I have a ten-year-old fortress, where the food stockpiles have just plain stopped working, regardless of what subsets of food they store, and regardless of what Z-level they are on. I can put a general food stockpile RIGHT NEXT TO a farm field full of ripening plants, and Dwarves will still walk over the plants to harvest them, flash a question mark, and then walk away, because they can't find anywhere to put the plant. Before someone helpfully suggests to me that I need to turn on "Allow Plant/Animal" in "Additional Options," this is turned on, for ALL of my food stockpiles, and these stockpiles were working fine for many fine years of Dwarven fun. Now, my prepared food and drinks stockpile is running out of goods, my prepared meals are rotting in my kitchens, my vegetables are rotting in the fields, and my meat is all rotting on the butcher's block. It is a tragedy to waste all this good stuff, and I don't think my 161 Dwarves can survive like this indefinitely.
I have tried ripping out these stockpiles, and re-placing them. I have tried making new food stockpiles. I have tried reducing my number of food stockpiles. I have tried making the food stockpiles less specific. I have tried putting a food stockpile immediately right next to the food source. Absolutely nothing seems to work. Food Stockpile and store-in-barrel jobs never even show up in the job list.
My questions are: 1.) Has anyone else run into this recently? (I found a post from 2007 that sounded passingly similar, but there was no resolution in it for me.) 2.) Has anyone found a good workaround? I would like to rescue this fine fortress, but I don't know how, at this point. I'm afraid that if I start a new one, this will just happen again.