Okay, this is weird...awesome, but weird. I just finished designing my beautiful, compact fortress - a model of efficiency combining form
and function, complete with an immigrant processing room so that the population never gets above twenty - when I set my miners to work, and I suddenly I get the message 'You have struck silver!'
So, while I'm certainly not complaining (besides having to mess up some of the perfect symmetry of my dining hall in order to dig it out) I am wondering if this is supposed to happen? It was like, four tiles in, and I thought all the good stuff was after the river?
I'm also hitting a lot of obsidian and jet...hopefully I'll have a chance to exploit all this before something disastrous happens..
Oh, but speaking of dark stones like jet, I've always assumed they were more valuable than your typical rock, even though as far as I know only obsidian has any practical value.
Or has different values for different stones not been implemented yet? I've never actually tried trading them, and as I seem to be able to protect my fortress just fine with doors and mechanisms made out of talc and chalk, there doesn't seem to be any real difference in the properties of different stones...