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Author Topic: Inkyships: Dead Dwarves Tell No Tales  (Read 1486 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Inkyships: Dead Dwarves Tell No Tales
« on: December 23, 2009, 01:57:27 am »

My name be Tashemablel an' I be a sea dog o' th' Inkyships, a bone car'er t' be exact. I had other tasks as well, since our crew only numbered seventeen.

Our miners be brewers, our woodcutters be gem cutters, an' so fore. Nay one be t' slack under th' command o' our captain Stigazdodok.

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Although dwarves aren`t known fer bein' a matey t' th' sea, our lust fer gems on remote isles, arrr drove us t' build a ship an' seek them ou', our greed overpowerin' any fear o' drownin'.

In th' early sprin' o' 201, we started t' hoard our wealth in a secret cove located in th' Bejeweled Swamps, off th' coast o' th' Euphoric Waters.

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Th' elves didna take t' kindly t' us usin' th' trees fer ships an' harbor town, but since when did a dwarf care what th' elves think? We showed them what fer when 't came down t' 't.

Our wee crew had fought a giant octopus in our search fer th' wealth dottin' th' sea, how do frail elves pose any threat t' us?

Incidently that be 'ere th' Inkyships aquired 'tis title, but that be another tale, aft when our captain be lord o' th' ocean.

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DFMA Profile | burnedfx Graphic Set

The process of delving into the black abyss is to me the keenest form of fascination. - H. P. Lovecraft
The Delvers
. . .the middle ground between light and shadow . . . - Rod Serling
The Delvers' Podcast


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Inkyships: Dead Dwarves Tell No Tales
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2009, 02:03:14 am »

We stopped seekin' ou' booty an' our captain got fat an' lazy, still always orderin' us around, yet doin' nay work o' his own. He married an' had he e'en had ele'en children.

Stigazdodok e'en had th' nerve t' trade our hard plundered riches t' th' likes o' humans an' other dwar'en nations, fer what?

We be self-a wee bit o', we needed nay help from th' abroadside. We had earned that booty an' 't wasn`t t' hand ou' t' ugly humans or th' other fat tradin' dwarves.

Our bountiful booty must be kept secret an' nay one could be trusted. One rainy night, I hatched a plan t' save th' Inkyships from losin' what be important t' us. A mutiny, if ye will, but 't be fer th' booty!

't would take o'er a decade t' accomplish me goal, but me heart be set an' here be that tale.

Th' idee came t' me when a female dwarf created "Clinchplaited th' Tangled Bountiful booty".

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't be th' first artifact we had created ourselves an' I smartly befriended Rilemlibash, th' creator o' th' coffin. I suggested we assigned 't t' th' captain. without revealin' me true intent.

She wasn`t lily livered, however, an' in order t' convince th' lass', an' t' make a long story short, I be th' father o' ele'en o' th' lass' children.

I know what ye`re thinkin', I be nay better than th' captain, but I cared nay fer these children, nor did I care fer Rilemlibash.

She be a means t' an end. Although, after ten voyages one canna help but grow some sort o' attachement t' th' company o' others, but I tell ye now, I would overcome this, fer as th' voyages passed on, I came t' reckon I be th' only true seafarin' hearty amongst th' crew.

They all be becomin' fat an' lazy, livin' th' easy life in our cove. Tradin' an' talkin' wi' foreigners. Bah!

I tried t' reason wi' some o' them in th' tavern. I quote Cogokol t' his exact words, "We need nay work." Fools. All o' them.

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E'en me own children be caught swashbucklin' wi' th' diplomats, talkin' 't up wi' th' others, doin' as they please. Surely they got that from the'r scallywaggin' mother.

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Scallywaggin'. All o' them.
DFMA Profile | burnedfx Graphic Set

The process of delving into the black abyss is to me the keenest form of fascination. - H. P. Lovecraft
The Delvers
. . .the middle ground between light and shadow . . . - Rod Serling
The Delvers' Podcast


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Inkyships: Dead Dwarves Tell No Tales
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2009, 02:08:12 am »

Recently, I had sighted mermaids off our coast, while lookin' ou' across skull rock.

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I informed th' captain an' told them o' th' wealth we could aquire if we trapped them an' breeded them fer bone crafts. 

Fat an' lazy a dwarf may become, but greed neretruly leaves the'r hearts.

"We could use th' gem cutters ship an' approach them from underground, unawares," I lied.

Our supply o' silk t' repair th' sails t' th' Inkyship be hindered by our recent elf seiges from th' northern Jungle o' Stylin'. Th' forest retreat o' Mawadaamiya jus' couldna appreciate makin' use o' what th' earth provides. So, Mishosinod an' Sakrithbesmar had recently built th' gem ship t' mine fer riches in th' oceans underground, so th' lie be believable.

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Nay havin' t' leave our gentleman o' fortune town appealed t' th' captain. Th' riches had come t' th' lad's an' I assured Captain Stigazdodok that th' loot would come easy.

I suggested that we all gather in at th' docks underground an' I would inform sea dogs an' land lubbers o' th' plan.

He interrupted.

He currently needed t' meet wi' some Human Guild Representative named Senre Adothgil an' Kumil, th' Hamlet Liaison be waitin' next.

"Let them come hear our plan," I suggested. "Thar be plenty o' Rum fer all as we discuss matters."

He agreed.
DFMA Profile | burnedfx Graphic Set

The process of delving into the black abyss is to me the keenest form of fascination. - H. P. Lovecraft
The Delvers
. . .the middle ground between light and shadow . . . - Rod Serling
The Delvers' Podcast


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Inkyships: Dead Dwarves Tell No Tales
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2009, 02:14:13 am »

I wasn`t present when they all showed up.

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I be busy wi' me plan.

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I heard them scream fer days, cursin' me name, me buxom beauty an' children amongst them. I wouldna let 't get t' me! I refused!

I heard four o' me children bawl ou' t' me as Davy Jones' locker tookst 'tis toll, whether 't be from tantrums or rage or whaterechoas ensued below.

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NAY! I will nay go mad! I must do this! Fer th' booty! Our bountiful booty be safe from all!

"Father! Mother be wi' child an' be due soon," one o' me boys cried ou'.

Bah! I be ectatic despite this news, as me plans had gone perfectly.

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I had claimed th' captains quarters an' dinin' an' th' booty would be safe! I had planned t' seek ou' th' mermaids fer the'r bones an' I had e'en planned t' form a new crew, but th' dreams . . .

E'en tho th' yellin' an' screamin' had sank t'Davy Jones' locker off, I had dreams that me lad still lived, havin' somehow survived off th' food an' grog that be once forbidden in th' cave.

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Me visions also told me th' human yet lived, havin' become enraged, killin' all th' animals inside th' cavern.

Th' dreams got t' me.

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Me heart had changed, nay on accoun' o' o' what I had done, but on accoun' o' in th' dreams me lad had me face.
DFMA Profile | burnedfx Graphic Set

The process of delving into the black abyss is to me the keenest form of fascination. - H. P. Lovecraft
The Delvers
. . .the middle ground between light and shadow . . . - Rod Serling
The Delvers' Podcast


  • Bay Watcher
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    • burnedFX
Re: Inkyships: Dead Dwarves Tell No Tales
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2009, 02:23:04 am »

I found myself craftin' bone armor an' bone bolts. Why?

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I kept reflectin' on what I had done, reasonin' wi' myself, an' aye, throwin' a wee tantrums, killin' one o' our sea dogs in th' process, but I prevailed an' kept craftin'.

I felt nay guilt fer anythin' else.

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I also felt older somehow as if age be catchin' up t' me.

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Th' human still lived, I somehow knew this, an' decided that t' end th' dreams, that I must put an end t' th' lad's, regardless if me lad lives.

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Havin' finished me armor an' bolts, I loaded up me crossbow an' removed th' walls.

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't be too late he, had finally starved t' Davy Jones' locker, but nay before endin' th' life o' me last lad.

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T' th' south o' th' cave I spotted a pick, nay doubt dropped by one o' th' miners.
I grabbed an' headed up th' t' th' top o' th' caves.

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Some moons later, I be quite content. I knew th' goblins or elves would be comin' soon, but they wouldna be able t' get the'r hands on th' booty o' Inkyships.

They attacked at skull rock first.

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At th' same time they assaulted th' sea dogs t' th' west.

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I be quite content finally that I had achieved me goal.

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So I abondandoned th' fortress.

I be old now, but nay seafarin' hearty burries his booty without a way aft in. If ye pour me another rum, I may tell ye th' location o' th' Inkyships.
DFMA Profile | burnedfx Graphic Set

The process of delving into the black abyss is to me the keenest form of fascination. - H. P. Lovecraft
The Delvers
. . .the middle ground between light and shadow . . . - Rod Serling
The Delvers' Podcast