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Author Topic: Right-wing radio host waterboarded, admits it's torture  (Read 7273 times)


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Re: Right-wing radio host waterboarded, admits it's torture
« Reply #60 on: June 07, 2009, 10:29:22 am »

The fact that torture doesn't work doesn't really matter. What must always be remembered is that it is a crime.


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Re: Right-wing radio host waterboarded, admits it's torture
« Reply #61 on: June 08, 2009, 05:19:47 pm »

Mancow? More like lolcow, amirite?

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Re: Right-wing radio host waterboarded, admits it's torture
« Reply #62 on: June 08, 2009, 06:54:58 pm »

You are fooling yourself greatly if you think that we get attacked because of success, wealth, and freedom.  This is the most hollow, feel good rhetoric ever concieved. 

Every person is born a rational person.  Centuries of the violation of the middle east have led us to where we are now.  From the British colonies on into the demand of oil.  I would encourage you to research what the long arm of the United States has done throughout the world, look into how we happened to suddenly possess the kingdom of Hawaii, what all went on in Central/South America, and how much we mucked about in Iran. 

I get the distinct feeling that if you had been born in..say, Afghanistan Gorjo, you would be one of the first to line up for recruitment, you would argue how simply the US is an evil country only interested in destroying islam and the people of the middle east in their holy war.   You believe the rhetoric that is most visceral at face value without applying broad thought to the landscape of issues. (i.e. the failure to distinguish between an Arab person and a terrorist, even when presented the idea of a distinction you assume that it is a distinction between different terrorist groups)

If there is one thing I would hope people would come away with is that there is evil actions, and rational people.  Rational people can be driven to doing evil actions.  Rational people can become blinded by revenge and commit atrocities.  Rational people can have a distorted view of what is to do good.  This doesn't pardon any evil action, but it may provide insight that perhaps what you do as a rational person isn't always good to everyone else, and sometimes you have to own up.

Rational people do not blow themselves up because they are jealous that someone else is more successful than them.
Wreck of Theseus: My 2D Roguelite Mech Platformer

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Gorjo MacGrymm

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Re: Right-wing radio host waterboarded, admits it's torture
« Reply #63 on: June 09, 2009, 11:20:31 pm »

You are fooling yourself greatly if you think that we get attacked because of success, wealth, and freedom.  This is the most hollow, feel good rhetoric ever concieved. 

Every person is born a rational person.  Centuries of the violation of the middle east have led us to where we are now.  From the British colonies on into the demand of oil.  I would encourage you to research what the long arm of the United States has done throughout the world, look into how we happened to suddenly possess the kingdom of Hawaii, what all went on in Central/South America, and how much we mucked about in Iran. 

I get the distinct feeling that if you had been born in..say, Afghanistan Gorjo, you would be one of the first to line up for recruitment, you would argue how simply the US is an evil country only interested in destroying islam and the people of the middle east in their holy war.   You believe the rhetoric that is most visceral at face value without applying broad thought to the landscape of issues. (i.e. the failure to distinguish between an Arab person and a terrorist, even when presented the idea of a distinction you assume that it is a distinction between different terrorist groups)

If there is one thing I would hope people would come away with is that there is evil actions, and rational people.  Rational people can be driven to doing evil actions.  Rational people can become blinded by revenge and commit atrocities.  Rational people can have a distorted view of what is to do good.  This doesn't pardon any evil action, but it may provide insight that perhaps what you do as a rational person isn't always good to everyone else, and sometimes you have to own up.

Rational people do not blow themselves up because they are jealous that someone else is more successful than them.

Vactor, your an idiot showing his bias.  It seems people want to read into what I wrote far more than I wrote, which speaks volumes about them.

Every person is born a rational person?  Go talk to law enforcement, specifically dealing with the criminally insane.
Secondly, there is a difference between the innocent and the terrorrist.  Your inability to actually understand that I wrote taht specifically about the innocents in the Middle East displays your vast personal bias.  You cannot accept an opinion strongly against the terrosists without assigning some other motive to it.  Your a complete idiot.  The educators in the Middle East, who are the religious leaders, are cashing in on the death of their people.  Shia law allows them unrestricted authority over their people.  It is blasphemous for a secular goverment to countermand them.  Why dont you do some actual research into the lives of, say, Saudi's over the last 50 years and their fight to gain centralized control over education versus the power hungry Imams.  But let me say this, not all Imams are part of the cycle, not all Muslims are terrorists.  Unfortunately, the majority of the middle east is ruled by the law of the gun much like the old american west.  Power rulz, period.  Right now, the Imams have all the power.  Supreme leader Khomeini is the ruler of Iran, not Ahminejidad (not gonna try to spell it).  Iran was actually moving into western democracy and culture and secular rule and was becomeing a beacon of progress in the middle east, after centuries of enslavement to the Imams, who destroyed the most educated civilization at the time.  So much of our science and mathematics came from the middle east before the religous leaders took over and sent the area into a spiral of poverty.  It happened again in iran in 1977.  It happened in Afganistan (which was on its way to modern prosperity) in the early 90's with the Taliban.  Once upon a time Beirut was known as the jewel of the mediterranean.  Now its barely recovering from decades of extremist violence.  Pakistans military brought it into the modern age after Musharref held his coup.  But now, he is gone, and the secular leaders are losing control in a matter of months.

You think this is about American oppresion of the middle east?  Your pathetic.  Its the worlds easiest excuse, blame the rich.  The Imams responsible for the hatred all point to the US and say "its their fault your miserable and poor" then go home to their oil income homes and slaves.  They point at whomever is available to push their class war propoganda on to avoid the blame themselves.  You are obviously in the anti-american camp that is blinded by propoganda.  Is the US perfect, fuck no.  Is the US the best thing going for humanity?  Fuck yes.

If you think we are exploiting the middle east for oil, please explain the UNBELIEVABLE wealth of the ruling elites in the Shite areas.  How come france isnt exploiting Iran when it buys its oil?  How come China and Russia arent exploiting the area?  Why?  Because you and others can only see your anti-american bias.  You "fight the power" without knowing why, cuz someone told you to.  you cannot tell the difference between what you see on TV and what is real.  You are caught up in the world wide propoganda against american policy for the last 8 years, that was created simply for the purpose of benefiting an opposing political party.  You are going to point out all the "but this and but that" without actually understanding step fucking one about those issues or how they were brought about.  you are just going to blindly lock step because you are afraid to think for yourself in this negative anti-american environment that has been largely formented on half-truth circular logic dis-information from the power base of a political party who doesnt even believe a word of it, so they could take charge.

Question:  Do you live in the US?  If so, have you ever spent time in a foreign country?  Vice-versa?  Have you spoken to or lived with people who live under constant threat from an irrational aggressor?  I dont mean spent a weekend, or "studied overseas" BS.  I mean lived for more than a year there and taken part in their culture?

When i think of the garbage you put out, I think of the beginning of "war and peace", when the idiots who have NO actual experience or knowledge explain to each other why they know better than the people who do.

Wake the fuck up and understand that as long as the US is the big guy on the block, other leaders will whip their people into a killing frenzy to bring it down.  Not because of who we are or what we do, but because we are convienent whipping posts.  Just ask Kim Jong Il.  America as a whole could go lock itself in a box for 100 years, and it wouldnt change anything.

Why not, instead of jumping on the "evil empire" bandwagon, you actually look at the whole of history?  Why not look at how the US feeds the world?  Why not look at how the US heals the world when its sick?  Why not look at how the US sends mountains of aid to those beseiged by violent natural forces?  Why not look at how the US is the most charitable nation on the planet?  Why not look at thow the US pushed the envelope on knowledge and learning and science to frontiers never dreamed of even 30 years ago?  Why not look at how US biological science given to the Chinese in the 70's allowed them to genetically engineer their rice so it produces 10 times more grains then before, so that hundreds of millions wont starve?  Why not look at how the US funds 75% of the United Nations?---------------Of course the US has done some very bad things.  But you cant see past them.  You cannot accept the other side of the coin.  To do so would rob you of your petty little idealism of "ME".

I am truly sick and fucking tired of no-nothing do-nothing's spouting their uneducated crap.  Get outta your computer chairs and put yourselves on the fucking line.  Why not go serve your ideals.  Join the military, join the peace corp, join the merchant marines, join the Red Cross, join an international charity organization.  Do fucking something except sit at your house and act superior.  And before you make another idiot of yourself, YES I FUCKING SERVED.  I Put my Ass where my Mouth is.  I spent time in a foreign nation.  I have seen the "born irrationals" point guns at me, both in my own country and out.

I cannot stand this anymore.  For the sake of my own peace of mind, I am outta here.  Talk your shit, call me names, try to pigeon hole me so that you dont have to respond to what I ACTUALLY say instead of what you want it to say.  Do your best to belittle me so that my opinions can be disregarded without discussion.  Give your character assasination your best shot.

So Long and Thanks for all the Carp.

End of line.


PS:  For those from elsewhere, peace be with you. 
@yanlin:  Your opinion is the only one I truly respect because you live in the middle of it all.

Lastly, I firmly believe in "ya spot it ya got it".  I will do my own soul searching.  The fact that I got this angry means I have issues I need to work through.  Doesn't mean my opinion is invalid, just that I need to work on my own personal character.

Long live Toady One.
"You should stop cutting down all these herr trees, or, MAN is my Queen going to be Aaaaa-aang-Re-ee with you guys!" flipping his hand and batting his eyelashes."
"Oh my god guys, wood, is like, totally murder."

Il Palazzo

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Re: Right-wing radio host waterboarded, admits it's torture
« Reply #64 on: June 10, 2009, 07:39:31 am »

Would be a good post, if not for all the personal attacks.


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Re: Right-wing radio host waterboarded, admits it's torture
« Reply #65 on: June 10, 2009, 05:24:36 pm »

Before we speak of Iran 1979, take a look at Iran 1953.

You put a whole lot of words into my mouth, and accused me of a whole lot of things, most of which was completely irrelevent to my post, i'm guessing because i touched a nerve pretty severely with you. 

The world doesn't boil down to "good guys vs bad guys." Every side views themselves as the "good guys." 

The moderate muslims that you hail are pragmatic.  I am pragmatic.  You know next to nothing about me, yet to you i am easily dismissed as yet another one of the "bad guys."  You are not pragmatic in this regard.

I'm unsure if you are blinded by the rhetoric you have ingrained, or by the fury of the realization that you are more similar to your enemy than you would like to think, but if you look again I passed no judgment on the actions of the United States.  All that I did was point out that the United States has been more than active in the goings on in sovereign nations.

Listen to fewer pundits, it will do your mind good.

Just as a little aside, your political pundit opponents have the exact inverse claims about Media bias that you do.  Think about it.
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