I saw it on opening weekend. I expected it to be utter crap, due to hearing things about it on the net. I was terribly dissapointed. It has a lot in common with Spiderman 3, and that's not a good thing. I got the distinct impression that marvel and the studio are trying to cram in as much as possible to set up the Avengers film and Iron Man 3. There are sub-plots, characters, and entire scenes that don't advance the plot, add depth to characters, or have any sort of action.
The characters themselves change randomly throughout the film to suit the plot. One minute someone is super nice, the next their a total arsehole for no reason. This happens to more than one character.
The antagonists didn't work for me at all. You have whiplash, who is hardly in the film (completely wasting the excellent casting of mickey rourke), has no real agenda or motive:
"I only want to make you bleed... because your dad fired my dad, oh wait, now I want to kill you!"
and you have the other buisnessman guy who is more comic relief than real enemy.
Whole scenes of the film make absolutely no sense.
When Rhodey steals one of Stark's suits, takes it to the military, who then get Sam Rockewell to come sell them weapons, because the military probobly doesn't have any guns... Then for some reason when Rockwell's character gives his big presentation war machine is there? So the military gave him the iron man armour? Is he trying to pretend he invented it?
Tony Stark hardly even wears the iron man armour. The majority of times he has it on he's doing something thrilling like eating doughnuts, or partying. This is one of the fundamental mistakes of the film I think. People watch Iron Man because having a suit of super armour is cool. They identify with that because they want a suit of iron man armour. The whole draw of the film is seeing iron man kick ass in the armour, flying around like a madman, doing badass things. Not eating his lunch, or sitting at a table.
The most disappointing part is that the film is incredibly boring. Long drawn out scenes where nothing happens plauge the film. There are about 2 and a half action scenes in the film, and they seemed to be alot shorter than the ones in the first film. Even in the action scenes, nothing comes close to the level of excitement of Iron Man 1. In the first scene of the film Iron Man stands before a crowd, in full iron man armour, and someone shouts "blow something up!" Iron Man replies "I don't have too, I allready did" and takes off the armour. This seems to be how the film makers felt too. If you've seen the trailer you've seen all the action. Literally, it's
ALL in the trailer.
So yeah, I'm not a fan of Iron Man 2.