It depends on what you call Tesla Bolts. If you mean an arc of lightning, then no- it keeps arcing back into the car firing it or nearby streetlamps/parking meters. Another potentially good idea to deal with traffic down the drain. It wasn't a great idea in the first place though, the batteries were huge anyway. They did make one with a lance that has a Jacob's Ladder on the end, and a version that fires little ones out of a cross bow. But the lance just usually stalls the car/pedestrian you're trying to move and it's terrible for parallel parking. The mini ones are heavy and we just can't get them going fast enough to stick in steel plating and windows, plus you lose 'em and they aren't cheap.
Hrmm... the news always complains about Mexicans coming into the US illegally, but never suggests that Mexico's economy needs more fixing than border security does (start a damn highway project wouldja? It's what Teddy did, and he was voted in office for decades!).
They also seem to be keeping quiet about the road bandit problem in the less populated areas. Civilians have started mounting guns on their cars, but that just makes it harder for the cops to tell them apart. And there's a few abandoned nuclear plants spawning mutants left and right; we have to shoot those too. That all still isn't a huge problem now, but the bandits and mutants might become serious when Hurricane Gordon hits, even if the bunkers the government's installing goes as planned. The law enforcement is just going to be spread too thin.
Hum, guess what movies I've been watching lately?