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Author Topic: The Cronicles of the Sad whore-house of Despair  (Read 1663 times)


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The Cronicles of the Sad whore-house of Despair
« on: July 28, 2010, 02:55:56 pm »

15th of Opal 1051: the Thane came to me this morning with grave news, it has now been 4 moons since the mortified Bunnies left to settle down on the edge of the Glacier stretching onto the Tundra of Sickness, in the Sad Whore-house of Despair, and even though we send a group of migrants their way to reinforce them, no word has been heard, our thane fears the worst has happened to them, and have asked me to gather a team to investigate

~By the Hand of Likot Ulzestasis of the Curious Cat

20th of Opal 1051: this is not gonna end well, the dwarves I have been given for this mission, many of them barely 60, some has only just past 50, not one of them have fought anything more vicious than a rabbit though Kumil Ibeshfikod does some some talent with the mace, I have decided to rename the expedition the Curious cat of boots, and hope that they will survive long enough, to  indeed earn their place in history as more than a poor bunch of kids frozen on the rim of the world

~By the Hand of Likot Ulzestasis of the Curious Cat of Boots

1st of Granite 1052: Oh what horrors met us when we finally arrived at the Sad Whore-house of Despair, not one dwarf from the mortified Bunnies had survived, though they seemed to have put up a fight, when we arrived all their possitions were scattered and half burried in the snow, it looked like someone had been searching through them, searching for something, but with utter disregard for the items they were handling.
I have seen tracks of muskox here, but the tracks are yet none like what I have encountered before, like if the hooves of the ox was halfway dissolved
I chose not to tell any of the boots about this strange phenomenon, they are already halfdead from the cold, and scared from what they are seeing, I wish not to worry them any further.
We have found what seems to be the entrance to the Whore-house, and over the next few days, we shall examine how far they got, and if there is something we need to eradicate down there before we can continue their work.

~By the hand of Likot Ulzestasis of the Curious Cat of Boots
« Last Edit: July 28, 2010, 03:46:45 pm by Ernoskij »


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The Cronicles of the Sad whore-house of Despair - Chapter 2
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2010, 03:50:22 pm »

24th Granite 1052: a couple of weeks have passed, and things has started to progress, generally the mood has taken a swing up, has we have found out that the Mortified Bunnies brought with them a considerable amount of dwarven Rum.
However Kol Rakustudar has become an object of hatred by most of the expedition, and I had to save him from the claws of Ingiz Esmulcog, our brewer, when he tipped over the mortified bunnies' cart, breaking all the remaining barrels of rum so it spilled all over the snow.

We have now for a week been wading around in rumcovered snow, and I have seen several of the dwarves on their hands and knees eating the snow when they think noone is looking.

Kumil Ibeshfikod had his first meeting with our nemesis, as a couple of skeleton muskox' showed up 2 days ago, no doubt attracted by the spilled rum, I'm pleased to notice that he handled himself very well, quickly disposing of them without getting injured.

I have decided that we are going to build proper tombs for the mortified bunnies, or rather what's left of them, but untill then, we have made a makeshift graveyard on level 4, and we will be placing a makeshift hospital on the other side of the stairwell for Iden Koltulon to practice his art should someone run afoul with the muskox'

I have also happened to find the plans for the excavasion of the living quaters, and seeing how sound they are I have decided to continue the build, it includes a nice roomy dining hall and four sections of rooms that can be expanded downwards as need be.

Finally I have found a logbook, though I haven't figured out who it belongs to yet, I shall be detailing some of the entries in future notices

~By the hand of Likot Ulzestasis of the Curious Cat of Boots

12th Slate 1052: this is Thob Tourrhythm, I have found Likot's Diary on his remains, everything went bad a week ago, a pack of both skeletal and zombie muskox' attacked us, they quickly took down Kumil and Iden, they didn't have a chance Ingiz was caught off guard and Likot was picking up some of the lost goods from the mortified Bunnies, Kol and Ushrir has both gone mad, Kol saw the damn slaughter, and we all feel the sickness the tundra is spreading in our heads, I have hidden in what was to be our houses, trying to keep the insanity at bay by keep swinging my pickaxe, but I fear this shall be the last entry in Kumil's log.

If anyone finds this, heed to my words, do not try to claim what the land has taken, barricade yourself inside, and don't venture out unless you have at least 5 armed dwarfs with you, the muskox' are fierce and fearless, we were no match for them, and worse still, the prickling feeling of insanity coming slowly, forcing it's way into our heads
this is Thob Tourrhythm miner and last survivor of the Curious Cat of Boots, I hope the thane is wise enough to not send another expedition to these cursed lands.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2010, 04:19:45 pm by Ernoskij »


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Re: The Cronicles of the Sad whore-house of Despair
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2010, 08:17:46 pm »

lookin good so far. will be waiting to see how this turns out.


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The Cronicles of the Sad whore-house of Despair - Chapter 3
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2010, 05:54:07 pm »

1st Granite 1053: What a horrible place this is, it the worst possible sense of the word, what I could possibly have done to Thane Dodok Rigothtomus to have deserved being sent here is beyond me.

Maybe I should start from the begining.
My name is Vucar Anedmuthkat, I am born 5th of Malachite in the year 975, and I have been living alone in the pleasant mountains on the edge of the kingdom of the Whips of Iron for the past decade, and I am the sister of the cousin once removed of the thane's wife
I have not spoken with any of them for more than 7 years, and no one has visited me most of the past year.

One day the Thane himself came to my pleasant dwelling and asked me if I would do him, and the kingdom a great favor
He told me that he had got word that this settlement had started to prosper, and would therefor like to get someone up here, to make sure everything goes well, and so it can be setup as a proper trade outpost

I wasn't much for the idea, but what can you do when the Thane personally asks you for a favor
He told me I could pick 6 dwarf to come with me, to reinforce all aspects of the settlement, so here is my team to reinforce the settlement of the Sad Whore-house of Despair

Mistem Sarekrovod is our miner, he is 62, born on the 26th of Slate year 990, he is a bit clumsy, but he has a deep well of patience and a very good focus, so I'm expecting a lot from his skills

Tulon Zontomus is our woodworker, he is 71, born on 3rd Opal year 981, he has very good focus and is almost never sick, but he has a problem with words, so I will have to remember using small words and short sentences to him or he will get confused, but his skills with wood is unmatched

Sarvesh Tathuriton is our stoneworker, he is only 52, born on the 6th of Slate in the year 1000, he has some basic knowledge of designing buildings, and detailing stones in different ways, his main focus though is masonry, in which his skills are unparalleled in the kingdom, he has good creativity, and an amazing spartial sense, making him him even better at his job, however he is quick to tire, so it does go a bit slow on occation

Kogan Muthkatudib is a crafter of sorts, she is 61 years, being born on the 2nd of Slate year 991, she is not particularly skilled at any type of crafting, howevery she can work with any type of material, making her invaluable as we know not which materials we will find here, she is strong and has a good spartial sense, but she has to be frank stupid, so I will have to keep a close eye on what she is doing

Sarvesh Bufutled is 65 years, born on 18th of moonstone in the year 987, he has a way with plants, and I have chosen him because he seems to be able to make anything grow anywhere, and I was told we were going north, though I did not expect it to be this far north, he has a deep well of patience, and an amazing memory, I will need to keep him from going outside, or near the refuse pile though, as he seems to be quite suseptible to decease

The Last person on the team is Dobar Storlutkadol, he is one of my oldest friends, and his medical skills can come to good use here, he is 73, being born on the 22nd of Slate 979, his analytical skills is rather poor, and he is quite clumsy, so I guess I could have found a better doctor to bring, but he is my friend, and he has a sum of patience, and a good memory

So these are the dwarf I got to bring with me, to *strengthen* the outpost, and make it into a center of trade...

Again, I did find it a rather strange request, but I must admit I did not expect the Thane to lie to me, the sad whore-house of despair doesn't need extra people to strengthen it's trade possibility, it needs to be abandonned this instance, and we should never come back, ever.

I found this old log laying on the tundra, a sheer luck I found it, and it seems the mere place turns you insane over time, on top of that there are undead muskox' wandering the tundra, praying on dwarf who wonders outside.

Taking the advise from the log, and seeing what they have created underground, I have desided that when the stocks we bring has been moved inside, noone is to go outside untill we have our defenses set up properly, hopefully this will prevent untimely deaths of anyone, though I am not very hopeful

I wonder what I could possibly have done the Thane, being send here to this god forsaken Tundra

My group has desided to call themselves the Hermit of Growth, but upon reaching the place, I have decided to change it, to the Barricaded Hermit of Growth

~Vucar Anedmuthkat