That seed, almost every gen, gives you a caldera (or two, or even three!) in the mountains with gray/light gray mountains all around. Occasionally you'll also find a peak, ready to settle. Keep in mind that one map I got on this had a FPS of 40 or so in when I got onto the mountain (even before I started digging!). 100+ z-levels are not uncommon, and I even got one with 126 or so. Unfortunately, you'll be hard-pressed to find any place like what you're looking for with civ access to someone other than dwarves.
Mix and match the settings as you please, but it should help you gen numerous worlds with the settings you're looking for.
(If you want a challenge, then set the savagery to something different. If you want the area to be hotter, turn temperature up. These are my own personal settings, and aren't necessarily the best.)
I don't have a place off hand that would be good, but keep trying and you'll get something you like. Hopefully. Also doesn't eat up your computer usage like large maps do.