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Author Topic: Godhood III Play Thread  (Read 38719 times)


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #480 on: January 02, 2011, 11:58:04 am »

Who has messed with my children they leave to soon i feel they are unprepared for the outside world. I feel another god had his hand in this and if ever he shows his face here again I will destroy him.

" My children you are free to leave if you wish , but remember this one rule you must stay in contact with this place I shall call our Mountainhome. So , go if you wish to you are free to leave."

What is this pain I feel in my chest. I feel sad yet happy at the same time , but I know they will be ok. The thing is I fear my children have left to soon and this may ignite a war beyond all proportions as people fight for the knowledge me dwarves have and shall have.

As Kain walks into the lair of the Creators he says " All dwarves who leave this place will have a group of seven Golems so get to work " and with these last words and a feeling of great sorrow Kain goes to his chamber.

All I know is this has made me sad and now I must think of what events could happen and how to prevent them ....

Kain Has Passed The Law That None Shall Leave The Mountain Home Without A Group of Seven Golems
« Last Edit: January 12, 2011, 05:46:55 pm by adwarf »


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #481 on: January 03, 2011, 05:48:24 pm »

Kar' Thos awakes from his slumber pondering what had happened during his long sleep. he desires to go on a pilgrimage to all of the towns in the world to seek out knowledge of what has pasted. One by one he heads to the main capitals of all the major races and examines what has shaped the world.

Kar' Thos Goes on a pilgrimage in search of knowledge

« Last Edit: January 03, 2011, 06:02:27 pm by blasts193 »


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #482 on: January 06, 2011, 02:12:43 pm »

Quietly, the Mayura Retti flew through the air, scanning the ground with the keen vision his people possessed. In his feet, he held one of the nets that Kastheen had taught them to make. Ever since then, he had practiced with them, and had grown adept at using them to hunt. While it was occasionally useful for trapping small creatures, he found it very handy for hunting larger creatures, which before was a difficult and dangerous task. It took many Mayura to chase them in the sky, either pursuing them for a very long time until they dropped, or swarming them and risking injury by horn or bite. But now, with the nets, hunting was much easier.

There was a trill from one of Retti’s hunting partners. Prey had been spotted! He wheeled over in the direction the trill had come from. Ahead, he saw the chase had started already. Below on the ground, a frightened deer was leaping away in a panicked fright. Above in the sky, a group of the grey feathered Mayura were soaring after it. They kept after the deer easily, flying to one side or the other to guide the fleeing animal, guiding it as they wished. They chased the deer to a grove of trees, whos branches and leaves hid a group of mayura in waiting. As the deer approached, they sprung their trap. With a rush of flapping wings, they burst from their cover, and flung their nets toward the deer. At least two found it’s mark, entangling the deer’s horns and hooves, bringing it to the ground. Several of the mayura landed pinning the animal down, while another used a talon to slash at the veins and arteries in it’s neck. The mayura hunters backed off, letting the animal’s death throes finish.

With their prey dead, they began cleaning up the hunt. Some folded up the nets, and cleaned the blood from them. Others, lacking any other tool, began butchering the deer with their talons. They flayed open it’s hide, and cut into the meat with their feet. A little they ate, but most was set aside for the children and elderly and those who remained behind on the sky island. They used another innovation for that. Some clever Mayura hit upon the trick of weaving leaves into small nets to make makeshift bags that could be carried on one‘s back. These were taken off, and loaded up with as much meat and choice organs as could be gotten from the deer, The viscera, torn hide, bones and such were of little use to them, and were simply left upon the ground.

One of the other newer hunters, a female named Miaka, hopped over to Retti as he loaded up his net and leaf bag. “Retti, we’re being watched by something.” She chirped, flicking a wing over to a cluster of nearby shrubs. Looking over, Retti could see a cluster of strange mice people, some bearing black fur but some without fur or feather on their skin. They were the Murr, though neither Retti or Miaka had heard of this term before. Though the Murr were hidden in the leaves, the keen eyes of the Mayura could pick them out.

“Oh, them.” Retti responded. “They’ve been following our hunting parties for some time now. After we take the meat from our kill and leave, the mice people come and take the rest. They’ve always avoided us, and we’ve ignored them.” Retti just shrugged his wings. “I figure they’re welcome to the remains. If we can’t use it, but they can, what’s the harm in them taking it?” Miaka just chirped noncommittally, as she continued watching the mice people. “Anyway, they never come out while we’re watching,” Retti continued. “They don’t like being out in the open.”

“Really? I wonder…” Miaka twittered softly. After a moment, she took a strip of the raw meat from the dead deer, and jumped into the air. Gliding a little bit, she dropped it near the bushes where the Murr were hiding. As she landed back with Retti, she could hear a good deal of the Murr’s chirping language. “They speak like us, but I can’t understand them. Can you?” Miaka asked, glancing to Retti. The other hunter just shook his head. She and the other hunter watched to bushes to see what the Murr would do. Eventually, whatever debate the Murr were having ended, and one of the black furred ones, standing less than half as tall as the Mayura, scurried out upon all fours. It bore a variety of rusted items scavenged from battlefields, decorated with feathers molted from the Mayura and other birds. It darted over to the meat, snatched it up and ran back into hiding. Before it disappeared into the leaves to hide again, it paused and looked back for just a second. It said something in its chirping language along with a twitch of its tail. With that, it ran back into cover.

“I wonder what that meant,” Miaka commented, watching the blackpelt going back into hiding. Retti just shrugged again.

“I don’t know. We may find out later. For now though, there’s chicks to feed, and it’s my turn to be the egg watcher soon.” Retti said. He shouldered his net pack, and flew back for the flying island. Misaki remained a short while, watching the hiding spot of the Murr. After a period of inactivity, she too left for the sky to follow the rest of the hunters. Below, after all the Mayura were gone, the Murr emerged, and began to collect the remains of the butchered deer.

No godly acts, just a brief meeting between the Murr and the Mayura.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 02:25:15 pm by Fortis »


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #483 on: January 10, 2011, 08:33:18 pm »

Aside from the occasional
drip... drip... that always occured while the Godblade was underwater the innards of Carmanthyre's steel sanctuary were completely silent. Gleaming metal instruments only a god could begin to understand shone dully in the soft light that filtered in through the clear glass window. Walls made of woven gold strands crisscrossed to form a labyrinth of rooms, sleeping chambers and kitchens, dining halls and the occasional lavatory. The majority of them were mostly there for decoration; Gods have no need to eat, although it may occasionally be a pleasure to indulge in the enticing aroma of Ambrosia.

But in one of the bleak, dead, cold halways, something stirred. It was as if the wind had rustled dry leaves, a faint stirring of something that simply was not supposed to be there. The snake uncoiled itself and looked around at it's environment, wishing it had chosen a form more suitable to aquinting. It decided that it hated light; the painful, searing gaze of the sun, even miles under the ocean and inside of a steel sword, the sun still reached it's tendrils down to strangle those who dwelled there.

"Ssssss... Choisssesss, Choisssesss... Where do I go, do end thisss torment? The light, it doesss ssso burn mine eyessss. Ssssurely there musssst be a plasssse where I can live without it'sss raysss..."

Hissing the snake slithered off down the hallway, and out of sight behind a woven gold corner. Asmodeus had come.
The Demigod Asmodeus is born in Carmanthyres Blade. Asmodeus is obssessed with choices, darkness, and lives to see all light put out. This includes his current host. Carmanthyre had nothing to do with the event; it was his spheres reacting.
If this costs him acts or not is up to the Fates.
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #484 on: January 11, 2011, 09:57:49 am »

They had made no progress with anything for what seemed like an eternity. The same arguments, repeated over and over, but nothing had been agreed upon. He could not tolerate it any longer.

'My brothers, my sisters. I am afraid I must go for now. I hope you reach an understanding of some sort sooner or later.' Amparos said, standing up from his chair in Phera's Heaven. 'If you speak the truth, these warriors of mine, these 'Chosen', must be punished. There should be peace between us. I will determine a suitable punishment and deal with them.'

Amparos bowed and let himself go, quickly falling out of Heaven. The ocean awaited below, and he soon plunged beneath it's waves. The familiar embrace of the depths was welcome after a long stay out of his realm.

A while later he was back aboard his warship deep in the bottom of the sea. Spirits of rivers had been sent to find this army of his followers, though none had returned so far. That was fine by him. He needed time to think.

He could not bring himself to destroy them, not after all he had done to ensure their survival. They were loyal servants, and Amparos tasted their sacrifices in the waters. Still, they were mortals, and there would always be more. The respect of his kin was more important now.

'My lord, we have located the Chosen army. They are at a city called Dordrath, quite far inland.' a lanenti, Tamad, said. Amparos looked up at the vast gathering of spirits around him. They knew something was about to happen, and had come from all over the Womb. Amparos briefly wondered what they thought of his warriors.

'Take me there.' he said, and shivered. He was not keen on travelling far across the dry lands. He did not hesitate to follow the spirit, however, and they were quickly on their way. The other spirits followed in their wake like vultures.

Tamad led him to a river sinking into the sea, quite far from the settlement of the Chosen. They had obviously put the Portal Spheres to good use. The air was warmer here, though not by much. The plantlife was partly the same, but greener, lusher plants and trees grew in abundance as well. Further inland they began to see the marks of the Chosen raids - black, dead trees burnt to the ground, ruined buildings, empty lands. The Chosen obviously were great warriors, as he had created them to be.

Then, without warning, they were there. Chosen warriors marched around with seemingly no purpose, while a dozen portals stood scattered around the area. Supplies and looted riches were being transported to and from Seyth.

'My... my lord. What... exactly do you want from the, if I may ask?' Tamad said, sinking into the water.

'You'll see, spirit.'

Amparos finally leaves the conversation in Heaven
Amparos goes to the Chosen army and begins thinking up a punishment for them
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #485 on: January 14, 2011, 10:09:48 am »

The sun was still low in the sky when it began, the camp asleep, the portals closed. After the divine intervention earlier, no army had sallied out of the city gates, much to the chagrin of the Chosen. They wanted to meet their opponents on the field of battle, not starve them to death. There was no honour in that.

Ghuran was lying awake on his bed, staring at the low-hanging roof of his tent. A great banner flapped in the wind outside, a throne of deep blue above a sea of gold. It had been sent from Seyth a few days before, created by the finest artisans of Seyth. He was surrounded by luxuries. Bowls of strange spices and herbs sat on the finely-carved wooden table beside him. These humans had an abundance of precious metals, such as bronze and iron, as well as the somewhat less useful gold and silver. They could even afford to create common furniture and objects from metal!

The scent of the sea drifted into his nostrils, and Ghuran smiled. He longed to be back home on the coast. He needed to see Seyth again in all it's magnificence, now flourishing even more because of the riches they had brought in. Seyth was entering a new, golden age of splendour and growth. From what he had last heard, the slaves taken from these foreign lands knew much of the marvels here, such as masonry, architecture, the art of metalworking and other amazing discoveries.

He paused for a moment. The sea? Here? Had someone opened a Portal to Seyth?

The guard outside the tent was obviously as confused as he was, peering around the corner of the tent for the tell-tale glow of a Portal Sphere. Seeing Ghuran, he quickly muttered an apology. The Chieftain ignored him, striding onwards. The grass beneath his feet felt strange and wet, even though his eyes stubbornly insisted it was dry, as it had been for weeks.

He looked around a little more, but no Portal was there to be seen. He found himself at the river. Dordrath and it's walls stood far in the horizon. He felt as they were mocking him.

Unseen by him, the waters below were shifting, rising up from the river to wrap themselves around his feet. Humanoid, transparent figures emerged, all staring with unrevealing eyes. These he recognized, spirits of rivers and lakes, children of Amparos.

'Honoured spirits?' he whispered, but if they heard him, they gave no sign. He felt the waters follow his feet up, rising all the way to his knees. He knew somehow the river was spreading into the camp behind him, but could not make himself turn to look. He felt a colossal presence, like a mountain of unimaginable size, right in front of him, but there was nothing to see. Images flashed in his mind; a crown of bones, the abyssal ocean depths, a vast boat meant for war, eyes darker than the night itself.

Amparos placed an arm on Ghuran's shoulder. The Chieftain of the Chosen let out a gasp of pain as his the armour covering his arms cracked upon and rolled away into the waters.

'I wish this could have been avoided.' he said, his voice thundering through the camp for all to hear. The waters were now forming behind him into a vast, raging wall of dark water, ready to be unleashed on his Chosen.

Ghuran's mind was racing for answers even as the tsunami hit him with full force and tore all his flesh from bone.

The thundering waters descended upon the Chosen camp, and the army, with all their riches and slaves, were swept away. While their physical bodies died instantly, shattered by sheer kinetic force, their souls, with all contained knowledge and memories, stayed behind long enough to be scrubbed clean of their former identity and being. The Portal Spheres at the camp disappeared alongside everything else, only to drift to Seyth in a few weeks time.

The destruction was absolute - every mark of the Chosen camp was purged clear, every body devoured by the waves, the grand banners and crafts of metal swallowed up by the ocean depths.


And in a scarred, unforgiving wasteland in the world, a new people woke and saw the sun for the first time in their existance. They would see all too much of it during the remainder of it.

Amparos destroys the Chosen siege camp, killing every single Chosen, slave and Oath-bound there and leaving no mark of it's existance.
Amparos saves the souls of the Chosen but removes every memory, piece of knowledge, identity or personality in them.
Amparos creates new, unmutated bodies for the dead Chosen and lets them begin life anew in the desert.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #486 on: January 14, 2011, 10:43:17 am »

Aarrook had seen it. He had waited too long. The camp… its people…

Aarrook had but to grimace at the fact. Dordrath would ring with celebration. He had been unable to save any of them. He knew where the waves came from.  Amparos had decided to act. Yet Aarrook had failed to stop the siege. Aarrook faced failure once again. Was it this world’s influence, which made him weaker than his true self? Had it been his failure to act sooner, so Amparos had acted without a rage. Had he caused the camp to fade with the waves?

Aarrook had gone to the site of the camp. There was nothing. Nothing remained. No man was saved that day. Aarrook had to curse to himself. Not only had this happened, but those who were slaves… those who were captured by the Chosen…

Aarrook had gone to Dordrath. Inside, it was shocking the feelings which were showed in the city. Celebration had came, but refugees had looks quite different.  From relief, to sadness. Aarrook could not help these people. He had not gained the power over life and death. He could only improve the lives of those alive.

Aarrook had failed them all. It was time to go home. Yet Aarrook knew that he would be considered the man who caused this. His name would become synonimous with destruction. Even a god could tell that fact.
Quote from: SolarShado
Hell yes! Who need a space elevator when you've got a space escalator!?!?
Quote from: Cthulhu
Watch out bots, Sherlock Humaan is on the case.


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #487 on: January 15, 2011, 02:03:17 am »

Endras sat in his shop, having totally ignored the battle outside the city walls. The squabbles of the mortals would be resolved one way or another, without his intervention. Of more interest to him was the fluctuation of the leylines he had felt not long ago. Closing the shop for a moment, Endras caused a stairwell to appear leading down from his shop deep into the earth. Descending the stair, Endras emerged into a cavern filled with magical instruments of his own design. Leaving a shadow of himself to run the shop in his absence, Endras began to study the lines, tracing the altered structure of the womb's magic to determine what had changed them, and what it meant for the mages.

Endras creates a chamber beneath his shop to study the Leylines.
From this thread, I learned that video cameras have a dangerosity of 60 kiloswords per second.  Thanks again, Mad Max.


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #488 on: January 18, 2011, 04:12:08 pm »

I must find out who is outside of these walls I call home. For if my creations are to thrive I must find out of the other gods that inhabit this world.

Kain walks out into the main chmaber and looks around and announces " My children today I leave for the outside world I know not how long I will be gone, but I promise you I will return. I am Kain your father and if need arise I ill be your shield never forget that . Remember when the shadow grows long and you are in danger no matter where I am I will return for I am that who all fear I am The shield that guards dwarves at night and I will never leave you to die."

For the rest of time all dwarves will know Kain and this quote " Remember when the shadow grows long and you are in danger no matter where I am I will return for I am that who all fear I am The shield that guards dwarves at night and I will never leave you to die." will forever give them hope in the darkest of times.


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #489 on: January 20, 2011, 02:17:50 pm »

“I should go too,” Kastheen said, after Amparos had left. “Much has been discussed, but little decided. I still wish to aid in this goal, but until it is decided what to do, just sitting idle here leaves me anxious and restless. And I have been gone from my children for too long now. If you decide on a solution to these problems, you can find me upon my island. Until then, farewell.” Kastheen turned, and flew down away from the heavenly realm. Descending through the sky, she flew for her floating island, inhabited by the flocks of the Mayura. She surveyed her people, seeing how they had done in her absence.

As she expected, they have continued much as they had been. They were making use of her gifts though. Their diet now included a good deal of meat from large prey, and fish brought up from the ocean. The influx of food brought with it an abundance of new Mayura eggs, as the population expanded to meet the bigger food supply. Also, in a development that pleased Kastheen, the Mayura have began to find uses for her gifts that they discovered on their own. They discovered nests made from nets in part made for sturdier and more secure nests. And they had taken to using the nets for transporting meat and storing goods. Not to mention, on a more whimsical note, they had invented a game involving throwing bolas to wrap up various colors of dyed vines strung from high branches to the ground.

Still, with the growth of the population of Mayura, another issue was arriving. It hadn’t come yet, but before long the island wouldn’t have enough space for all of the Mayura. Sooner or later, they would have to expand out, and colonize new lands. Of course, this meant that they could come into contact with the other races. So far, they had only really met the Murr, but both populations largely ignored each other. Other races may not be so willing to coexist peacefully like that. She wanted to make sure they were ready for surviving with the other races. But on the other hand, if she gave them all the tools they needed, they would be ready for a while, but Kastheen feared that they would simply wait for her to give them more, while other races continued to innovate. They would pass the mayura up, and they would be vulnerable again.

Instead of giving them what they needed, she wanted to inspire them to discover what they needed on their own. But how to motivate them? The Mayura were, by and large, content to simply live as they have always done. She could command them, and out of respect she think they would obey, but that wasn’t her style. No, she needed to make them want to do so on their own. The simplest way she knew was to offer a reward. It didn’t have to be much, just a mark of her appreciation, and she hoped that the Mayura who claimed such rewards would find the merit and enjoyment in discovering for the sake for discovery in itself. And those who didn’t wish to bother themselves could go on as they wished.

She flew down among her children, mingling with them again. Many came to fly with her, as they did since the Mayura were created. For a little while, she enjoyed the sky with them, chasing clouds and singing in the air. But soon, she flew down to her island. “My children, come to me, I have something to say.” Kastheen said. Many of the Mayura came down, and landed with her, waiting expectantly to hear what was on her mind. “My children, many of you have seen by now, the Mayura are not alone upon the Womb. There are other gods, like Phera whom you have met or Magus who teaches the twelve about magic, and other races too, like the Murr whom scavenged what you leave behind of your prey. There are many more besides these gods and races. I have seen them from afar, or heard of them from other gods.”

“These other races, many of them have been gaining new tools to use. Some are given to them, as I gave you nets and bolas. But some also they discover themselves. You’ve done some so far, finding new uses for the nets and the bolas, and this is good. Discovery and innovation like this good.” Kastheen said to them. “In fact, I wish to reward this. Any who create new tools to better the lives of your fellow Mayura, any who discover new uses for them, and any who assist them will receive a token of my appreciation.”

Kastheen offers anyone who creates new tools for the Mayura to use, who discovers new uses for existing tools, and any who assist them a 'token of her appreciation'. This reward will be created later.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 02:19:21 pm by Fortis »


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #490 on: February 04, 2011, 06:14:52 pm »

Molegut was nervous.

The Council seldom recieved bidders at their meetings.

O yes he had become important and well respected, although he had lost that battle,
he even was now the elder of an own small hive north of Dordrath, one of the first connected to the Underguts. At his homecoming he was recieved like a hero although he felt beaten. He had lost the battle and gained enormous riches by the plunderings beforehand. But still, he shouldn't have lost the battle.

And now the recent siege of those fishpeople. It was outrageous! The Council let them pass because they could plunder the remains of the scarred villages. Were they blind? If all the villages of the abovegrounders are burnt down from what they are supposed to live?

he was ripped from his thoughts as a servant told him to enter.
The Council hall was completely dark.
Not the usual dark the Murr were used to and their eyes could adjust to.
Something was wrong. Very wrong.
Darkness indicates the abscence of light but this was even more than that. It was something unexplainable. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't make out any o the faces of the Council. They were hidden from his eyes only red dots showing their presences.

Walk forth Molegut Eyetaker.

How he hated this was given to hm as a title but for what? For taking the eye of one of the Fishpeople? The thing had nearly killed him and the only thing he did was taking its eye...
but anyway he walked a few strides forward and a bit more of the room became visible to him. He stood in the midst of a horseshoe like table formation surrounded from three sides by eyes.

What do you request from the Council?

I request revenge. Revenge on the Fishthings!

murmurs seemingly coming from everywhere then sudden silence.

And how do you want to achieve this Molegut?

one simple word. One simple word may sometimes change everything.

loud murmur coming from everywhere the red dots where coming nearer to each other but never taking their gazes from Molegut. It was sounding negative, even outraged at somepoints

I want to lead an army against te fishthings. I want to destroy them for their doings. I will feast on their children and bring back the untold riches of their homestead. I will smite them from thesurface of this world and sacrifice their leaders to the Maw himself.

the murmurs became even louder some beginning to get louder and louder.




as on a command the murmurs stopped and it became silent.

Do you know what do you request of us Molegut Eyetaker? Do you really know it? OUr place has been given to us by the gods. We are no warriors we are scavengers! We have stayed neutral and the races have thanked us by staying neutral towards us. If we attack one of them, we topple the balance. Your pride is threatening us all Molegut Eyetaker, forget about revenge. Stay calm and we will feast on their children's corpses someday...

It was a common saying among the Murr, usually it should encourage young Murr to stay calm if the peasants attacked them on their nightly raids on graveyards. At the Moment it was only increasing Moleguts rage
But Great Gnawer...!

One simple word may sometimes change everything.



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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #491 on: February 06, 2011, 12:50:20 am »

After a long slumber, the Psychopomp woke, his divine soul flaring with portent energies.

Good, good. This is enough.

The god proceeds to exit creation, treading the void.

In the middle of the emptiness, he spins his divine energies once more.

A great raven, the size of a large horse, appeared before the god.

In moments, the Psychopomp instills the raven with magical strength and endurance, making it untouchable by all but the most powerful magics.

After several moments, the Raven opens its beak.


The Psychopomp creates the Raven, its chief servant. It is a magical beast able to use the Psychopomp's Acts with prior permission. It is gifted with intelligence rivaling that of most mortals. It is large enough and strong enough to carry a single large humanoid or multiple, smaller, humanoids.
Is apparently a Lizardman. ಠ_ಠ
"The pessimist is either always right or pleasantly surprised; he cherishes that which is good because he knows it cannot last."
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