Lately, I've not had a lot of time to really focus on DF. It does also make for a very good background game, though, given that you can check every 20-30 minutes and see whats going on. This obviously isn't going to result in a fort that the OCD micro-manager players (and we're all that to some extent, given the nature of DF) wouldn't be too happy with. Lots of idlers, a bit of a food issue, etc.
Anyways, I still wanted to have my fort get somewhere despite my lack of direct attention on it. Standard 4x4 embark location: Side of a mountain, with a bit of the forest available for trees. My chosen goal was fairly direct: A stripmine, to tear the mountain into it's individual component pieces. And the land below it. Yesterday, I hit the first milestone: The mountain's peak is now even with the forest floor beside it.
That's the inner-most corner of the mountain, 15 layers below it's original peak. What you can't see is the soil and trees a few screens away, at the same Z-level as the rest of the terrain. You also can't see the mud-blob forgotton beast, locked in eternal combat with 4 dogs and a trained giant eagle.
I don't intend on stopping the fort here, though current issues, brought on by lack of dedicated attention or otherwise, may require a reclaim squad.
-The unkillable forgotten beast, as mentioned before. It's eternally fighting about 20 feet from the main staircase down, which is keeping half my fortress from doing anything but going 'I'm hungry, gonna head back downstairs and AHHHH MUDBEAST! AHHHHH! AHhhhhey, you know, I'm still hungry' eternally despite the 100pt. restriction cost I applied to going anywhere near the main steps and the far easier fact that there's a big hole with ramps not 40 steps the other way.
-Apparently somehow the 240+ dwarves living here managed to eat all of my food. Alcohol isn't in short supply, but I can hardly butcher kittens fast enough to keep the fort fed.
-My woodcutters don't seem to want to actually cut trees right now. Lazy arses. Trees are now getting in the way of clearing out more levels.
-All of the detritus left from robbing the elves blind time after time is building up, plus vermin, and the idlers have decided apparently not to dump anything the elves brought anymore for some reason.
-I'm going to have to put a little more care into plans at this point, as I don't want to collapse anything on my existing underground developments, or lose the couple of ponds I have on the forest floor.
Some stats:
-240 dwarves at population peak, 161 now. No royalty at all, just a mayor.
-200,000 stone and 4200 gems dug out of the mountain.
-2,000 barrels holding ~12,000 drinks and ~2,000 food units.
-680 remains that won't go away. Rot already, you dead shells.