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Author Topic: More Graveyard Options  (Read 1239 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: More Graveyard Options
« Reply #15 on: March 27, 2010, 10:49:31 am »

@Strife26: Well pardon me for getting emotionally attached to my dorfs. Besides, that kind of thing stops being funny and starts to get one one's nerves after a while.

@NW_Kohaku: That has to be the most awesomely dwarfy idea I've heard yet.

@deoxy: The idea was that a body marked for cremation would be treated as if they already had a coffin, but you're right that the basis on which coffins are assigned needs some work. Not sure how to go about that, though.

@Safe-Keeper: Agreed, though I'm not sure how that would work. I like the idea of a bereaved dwarf getting a small happy thought from seeing an engraving or statue of their lost loved one... though that would mean replacing baldly descriptive flavour text along the lines of "Urist is withering away", "Urist is melting" etc with something a bit more cheerful, which I daresay would not be universally popular.
Never used Dwarf Therapist, mods or tilesets in all the years I've been playing.
I think Toady's confusing interface better simulates the experience of a bunch of disorganised drunken dwarves running a fort.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: More Graveyard Options
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2010, 01:05:16 am »

Wait, they get assigned coffins even after their body is completely destroyed?

Yes, that was precisely why I asked what I did.  I've gotten rid of the remains more than once, by more than one method, and they still get new coffins.

As best I can tell, when a coffin is available, the list of the dead is checked, and the first one without a coffin assigned gets that coffin.  No other check seems to be made: a dead dwarf with no coffin needs a coffin, even if no one ever met him and he died so long ago that no living dwarf was alive when he died.  Even if there are no remains to put in said coffin.  Even if said dwarf HAD a coffin before (but no longer does, for whatever reason).

Torching them with magma?  Check.  Drop in chasm?  Check.  Let body/bones rot outside until they are gone?  Check.  All of this AFTER they had a coffin (which was deconstructed to get the stuff inside back out).  Heck, if I could find a way to sell the bones to a trader or make totems/bolts out of them, I'd try that, but I'm completely sure they'd still get a new coffin assigned.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: More Graveyard Options
« Reply #17 on: March 28, 2010, 06:51:51 pm »

Do they get assigned a coffin if they get made into a nice handbag or chair via a mood?
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