On the Future of the Fortress page, interface improvements aren't listed, as they'll be "happening throughout the entire process." Fair enough, but that makes it hard to tell what kind of priority they're being given. Any word on that? Can I at least express the wish that they get priority over additional content?
Dwarf Fortress is a superb game, but the interface makes it difficult for people to discover that. I don't mind keyboard commands, but some menus use the arrow keys to move up and down, while others use + and -,... and I swear I NEVER pick the right one! It's really frustrating. After playing awhile, I can learn the complicated menu system, but I'm always reaching for the wrong movement keys, it seems.
And I have to get completely out of one menu, and into another one, in order to "see" something on the screen, then back into the other menu again to do something about it. In a game with ASCII graphics, this is particularly annoying. And, of course, it's not easy to pick the correct menu for a particular action, either - certainly not for beginners or casual players. It would really help to streamline the menu choices, and allow us to do multiple things from the same menu.
Finally (and these are just examples, not a comprehensive list), I can go to the unit menu, scroll down to a character, and make a change in his job assignments, but I end up completely out of all menus. In order to do the same thing to another character - and the one after that, and the one after that - I have to do everything all over again. It's almost painful. If we could make a change, then find ourselves back at the unit menu at the same character (so we could simply move to the next one), that would be a huge improvement.
As I say, this is a great game, but I'm worried that most people won't put up with such things. I would strongly urge an emphasis on improving the interface over adding new content, if not in the current revision, then certainly in the next one. I think it's that important.
Maybe that is already being done, but I can't tell, since interface improvements aren't specifically listed anywhere (as far as I can see).