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Author Topic: I had a dream last night...  (Read 1983 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2009, 04:39:01 pm »

I had a dream where I had made a fortress in the desert, between two sandy hills. We had dug a pit where the entrance to the fortress was located. There were two chain link fences blocking off the vast flat desert beyond the side of the hills. inside one of the hills was a tangled mess of tunnels that led into an eternity of darkness and rooms, reminiscent of the tunnels from Penumbra or the mars base from Doom 3. The "dwarves" were my classmates. One of the scouts had come to me, saying that Goblins had been spotted approaching from the desert. I told him not to worry, since I had recently ordered a defensive wall to patch up a crack in the chain link fence. However, I looked behind me and realized that no one had bothered to build the wall. I yelled "SHIT" and goblins swarmed through the hole. I remember picking up one of my childhood toy guns and using it as a bludgeon. We were using the battle, badly, and I fled into the mines. I became lost and kept going deeper and deeper until it was too dark to see. I sat in the sand and woke up.

I've also had a few dreams (read: nightmares) about HFS. Usually taking place in a DOOM 3-like setting.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #16 on: October 29, 2009, 06:31:15 pm »

You guys have much better dreams than I do. Although I usually am aware of the dream when I'm in it, I usually just bore it down too much.

Example (the ones I have had about DF):
Dream 1 starts. I'm in my house.
- Hey look at that! I'm having a dream. Time to do something awesome!
- Hmm, what would that be...
- Can't think of anything...
- I know! I'll play Dwarf Fortress!
I walk to the computer (not fly, that never even comes to mind)
I fire up the computer. I have to wait for it to load up everything, since I know my comp takes time to start.
- Finally. Ok I'll just load my save now.
- Wait... where is my save? Oh wait this is a dream my save file is still in the real world. How stupid of me!
It's funny that if I start to think if an object is in the dream, I usually remember that it's not. Therefore it does not exist in the dream.
An exiting dream of world genning ensues!
I wake up just after finding an 3x3 embark with every feature the game has (including the next version's new underground)

Dream 2 starts. I'm already playing Dwarf Fortress. (It's my current save)
- Sigh, all those rocks are really clogging up my PC... (Yes, I have LAG in my dreams too)
An orc siege appears!
- Well, good thing the drawbridge is up. No one can get to my fort.
- I'll just go review som supplies and- OH SHIT NOT AGAIN (PoI cave of terror, this little chap is a common quest in my dreams)
After dealing with the infiltrators (no epic struggles, some dumb hauler gets killed and my champions wipe the floor with the invaders.)
- Okay I'm good now. I think I'll sally out and slay the- I wake up.
This is the weirdest part of my dreams. If I wake up in the middle of an interesting bit of my dream (only works while dreaming of playing a computer game though, preferably RTS), I can still keep the dream running for some time while awake. In this case I am ordering my champions around to kill the orcs. While sitting on my bed fully awake. I can only pull this off, if I know exactly what to do next in the dream (so instead of thinking of it, my brain just executes the action and reports the next status in the dream, rinse repeat.)

So I got an awesome idea: I start up my computer and play DF, while dreaming about playing DF. It almost worked; I could keep the dream going while I started up real-life Dwarf Fortress. The necessary commands to start the program were routinely enough for me to keep dreaming. However just as I looked at my (real) loaded map, I processed too much information and the dream ended. (I guess my brain treats dream-based calculations with lower success priority than the ones regarding real world, so when the processing capacity was reached the lower priority task was aborted. (Although this might happen because I think my brain processes information that way.)) A fun side effect of this is a ridiculous amount of deja-vus when I really start to play the game.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2009, 06:36:45 pm by Servu »


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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #17 on: October 30, 2009, 02:01:51 pm »

No kidding, that is one of the coolest things I've heard in a while. If I could daydream like that, my like would be complete and I could soar off to Dwarf Heaven (heh, pun.)

Conversely, just imagine the LAG of all those dead dorfs and the greatness of *ARMOK* :)
« Last Edit: October 30, 2009, 02:04:44 pm by Pheonix »
“PHOENIX, n. The classical prototype of the modern "small hot bird."


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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #18 on: October 31, 2009, 03:37:17 am »

The downside is that you can't really think anything else or the dream fades. I've had this happen several times with some games, so I have had time to practice keeping the dream up.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #19 on: October 31, 2009, 08:53:46 am »

The only DF dream I had resulted in a suggestion. Wasn't even that memorable, really.


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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #20 on: October 31, 2009, 06:38:53 pm »

i remember i once had a mundane dream about just playing DF normally, nothing exciting happened, i was just playing.
The weirdest dream ive had was about a font! It was so weird and I dont know if I could really describe it in words, but it was to do with being an ascii character and then scrolling myself through different fonts and then finding one that felt, what I can best describe as, spacious. What made it stranger, was that I would split myself into more characters whenever I saw a word (because there were just random words around) in order to spell out the word so that eventually I was a whole page worth of letters and i was some sort of collective consciousness.
Oh Gordon Freeman, what medical procedure can't you educate alien war machines about?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #21 on: November 01, 2009, 02:56:48 pm »

I had a weird dream where I was running a kobold fortress. The only thing was the area was like a 1x1 embark zone but infinitely deep, so we had a really long fortress going underground. I never thought about food or drink, just kept digging. Had some crazy designs. I don't remember how they looked, just how they felt (my memory is best at remembering sounds and feelings, I very rarely "see" things in my dreams), very intuitive and abstract but with a very strong overarching pattern. The weirdest thing is, I HATE Kobold Camp.

Back when I played WoW, I would have these long semi-lucid dreams where I'd be running a raid and talking to the other members of my guild on vent. The only problem was, most of the raid bosses looked like 5 man bosses. Did I mention we weren't exactly a hardcore raiding guild?
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #22 on: November 02, 2009, 01:30:56 pm »

I remember having a few WoW dreams, mostly just of me as the actual character. I usually wake up after doing something normal, then realising 'wait...I can't do that can?' or something along those lines.
Most other dreams seem to involve Giant Mecha.

I have however had one very lucid DF dream, of me being a Dwarf in one of my fortresses (The Legendary Weapon / Armorsmith to be exact).
Rather a long dream though, I spent several Dream Hours (which is probably about 35 seconds) making a masterwork sword, then giving it to a Champion in gleaming Steel armor (fullbody plate sort of thing).
Everything was even a sort of full size, with 1 tile = about 3 metres square.
Hence the forge was essentially a small building*
Then someone shouted 'The Orcs have breached the main entrance! Everyone to Arms!'
I then ran to my forge and picked up a suit of steel armor and a (masterwork) hammer, and then ran to meet up with the other 140-or-so dwarves in the Fort, with the Military dwarves led by the champion with the sword, all in neat formation (about 20 or so of these guys), and then everyone else just in sort of rag-tag bands, or standing alone. Everyone either had a weapon or was hunched down, looking as though they were about to start a bar brawl.
Most of the Dwarves assembled were in their civilian clothes, in various states of decay, although some had leather or chain armour, and a lucky few had maybe a plate cuirass or some sort of full-face helmet.

Then the Door at the other end of the hallway burst open, and half a dozen ten-foot-tall green-skinned tusked Orcs leaped in, each wearing either no armour at all or some sort of plate-variant (covered in spiked, I think one of them had a kitten stuck on a stick attached to his shoulderpad) and wielding menacing looking instruments of doom (spiky maces, morningstars, serrated blades, that sort).

The Orcs began walking forward until nearly 80 of them were in the hallway (it was quite a wide hallway), then started jogging towards us in a rough horde, some elbowing each other to get to the front.
The Dwarves checked to see if everyone was ready, then the Champion held his sword up high and yelled something indistinct, and all the military dwarves started barrelling forward at an almighty pace, with the draftees all sprinting along beside them in a rough line.

Then, just as the Champion was about to meet blades with the Orc in the lead, a hulking monstrosity with an evil looking axe... I woke up.

My reaction to this was something along the lines of 'GODDAMN IT, NO!'
Needless to say, I was somewhat pissed upon missing out on an Epic battle for the fortress. Even if it was just a dream.

*Somewhat like this maybe

EDIT: Also, in retrospect, it reminds me somewhat of the Lord of the Rings movies.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2009, 10:42:33 pm by NewoTigra »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #23 on: November 14, 2009, 05:06:35 pm »

I currently have what I like to call "succession dreams". They happen like I'm in dwarf fortress and every time I have the dream, whatever I did in the previous dreams is still there...I distinctly remember one time when a goblin siege came over and almost wiped us out, it ended with only me, an axedwarf, a mason and a miner.We slowly built up the fort again and we created a magma trap for future sieges(I actually built it in real life when I woke up much later), I woke up when we had completed the trap and dropped steel coffins full of the dead into the magma pipe...again it recurred.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2009, 09:17:20 am by Supercharazad »
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