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Author Topic: Truthswords: A short story about leadership.  (Read 578 times)


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Truthswords: A short story about leadership.
« on: December 16, 2009, 09:09:18 pm »

This play was made with the Mayday tileset and the Dig Deeper mod.

A movie of the last segment of this story is included. To view, download the file, put it in your data->movies folder, start dwarf fortress, press ; and then load the file. It is definitely worth it.

Day 1

I, Cerol Alekårith, decided to breach the mountains. Gathering six brave dwarves, we ventured far, far away from our mountainhome. We are now at our destination, here at this tall mountain we will forge the fortress Atoldastot; Truthsword. I am not that much of a writer, but I will chronicle our quest here in this tome. May the ancestors watch over us.

Day 47

The mountain have been excavated and barriers has been built. I have designed an ingenious defensive mechanism called “the Smasher of Atoms”. It is a mighty fine design, if I might say so myself. These mountains are renowned for their many orcs, but I feel as if this is my call, my very being. I sense danger in the deeps.

Day 72

Me and my friend, Zuglar Sazirumüm, found a patch of warm stone today. We suspect that lava is close, and have begun to build the safety measures needed to power up our forges. All this excavating is making me feel dizzy. It pains me to confess that I now forget things. Perhaps it’s the atmosphere around here, or maybe the height. Let’s just hope I don’t forget anything too serious

Day 105

After many days of toils and trouble, the lava has been tamed. The Smasher is also finished. I feel proud. Now all we need is an anvil. Let us hope that we get one from our dear friends back home.

Day 159

The furnaces are now in place, and the forges are awaiting their anvils. With this construction, as many as 24x3 forges can be powered without any fuel. I also had a talk with our liaison, an adopted Goblin named Utes. Our queen has always been a bit different. I told him that everything was going as planned at the fortress, and that the only thing we need is an anvil. He told me that he would drop it by our front door and continue westwards.

Day 161

Damnation! Our Cook Udil told me that the ale storage has been running low for quite a while, and asked where we kept all our spare plump helmets. I knew I forgot something! The caravan is too far away now, so I have ordered the men to set up a farm and grow some plump helmets. How could I have been so foolish!

Day 168

The booze is now gone. We are having a hard time locating a suitable spot for a farm. Everywhere I dig there is rock! Rocks, metal and magma! CURSES!

Day 180

The men have been complaining about thirst. I sent out two of my men to scout for water, but none was found in a radius of 5 measurements. I’m trying to keep up the moral, but my body cringes at every step I take. Even the dogs are starting to whine.

Day 181

Finally, soil! We’ll just have to pull through until the plump helmets are ready to be plucked.

Day 190

Can’t go on much longer. Wait is killing me. Can barely talk.

Day 199

Dead. Goden is dead. I see toys. They all remind me of him. What is the value of these toys? What is the meaning of this? Why did we even make them? It all seems so pointless. My throat feels like a desert.

Day Xx(???)


Day Xx(???)

Dead All Dead. All of them dead. HOW COULD I DO THIS TO THEM. IT WAS ALL MY FAULT. I do not know how long it has been. Zuglar inside the brewery today. He was trying to cook his own urine. Collapsed into the fire. Ángis tried to save him, but he too was swallowed by the flames. It’s all my fault.

Day 1.

I know nothing about brewing. Udil left me some written descriptions before he walked out into the wild. I found him yesterday, being ravaged by wolves. Somehow fought them off with my pickaxe.
I just hacked away at them. Two died, the rest fled. I drank their blood. I will not let you have a dishonorable burial. None of you.

Day 2.

The corridors are filled with miasma. I managed to brew a few bottles of liquor, but it should last me a couple of days at the least. I have claimed Datans workshop and are now making six coffins. I, myself, am not worthy of one.

Day 5.

I made some more liquor and finished the coffins. Most of them has been gathered up in the main hallway, to serve as eternal reminders of what will happen if the designated leader is as foolish as I. I cleaned up the workshops, they should all be functioning now. I will now go into the wild, fighting of orcs. It is the only way that I can be of use. If someone finds this, ple-



The smasher worked. Thank you, Mebzuth. Thank you, Datan. Without you, the fortress would have been lost. The rest of the orcs fled, I will pursue them. I doubt the orcs will figure out how to open the gates, but any dwarven mechanic with some common sense will be able to enter. Please take care of my fort. I can no longer stay, every minute here reminds me of my fallen brothers.

Best of luck,

-[End of Document]

And yet...

Link to the movie
« Last Edit: December 16, 2009, 09:17:51 pm by falafelninja »