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Author Topic: Rob's Mod  (Read 788 times)

Rob Allen

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Rob's Mod
« on: November 12, 2009, 01:23:29 am »

Rob's Mod
"Halflings in my Dwarf Fortress?  It's more likely than you think..."

I'm not sure if any of you remember my old mod from back in 2007, but I've done some work on it here and there since then, updating it with the new version of DF, adding new features, and smoothing out the old ones.  It's coming along nicely in my opinion and it's given me the chance to mess around with different parts of DF.  As always, I've tried to keep it 100% compatible with all other mods by keeping all the additions in their own files and requiring NO modification or replacement of the original DF files. 

Current Version: 1.2
Download Link:

Just unzip the files into your dwarf fortress raw/objects folder and generate a new world!

* all mod files have _robsmod at the end so it's easy to identify my mod files and seperate them from others you may have installed.
* remains true to the DF style of gameplay, uses a balance model based on the existing DF balance model
* 6 new playable entities (civilization models), based on various fantasy and historical nations:
   - The Dark Elves: Evil elves who have rebelled against the larger elven population and practice dark rites in thier haunted woods.
   - The Orcs: Violent, barbaric humanoid creatures of great strength and stamina who worship dark gods and conquer other nations
   - The Halflings: Peaceful, homely hobbits who are content to keep to themselves but make decent fighters if forced into combat
   - The Barbarians: Mysterious, xenophobic and proud nations of shamanistic humans who live in small mountain villages
   - The Orientals: Based primarily on medieval Japan, they are spiritual humans whose exotic weaponry and tactics set them apart.
   - The Independents: A mish-mash of outcasts, bandits, and rebels exiled from the other nations, living in caves wherever they find them.
* new weapons, including magic swords and hammers, Japanese weapons and armor
* a new language file (for the Orientals), based on a kind of "sim-Japanese" similar to the standard human language used by the other humans
* new tameable/trainable varieties of many animals.  Not all packs/herds will be trainable, but if you're lucky you may happen across a few
   - Yes, that means you can now make war elephants, but only if you're lucky enough to find the trainable herds!

Detailed Info:
The majority of the new additions occurs in the context of the various new civilizations that have been added to the game:
Dark Elves
    The sinister Dark Elves were exiled from the Elven nations when they began to pursue dark magics in direct opposition to Elvish moral code.  The Dark Elves hated their good brethren for this and became corrupted by the dark powers they tapped in the most ancient of times when dragons and other fantastic creatures roamed the planet.  They wandered the wilds and eventually, through dark pacts, forged a tenuous peace with the forces of chaos living in the deepest and most forsaken of woods.  Here they practiced their dark arts, growing more corrupted as the years passed.  They learned to imbue weaponry with elemental powers and hatched a plot to strike back at their Elven brethren with these magical weapons.  Typically, the Dark Elven Wars will take place between 60 and 300.  In most of the test worlds I created, the Dark Elves were nearly wiped out or scattered by 300.  It is possible for the Dark Elves to survive for longer but they will usually be outnumbered against the Elves and other good races, and may also have to deal with invasions from Orcs greedy to get thier hands on the powerful Dark Elven blades.  However, they may instead find allies in the Independents and Orcs, or even the more neutral human civilizations.  Some Dark Elven clans may find refuge in deep caves and settle near underground rivers.  They are not always hostile, but caution is advised when dealing with them, especially if you are an elf or hobbit.

   The Orcs are a numerous and brutish race who are known for their signature horde tactics and the fact that they are exceptionally strong.  They can survive and even flourish in a wide range of habitats, even those considered uninhabitable by others.  They are often percieved as being extremely violent by the other races but domestically they are somewhat civil toward each other.  Laws are somewhat lax in Orcish lands, at least among each other.  Most offenses are legally redressed through mortal combat between the wronged party and the accused, or sometimes between a champion or assassin sent by the wronged party and the accused.  Despite this, Orcs are not known for their great love of law and order, so any real laws are more like guidelines anyway.  Hostile actions perpetrated by members of other nations or races are met with inappropriate (read: excessive) force.  Orcs have little tolerance for outsiders but rarely attack travellers in their lands, for they recognize the value of trade and don't get to see much of it due to their reputation.  Orcs will typically invade other nations from 50 onward, however in the early years they are often kept under control by megabeast activity.  They will typically fall into protracted wars with the human empires who usually outnumber them, though may ally with the humans as well.  Orcs have been known to "ally" halflings, though it is probably more a matter of the halflings instantly capitulating at the sight of an Orc.

   Though they prefer to be called hobbits, everyone else calls them halflings, and so that is how they are known.  Halflings trade with just about anyone willing to trade with them but other than that keep to themselves, more concerned with domestic affairs than international ones.  They use simple weapons and armors but produce high quality cloth and leather artisan goods.  This keeps them in good status with other nations.  Halflings are a diverse culture and can be found in a variety of regions.  Most halflings like to live along rivers and along mountain foothills.  Some live in deep caves near underground rivers.  Prosperous halfling villages may even build burrow-homes where terrain allows.  Despite the typically peaceful nature of halflings, there are occasionally a few societies of them that may attempt to conquer others.  This usually ends badly, but a fair share of hobbit heroes usually end up getting created during the course of history.  Halflings are usually at odds with bandits rather than standing armies.  It seems most of the other nations typically overlook them because they have little of value, except perhaps thier lands, to take.  Halflings use slings in ranged combat.  Slings are much lighter than bows and crossbows, so they accomodate the smaller halfling form better than bows which require a tall person to fire them or crossbows which require stoutness more common to the Dwarves.  Slings use the whip skill instead of the archery skills to fire and use in melee combat.  A typical sling makes a nearly useless melee weapon, however halflings are clever creatures and have developed variations on the standard sling.  The barbed Balearic sling features a more efficient design with heavy barbed lashes attached to it, allowing it to double as a scourge, as long as the user is careful when firing with it, and the staff sling is a light bo-staff with a sling attached to one end, allowing it to become an agile defensive melee weapon when the slinger is faced with melee combat.  Right now I have not been able to make rocks work as ammo for slings but you can find shots available in most halfling towns and halflings can make shots in much the same way as other races can make arrows and bolts.

   These mountain-dwelling humans are hardy and strong.  They are almost giants and are generally bigger than any other normal race in the lands.  They are exceptional warriors, arguably even better than Orcs at hand-to-hand combat, and are somewhat spiritual.  They favor large, two-handed weapons and leather armor, primarily because they do not have access to more advanced materials except through trade.  Their elusive shamans and witch doctors do not live amongst the villages but instead in hermitages that you'd be lucky to find among the peaks of thier homelands.  Instead, the witch doctors and shamans create the legendary Ice-Hammers, powerful warhammers said to be blessed by the Barbarian gods.  The powers of these weapons seems to vary by legend, but if one can make the trip to the few Barbarian villages that are rumored to have them, it is possible that one may even be able to purchase one.  Also of note is the mighty Claymore, the largest sword known to man.  It is said that only a true Barbarian can wield such a massive weapon, but it is conceivable that a giant could in fact wield it, one-handed even, though this has not yet been witnessed by any who have lived to tell the tale.

Orientals (Japan):
   The Orientals are not true Japanese, only loosely based on them.  Their language is a sim-Japanese language with parts adopted from the other human civilizations.  Many common human words have been "Orientalized", an allusion to Romaji, which manifests in interesting ways in DF.  The Orientals use primarily japanese weapons, including Katanas (samurai sword), Ninjatos (ninja swords), Tantos, and Nunchakus, to name a few.  Although only a few japanese weapons are represented in this mod, it is not designed to be a true representation of a Japanese society.  This is a DF-ied version of Japan, with mock-Japanese language and a selection of the most famous of japanese weapons and armor.  As an adventurer, you can create a Ninja or Samurai by selecting a swordsman (Ninjato/Katana) or Axeman (Naginata), or other weapon proficiency along with wrestling (the DF equivalent of martial arts), and some ambusher skill.  This creates a decent approximation.  Orientals (like medeival Japan) do not have the resource availability that the other medeival cultures had and so are limited to iron weapons and armor, however they are excellent craftsmen and a very artistic people, so their goods are often worth a bit more in trade.  Orientals also do not use shields heavily since thier martial tactics often involve sword-parrying and stealth to get the better of thier enemies.  Therefore, it is impossible to create an Oriental character with shield skills, however shields are available in Oriental shops due to their abundance throughout the rest of the lands of DF.  Oriental characters also seem to start with shields in adventure mode even if they don't have shield skill.  Naginatas are technically an axe weapon because I based it on the Halberd (Polearm) skill.  So an Oriental Axeman will be a Naginata-user, in this version.  Nunchaku are considered maces and the Sai and Tanto are considered Daggers.  Also, the Sai is unique in that it can block like a shield.  So it works like a parrying dagger, which is really what it is.  The Tanto works like a knife and does slashing damage even though it is a dagger-class weapon.  The Katana and Ninjato have better criticals than equivalent swords of the other nations, though are a little weaker and lighter in overall damage.  The Yari is a long spear and uses the pike skill.   The Jingasa is a hat that can be worn over a Kabuto.  Metal Jingasas provide decent head protection.  The Jingasa works like a cap but is larger (due to its unique shape) so it can provide slightly better protection.  Once cooking is implemented in adventure mode, I can have it double as a cooking pot since historically Jingasas were used by Japanese foot soldiers to cook rice in the field.  This is the signature flattish cone-shaped hat often seen in asian cultures.  It is very common in the Oriental villages and easier to find than a Kabuto, which are typically reserved for the wealthy or powerful Samurai.  You may also find a Mempo for sale here and there.  The Mempo is a metal face mask, usually made of iron, worn under the Kabuto by a Samuari.  In DF, Mempos can be made out of bone and other materials.

Outcasts, Rebels, Bandits, etc:
   From the earliest ages of civilization there have been outcasts, those lost souls who have either been exiled from thier homelands or simply find their path in the wilderness, living an independent life.  This myriad motley menagerie can be found just about anywhere off the beaten path, living in tiny hamlets or sequestered in caves comfortable enough to be called home, even if temporary.  Some of them are peaceful, and may even engage in trade, while others are xenophobic and will attack on site.  Some are true bandits and will waylay unsuspecting travellers who wander too close to their ambushes.  These groups vary quite a bit in most worlds I've run, they often seem to go for a peace with their neighbors (for survival's sake), but this peace usually breaks down by 100-200, sometimes earlier.  For the most part, Bandits will not attack you unless they mean to, unless you're a goody-goody like an elf.  Even if all the Dark Elf civilizations get wiped out, I find alot of them will form thier own little communes in caves after the wars are over.  You may also spot Nibelungs out there.  Nibelungs are based on Norse mythology and are essentially dark dwarves.  They typically do not play a major role in world affairs.  You may also find Half-Elves.  These creatures are the result of alliances between Elves and Humans and are usually peaceful and friendly.  They are sometimes also found among human and elf societies, but usually the odd mix of their dna leads them to a more independent lifestyle, and they enjoy roaming the wilderness.  They tend to group together for cameraderie and safety.  Unfortunately, their independent ways also means that sometimes they become bandits, so caution should be excersized when dealing with them even if they seem friendly at first.  For a variety of reasons, the more civilized nations will often target independent societies for assassination or annihilation.  If you're playing in adventure mode, don't be surprised if you get a quest to kill some Dwarf Rebel or an Orc Bandit.  There are even rumored civilized Gnome outposts in the mountains but they have not been confirmed.  Most likely it is just the more common primitive mountain gnomes that have been sighted...

Future Plans:
* More magic weapons, will probably have to wait until future versions of DF come out so I can access more magic effects than just fire and ice
* More weapons in general.  Although DF's weapons are designed to represent a simplified slice of the great history of melee combat, who doesn't love more weapons?
* Maybe more armors.
* More experimentation with items.  I have this idea for a set of cesti or claws.  Basically these are gloves that double as bladed weapons.  I did try something like that in an experimental version of my mod a few days ago but I removed them during a bug-hunting episode.  I didn't get a chance to really test them but I may try again in the future.  Also, spiked shields, might be fun...
* On my to-do list: Get the next version of my mod out before another 2 years passes...

PS: I've been out of the modding scene for a while so I'm not sure how many of the concepts in my mod may have actually already been done.  I did glance at Samurai Fortress which looks pretty cool, but by that time I had already made my Orientals.  I guess we all love Japan, huh?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rob's Mod
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2009, 01:38:20 am »

Pretty clever looking stuff here. I haven't tested it myself, but looks like a nice bit of work all the same.
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Re: Rob's Mod
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2009, 01:55:35 am »

Good to see you again!

Now when I look at this, it's kinda funny to see all my "inventions" for races to be already made by someone much earlier :).

I am speaking about my last big mod, Genesis project, which makes humans distinct and adds specifics to existing races. I have a middle-age european race, an eastern race, an arabian race, an african race and a nordic race. Also there're "bandits", people who are various outcasts living in caves and weaking havoc on your farmlands. Guess what I think when I read your list of races :D.

Also it's cool that they're modular. I find it important these days because almost anyone who plays with mods combines different features he likes and it's much easier when you don't have to reorganize files.
✫ DF Wanderer ✫ - the adventure mode crafting and tweaks
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Re: Rob's Mod
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2009, 02:01:30 am »

I just have to post it: oh god, you've managed to make the language file! I was starting to do it but was distracted and moved on to other things. God, I need it. Oh, sorry for being too straight, I mean could you allow me to use it for nippon? It would make the flavor I need, and I will provide the proper credit.

In response, I see that your oriental race doesn't have some specific items which are awaited there, like lamellar armor or whatever. Thus I allow you to grab any item from nippon in my mod and use it for your race.
The thread is :

The average list of items for nippon (I could add someting else during patches):
katana (long sword)
naginata (glaive)
wakidzasi (short sword)
odachi (great sword)
tanto (large dagger)
yumi (longbow)
yari (spear)
masakari (axe)
tekko (hand-to-hand, not sure if it appears in the game at all)
bo (staff)
chigiriki (flail)
kanabo (large 2h mace)
otsuchi (large maul)

lamellar armor
tabi - socks
zori - shoes
geta - sandals
kimono - robe
hachimaki - band
kasa - flat brimmed hat
obi - sash
« Last Edit: November 12, 2009, 02:03:03 am by Deon »
✫ DF Wanderer ✫ - the adventure mode crafting and tweaks
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Rob Allen

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Re: Rob's Mod
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2009, 09:51:47 am »

Thanks for the feedback everyone!  You can use the language file, just give me credit for it.  It took a while to build the language file, but I just did it in little chunks while working on the rest of the mod, so that made it more manageable.  Thanks for letting me know about your mod, I might use some of those items since they look pretty neat.  I see that you have the yari as a spear.  I was on the fence about this.  Technically it is longer than an ordinary spear, so I made it a pike, but on the other hand it is also fairly light so it could go either way I suppose.  My katana is also somewhere between a short sword and a long sword, since the katana was actually not as long as it is often depicted.  It is a light, fast weapon more like a scimitar.  When the katana was perfected it could do the same thing as a shield in melee combat, so I am considering sticking some kind of blocking bonus on it in a future version. 

All in all, very cool.  I'll take a closer look at your mod when I have more time.  Thanks again for the feedback!



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Re: Rob's Mod
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2009, 12:08:34 pm »

I am ok with a katana as a simple "sword", I might rename it. DF has a shortsword and a longsword, and both are shorter or longer than a katana, and in any case they use the same skill so it's just a naming issue. Thank you for reminding me about it, I totally forgot I was going to rename it to "a sword" :).
✫ DF Wanderer ✫ - the adventure mode crafting and tweaks
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Rob Allen

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Re: Rob's Mod
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2009, 01:55:41 pm »

That works.  The Katana represents the Japanese ideal of what a sword should be - quick, elegant and deadly.  It has been considered by some to be the perfect sword.  I will leave it as Katana in my mod so that the various civilizations continue to be unique.  I like to seperate them as much as possible so that they all have a slightly different playing style and different strengths and weaknesses.  That is a goal I have yet to achieve fully at this point but I am making steps in the right direction I think.  The independents have blowguns, the dark elves have magic fire swords and whips, and the barbarians have giant swords and ice hammers, and so on.  In the future I can perhaps differentiate them more in ways other than weaponry.