Compulsary voting is wrong, it only leads to dictatorships and shizz.
Australia? Nice place (give or take the usual winging I hear from that side of the planet, just like the background level I hear from everywhere else I have e-friends in, as well as the local stuff) and of course a bit of colonial baggage/disenfranchisement that we could argue about whether it has been/is being/will be sufficiently corrected/recompensed-for) that if it weren't for the fact I'm too much a homebody and not that good with heat and would have to leave places and people I love, could well feature high on my (small) list of "places I'd emigrate to".
What might encourage me to vote more than I do[1] is a Re-Open Nominations or None Of The Above option (distinct from non-voting or spoil-voting, which never really tug at any specific strings.
Then non-voting would mean one thing ("don't ask me, I'm apathetic"), RON-voting would mean another ("I am disaffected with the process"), spoiled votes another (possibly "I'm an idiot", although there may be other reasons), or whatever. I've even heard of an idea for a blank box to write a non-listed choice against, to put anybody they like down on the list and making it possible that a sufficiently motivated electorate could get together to suggest (and even sort-of-elect) an otherwise unlisted Martin Bell-type character (or Mickey Mouse), although I could see that going haywire under the right(/wrong) circumstances...
[1] Except that, in the parliamentary infrastructure, I'm in a stronghold where I actually
quite like/i] the incumbent, so it's feasible that I would have had to decide if I was going to make a protest vote against a person I have no problems with to make a minor stand against a party that I only have a few problems with, and similar dilemmas.