In my opinion, the most powerful aspect of C/C++ is that they are both much easier than any form of assembly language or lower, and have the flexibility to do anything.
Maybe not the best language for a beginner, but later on, it isn't restricted to having an interpreter(many languages, though some can compile to an independant .exe), most OSs have some form of it, although getting it to run on a new platform may take alot of work(Write for the platform you have. Consider other systems later, once you understand what you are doing), and both languages generally support any library equally well(except C++ code and compilers, though even then, the C style stuff works fine.)
Start wherever you feel comfortable, but don't stay with that one language forever. In these years, variety s very useful.
Also, anyone can write a working program on their first day, if they copy/paste from a tutorial. Actually, that is one of the better ways to learn, if after you have the (simple, or else it won't work well) tutorial that does something, you can make changes and see what happens.
If you have a tutorial that counts from 1 to 100, then you can easily change some of the numbers and find out if you understood it well enough to skip every second number.