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Author Topic: The saga of Dwellhalls  (Read 2666 times)


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Re: The saga of Dwellhalls
« Reply #15 on: April 06, 2009, 02:52:02 pm »

Bears are the best guard dogs, well when they're not sleeping.


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Re: The saga of Dwellhalls
« Reply #16 on: April 09, 2009, 08:55:57 am »

I hope this hasn't died.


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Re: The saga of Dwellhalls
« Reply #17 on: April 10, 2009, 01:58:25 am »

Same I was really enjoying the narrative of this thread, I think the OP is having too much fun playing to bother writing it up.

Selfish bastard :P
'b' is different than 'x' and a Bed doesn't hold back magma as well as a Floodgate no matter how fast you type.


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Re: The saga of Dwellhalls
« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2009, 02:14:40 am »

yes, keep going, was loving reading this!


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Re: The saga of Dwellhalls
« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2009, 05:46:01 pm »

Yes, keep it up! We must get a dwarf who's legendary in EVERY skill!
You could start a zoo and end up with a natural history museum, I'm sure no one would mind.

Jarod Cain

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Re: The saga of Dwellhalls
« Reply #20 on: April 10, 2009, 06:02:48 pm »

I have to agree, I was having fun reading this one.
-Self Proclaimed Constitutional Monarch of Utah-
-Card carrying Ambassador of Bad People Territories-


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Re: The saga of Dwellhalls
« Reply #21 on: April 13, 2009, 09:17:41 pm »

Abandoned?  Too bad.  This was a lot funnier than most, and a more interesting goal.


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Re: The saga of Dwellhalls
« Reply #22 on: April 14, 2009, 04:18:19 pm »

Not dead, just been busy. I actually haven't had time to play in a while, which is good because I've got something like 10 years to get written up before I catch up. I'll probably post some updates later tonight though.


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Re: The saga of Dwellhalls
« Reply #23 on: April 14, 2009, 04:19:08 pm »

MmMmmmmmmmm....10 years.


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Re: The saga of Dwellhalls
« Reply #24 on: April 14, 2009, 08:39:13 pm »

2-for-1 catchup update!

Journal of Kol Hammershields, Years 69-70:

17th Granite 69:
More elves have come. They seem a little miffed about their predecessors having been slaughtered by goblins but I point out it was their defective bears that led to the mess in the first place since they suffer from acute goblin-blindness and also are apparently impotent too. The elves kind of looked at me funny when I told them that about that bit but I'm starting to think that's just the way elves always look. Anyhow, they did have another bear although unfortunately it was the little kind this time and not another big one.

27th Granite 69:
The goblins are back too! We fight them off without too many casualties, which is to say I am still alive. Oh and also Rovod and little Lorbam.

12th Slate 69:
Urist announces that he has apparently taken a wife. I wonder how much booze that took.

14th Slate 69:
I just noticed our booze stockpile is getting suspiciously low and now I think I know exactly how much booze that took. I consider declaring all booze to be my private property but then I realize I am outnumbered 80 to 1 and have no real combat experience my generosity gets the better of me, so I set out trying to gather some more grass to brew into alcohol.

15th Felsite 69:
More immigrants continue to flock from the old Mountainhome to its soon-to-be replacement, led by our new Dungeon Master Astesh Bellentranced who is apparently a girl. I ask if this wouldn't make her a Dungeon Mistress but Urist turns red and says no that is something different. She isn't much to look at but a lot of the nerdier grunts are flocking around her anyhow because apparently they don't see many female Dungeon Masters.

2nd Hematite 69:
Our food and booze supplies are starting to get back into shape but the goblin corpses are starting to pile up and the newbies don't seem to accept them as being a reasonable substitute for our dwindling stock of hoary marmot meat so I guess I'll have to do something about them. If nothing else we could probably use some more bolts.

14th Malachite 69:
While I'm in the crafts shop Urist asks me why I've spent a month and a half carving bolts when Fath still has our only crossbow and is crowded into a filthy cot with three other dwarves recuperating in our state of the art medical facility. I roll my eyes at his shortsightedness and declare my bone carving work is done now for completely unrelated reasons, so I grab the axe and go back into the valley to clear some more trees.

3rd Limestone 69:
Fath has made a complete recovery wait what? Fath I don't care if your legs are better there is still a pretty big hole in your chest and I'm pretty sure some organs are supposed to go there!

4th Limestone 69:
So Fath insists on going back on duty even though he's still missing a few bits and is making these really nasty wheezing noises every time he breathes, which means unfortunately the newbies want to spend even less time hanging around him.

20th Limestone 69:
The goblins have returned under banner of war! At least the little bastards aren't sneaking around anymore. Axe in hand I run away like a frightened little girl tactically retreat to the base of the cliff to make my stand.

22nd Limestone 69:
Two of the newbies heroically sacrifice themselves to save my undeserving hide get in my way and perish in the melee, but the goblins are driven off.

25th Limestone 69:
Sneaky buggers! A few of the goblins snuck around to the north and attacked from behind, killing another newbie before we I could get them.

10th Sandstone 69:
We're out of trees and starting to run out of food since the liaison didn't bother showing up what with the goblins, so unfortunately I have to go back to work gathering more food to feed my industrious citizens.

17th Timber 69:
Rovod has had another daughter, Iden Glazerules. Seriously I need to talk to her about letting me name some of the kids.

5th Obsidian 69:
Lorbam is walking on her own now! Hopefully this 'un won't walk into a goblin thief's bag like the others.

11th Granite 70:
Scouts have brought word that goblin war parties have been seen in the area, running away from Dwellhalls in terror. I am glad to see they are finally catching wind of our reputation as SWEET MOTHER OF WHAT THE

12th Granite 70:
I told the newbies to hide all the carved up bone bolts we have lying around in hopes that this will avoid offending the giant skeleton man but I don't think it's working. I told Urist to draft a messenger to call for military aid from our allies in Deadratistan but he claims I just made Deadratistan up as an excuse to have nobles thrown in the chasm. I am shocked that an allegedly important official like Urist would callously slight an important ally like that, but on the plus side maybe I can leverage his foe paws in the upcoming elections and

OH CRAP giant skeleton right.

21st Granite 70:
Thanks to the pointless brave sacrifice of our troops I now have the coolest mug in the history of the world. Urist says it can't be a mug as there is no conceivable way it could hold liquid but he just doesn't understand art.

Naturally Rovod and I declare a holiday, so everyone just hangs around and chats and drinks booze for a while. Actually I think that's pretty much all anyone else does anyhow but now they get to do it with an actual roof. For a little while.

1st Slate 70:
Our most recent sacrificial sheep military heroes are given a sad farewell along with some others who apparently I everyone else forgot about. It is sad how quickly civilians are to forget those who gave their lives so that others could have peace!

Fortunately they are not forgotten by all, and one brave soldier's receives a reluctant, tearful farewell from wait a second he's not her husband. Oh snap Udib is not going to like this.

18th Slate 70:
The elves never showed up this season but we have more bears anyhow as the two smaller black bears just gave birth so now we have some newborn bear pups! When I announce the happy news to everyone Urist starts to tell me something but seems to think better of it and slinks off. I guess he is finally starting to wise up!

27th Slate 70:
Our supply of booze is looking pretty secure but with almost 90 dwarves we are starting to run out of food and growing bear pups need to eat! I still haven't been able to find any edible grass though, just the brewable stuff.

10th Felsite 70:
Ah-hah! With my inunderestimable genius I have arrived at the solution to all our food problems, thanks to my triumphant new invention: roast beer! It is so filling that some of the newbies lost their appetite just looking at it.

16th Hematite 70:
The human traders are back and brought us a ton of food. Everyone seems inexplicably relieved.

21st Hematite 70:
The goblins are back to skulking around. We fought off an ambush with no losses although goblins stole some babies from other people.

24th Hematite 70:
Our little family is finally starting to recover with the birth of a third daughter, Dakost Anvillizards. I am about ready to give up on this naming business as I think Rovod is starting to name them out of spite now, but to show her I still care I throw my semi-annual "We have most of our babies and you don't" party for some of the grunts.

21st Malachite 70:
In my quest for alternative food sources I think I've picked about all the grass I can pick, so to relax I hit the pool some more.

16th Galena 70:
Urist is starting to get on my case about the fact we haven't produced any trade goods in a couple of years. He even went so far as to issue a mayoral mandate to produce some large gems! Does it look like we have any gemcutters around here?!

17th Galena 70:
Urist has pointed out to me that yes we have three gemcutters around here. I meant any gemcutters that mattered, you prick.

20th Galena 70:
I tried to talk some of the newbies into rising up and overthrowing Urist as Mayor, citing their deplorable living conditions since it's purely my fault purely Urist's fault they live in utter squalor, but they're not having any of it. Oh well. I think I dug up some kind of shiny rocks when I was levelling out the mountaintop so I might as well humor him.

16th Limestone 70:
Our caravan from the Mountainhome is back but since the liaison hasn't bothered showing up the past few years they didn't have my important requests to guide them and just brought a bunch of junk. I ask Lorbam when the queen is going to declare Dwellhalls the new Mountainhome and move in--I'll even evict all the grunts so she could have the lean-to to herself! He just turned purple and started spluttering and I think he was about to issue an order to the caravan guards but they couldn't stop sniggering at this point. It is sad when a leader does not have the respect of his underlings!

5th Sandstone 70:
It took a while but I managed to cut some of the nicer looking stones I've dug up into large gems. Urist turns around and says good now make some copper mugs. We could seriously use a new ambassador for Deadratistan right around now but on second thought Urist is probably not a good candidate since he would probably cause an international incident on account of his incipient racism.

27th Timber 70:
I am getting really pretty awesome at swimming so I decide to throw a pool party. Attendance is lacking since I am the only dwarf probably in the whole kingdom who knows how to swim, although Rovod and the kids are loyal enough to perch nervously around the edge for a while.

15th Moonstone 70
Urist just will not get off my case about these copper mugs! This is the third set he's ordered in as many months. To take my mind off of how much I'd like to carve his bones up I spend a few weeks in the workshop carving bones up.

9th Obsidian 70
I am starting to think that maybe Urist has a point which he probably stole from me. Also Fath overheard me muttering something about Urist while I was in the shop and has been wheezing his approval which is really disturbing me. In order to be a mighty(er) Mountainhome we need a metalworking industry, so I tell the grunts to start gathering some of the trees that have just been rotting in the valley since I cleared it out as I'm going to need a lot of fuel.

End-of-year summary: By the end of year 70 Dwellhalls is up to a population of 93 (no major migrations that year, just births.) Kol has racked up three more legendaries: Herbalist, Appraiser, and Swimmer. Wood Cutter is in the Grand Master range but there are no more trees on the map so can't reach legendary just yet.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2009, 08:58:29 pm by RPB »


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Re: The saga of Dwellhalls
« Reply #25 on: April 14, 2009, 09:23:01 pm »

Good lord he must be practically invincible with all those stat gains.  Despite his lack of experience he probably could kill everyone in that fort (barring cowardice).


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Re: The saga of Dwellhalls
« Reply #26 on: April 14, 2009, 10:37:37 pm »

Actually... it turns out that between everyone else's nonstop socializing with associated skill gains, and the frequent breaks for less-skilled labor like brewing, Kol is actually not the most experienced dorf in Dwellhalls :-[ Kol's axe and armor would give him an advantage but if he was to fight more than a few of the older immigrants at once they'd quickly wrestle him down.


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Re: The saga of Dwellhalls
« Reply #27 on: April 15, 2009, 02:15:54 am »

Suggestion to keep them from socializing (Nobody must be more experienced than Kol!): Have Kol strip mine a large amount of rocks. Dump them at one end of the map. Reclaim them and order them dumped on the other end of the map.

Or have Kol train up mechanic by making 100 levers all linked to nothing and set to be pulled repeatedly (it would be easier to get hauling done this way, simply cancel a few of the repeating pull lever tasks when you need grunts).

Also, thanks for the great update.


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Re: The saga of Dwellhalls
« Reply #28 on: April 15, 2009, 09:46:15 am »

Kol is actually not the most experienced dorf in Dwellhalls :-[

Wow!  Well I guess that helps for those constant goblin attacks at least.
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