We all know one annoying part of the nobles is their constant whining that they want something.
I was wondering if it would be reasonable to have one dwarf (treasurer?, mayor?, someone else like scribe?) also respond to requests from nobles. You could define allowed materials to be used, and maybe items to be produced some how, and then when your noble requires "produce 2 helms", the noble would have a meeting with the dwarf in question, who would then create a job order of it based on your allowances (like material used, or what to prouce if the question is "make gold items" type). The job order would then proceed as normal.
This special dwarf (scribe?, someone else) could even come later in game, like Baron, so untill then you must solve then requests yoursef. Then you can delegate them, and you won't have to stop your work every time some noble mandates something.
Maybe this dwarf (scribe), could also listen to normal dwarfs desires, and create a production orders for them. Like if every dwarf is without shoes, and they constantly complain to him about it, he could order creation of 30 shoes, so dwarfs could buy them.
Right now I have really hard time telling what my dwarfs would like to buy in the shops, so something like this could help.