Bay12 Champions vs. Von Richten's Preserves: 3-1 Victory to Bay12 Champions
This was a grudge match, Bay12 Champions having not only lost the game but a player to Von Richten's Preserves.
The only way to fight undead is with a chainsaw, so Helmut was hired. Temporary Coaches were hired. This proved fortuitious, as we'd later tie an Excellent Coaching challenge.
Bay12 Champions lost the coin flip, and recieved
Helmut successfully stunned one of the Wearwolves, then got spotted fouling. We argued the call. It wasn't very persuasive, but at least our coach wasn't banned from the game over it.
First Von Richten's Preserves scored a goal, then AlStar salvaged the drive for a Touchdown!
In the second half, Bay12 Champions dived through a hole in the lines and Great Order scored.
Von Richten's Preserves looked to equalize.
Bay12 Champions employed the rarely-used strategem of Restraint, and avoided engaging immediately with the entire team, sending Vector to harass but otherwise trading space for time.
Von Richten's Preserves got half their team tangled up with the skirmishers and forward defense, and a couple Blitzers popped the ball from Von Richten's Preserves. In order to buy even more time, a Thrower picked up the ball and chucked it in Vector's direction on the other side of Von Richten's Preserves. Amazingly, Vector caught it!
Vector ran, and Vector's experience in avoiding The Establishment paid off with a Third Touchdown!
We passed into the Semi-Finals!
delphonso did not. The Grass is Greener among the Living.
We're scheduled against Da Zonz, a mighty Amazon team that rarely loses, and we've never beaten. However, we've been buying up Tackle all season. Will it be enough?
Oh, and Roden was Seriously Injured. We didn't bother calling the Apothecary over an injured hobbit, so they'll be cheering on the team from the sidelines.