YAHH! No time for ro-dey-yo. We gots us some cattle to wrangle partner. We gots us a field 2 by 16. Now you city slickers might be askin, "Yo Cowboy, why you need such a large field?" Well city boy, the answers quite obvious if you use your noggin. Us bean eatin Cowboys going to herd us some cattle. We gotta do this alteast once a year. We'll migrant from one side of this great land to the other. Now we don't take kindly to any excuses about not doing our job, it's hard work out here, and hot too.
Sounds like dem natives gone and got themselves in a pickle, riled themselves up something fierce and are talkin about wagin war on us. Well don't you all sweat yourselves yellow, long as we got these guns- erm. It seems someone misplaced them, we'll have to make do without for now.
Now I sure ain't going to go wild west on you and say this town ain't big enough for the both of us. If someone wants to hop along on this wagon and join out community he's welcome to, long as he brings along a name for us to call him by.
Before us amigos even arrived, there was a large hurdle to jump before we could become a true cowboy.
Thankfully our cattle are more docile that the regular beasts, they go where we command them and graze in comfort. Now off towards the rising sun my desperadoes. We got supplies to haul, (by hand.) for 8 Miles. If only the felloes plate on our wagon didn't break in two taking about half the spokes with it.
Trees have been cut down as we'll need the lumber to build a bridge across the river before we head to our Eastern Fort.
As we march across the prairie grasslands back and forth across those 8 miles, the cows graze on grass like vacuums. I don't think they're hungry, they're just trying to suck as much moisture out of the grass as they can, as they excrete the useless stocks and shoots behind themselves as they go.
Entire patches of dry grass have been reduced to clay.
In the event of prairie fire: Send out the cattle.