Right now I have rubbing, pressure, fields (evil, etc.), materials and material classes involved with reactions... I guess I'll need to put in light to do that shadow creature I mentioned... well, light is a field technically, so maybe it already is in there, at least in spirit
The shadow creature reaction would look something like:
Shadow Material (Reagent) +
Light => No products
And you could give the damage a name like "sun burned". He he he... for the gargoyle maybe it would be like
Gargoyle skin (Reagent) +
Sunlight => Gargoyle stone (Product)...
somehow it would have to know that this is not "damage"... ie, its not like the gargoyle's skin was burned into ash, just turned to stone...
And you'd also need something harder to code like
Gargoyle stone (reagent) =>
Gargoyle skin (in the absence of sunlight)...
Maybe my reaction structures need to be enlarged to include things like ambient conditions... or change how amounts work. Right now it says it needs some amount of a reagent (which is consumed) or some amount of a catalyst (which is not consumed) to make some amount of a product (you can have multiple reagents, etc.). Maybe it should say instead you need to have either above or below an amount of a reagent... so that in low light situations the reaction runs one way, and in high light situations the reaction runs the other way. More examples would help iron this out... keep thinking of things... I need to get back to the other things I'm coding, but I'll continue to adjust the reaction structures as we think of more things to accommmmmmodate.
Gargoyles could probably be done fairly quickly off of orcs or kobolds... the skin would just need to be given those reactions and wings would need to be drawn (which would suck).
I can probably call Armok educational software now, since the editors hone analytical problem-solving skills and teach people how to cope with adversity.
The model editor isn't so bad (from my warped perspective). The trickiest part by far is the gluing vertices. That part is arbitrary. I need to add a preview frame or there's really no hope outside of trial and error (as... was it Harlander?... suggested). If you look really close you'll notice that giant ant mandibles are still incorrect... it's tricky, especially when it then rotates your creature's parts around to fit its stance... then the gluing vertices can be trashed... the system doesn't work all that well.