of Felsite:  Things have been progressing nicely.  Everyone seems to have taken my desires more seriously since the demise of dog-dick.  We have struck a small vein of native aluminum and iron near the north rim of the volcano.  Work has begun on a hut for the whiners.  They may be working harder, but their constant complaints of “we need chairs and we need tables and we need beds” can really get on a gals nerves.  I decided to let them build a small wooden hut for now to at least sleep in.

5th of Felsite:  Urvad Avedkadol, that complete carp-for-brains, numb-nut tool has gone and lost some of our supplies.  I strongly feel that he is actually hoarding it, but after ransacking the camp looking for it I must concede its either lost or he is far more devious and secretive than I give him credit for.  Either way, I have decided to punish him by sending him out into the deep woods to stand guard duty with my old wooden training axe.  A few nights in the great empty should cure him of his apparent stupidity.

6th of Felsite:  Mafol Lunnomal came to me today with me a story about how we are already out of barrels and that she cant brew any more acohol.  Such a travesty cannot go unpunished!  I am so glad she came to me with this.  At least I can count on the one woman in the bunch to take care of business.  I immediately kicked Ducim Noramlikot in right in his stones and ordered him to make some barrels.  He whined and complained (once he could talk again – HAR!) that it's Urvad's job, but then I asked him where Urvad was and if he wanted to join Urvad.  He straightened right up at that, or at least as much as his bruised stones would allow – HAR-HAR!
"You should stop cutting down all these herr trees, or, MAN is my Queen going to be Aaaaa-aang-Re-ee with you guys!" flipping his hand and batting his eyelashes."
"Oh my god guys, wood, is like, totally murder."