1. Most fantasy dwarfs seem almost religious about their weapons. My dwarves seem to pick up clothes and maybe armor automatically, why not weapons too? Picking up the odd leftover military weapon would make them less squishy when something goes horribly wrong.
2. Hybrid weapons? Treecutters have an advantage there, since their tool is also a weapon, but why not axepicks, hammerpicks, or other things that exist in real life and makes scene for dwarves to possess. They could have some negative combat bonuses (act as an axe half the time and a pick half the time?) compared to 'pure' axes, or cost a bit more...
3. Somewhat less simple, but make-your-own caravan? Go out with goods you load on them, come back with more money but randomized traderish stuff. It'd be a way to make more money (especially if traders are scarce for some reason), but require a large front-end investment and a fair variety of things (traders, guardwarves, pack animals, plus the stuff). Maybe even give them "goals" to come back with, less money but you could specify they'd try to trade for; food, or wood, or metal, or whatever. Still, the whole business would be an event like the trading now, and just some abstract number crunching and waiting on the game side, so not as hard to do as making a whole new system.
4. Animal armor? Animal weapons might not make sense, but at least you could strap some steel plates to them to make them a bit less squishy. In b4 war dogs equipped with dog-leather flank protectors.
5. Rock hammers make sense to me; would be an easy way to get a basic early militia, but kinda sucky because hammers suck and rock hammers probably suck more than metal hammers. Maybe rock plate too? Obviously not very good, but better than nothing before you get your metal industry going. The main problem I have with DF is how quick you go from helpless to well-equipped.
1: I agree with Tim. So long as they're not hauling around half the armory with them, I hugely approve of this idea. By workdwarves are too tender.
2: Ehhhh, maybe, but I can't say I think it has a real practical value.
3: Sounds likea superb idea, but I also think that's already part of Toady's trading/whatever arc.
4: I agree wholeheartedly. Love the potential for Fun with this.
5: No armor, I'd say, but the inability to make stone weapons is something that has bugged me for a while. Maybe you could make wooden armor; at least it'd be something to protect your hide.