Regarding the pressure plates Look through the right gate, you will see panels, some yellow, some brown, figure it out from there
Yeagh, I figured that out eventually, especially with the help of the map for the plates.
Now the next issue; the 2-door system after solving the pressure plate (I made it so they're no longer needed to open). How do I reach that book, and operate the bridge now?
Note: I still have power running through 2 of the gear systems (3rd one is still a pain), and the bucket system still looping (and locked on the OPEN setting (which I still don't know how to fix)).
BTW, I'm using the same ID as my Bay-12 ID. And I decided to go to where Sowelu is (Uru Obsession). I'm still on, but I'm probably going to get off in an hour.
Okay, Ki-ID
That would happen to be: 00848192
Member of: DRC (200) Bevin
Lotta progress
-Finally beat the mushroom kingdom (thanks for the hint), got a cutscene
-Established more links
-Made it to the top if Gahreesen and got a few more things (and have 1 more hand left there)
-Found a tie-dye shirt and an official vest (added to wardrobe; currently wearing a tie-dye shirt)
-Found 15 nodes, and am now ready for the next 15 (some strange exploratory side-quest; unfortunately, I still have a lvl. 1 Ki, so making more progress with the second set may be a bit of a challenge until I learn how to upgrade my Ki.)
-Found a location identical to my place, but night time, with rain, and more crap than my place. Unfortunately, I couldn't use their books. But I did get their vest, and a throne from there.
-Figured out how to get to the book behind a closed door
So yeah, 1 of 4 locations have been beaten so far, and my place has a few thrones now, and a pretty grassland and so on and so forth. I'm liking this game.