A normal day in dwarf fortress with sieges and ambushes, this began when i was slaughtered by kobolds who litteraly through my traps and door and of course there were some archers too. they killed all my dwarves who was inside the wall and began to run for the fortress when they saw a cat who ran for the food storage (my food storage, dining room and bedroom was abit away because there was no soil nearby and i didnt want to start irrigation just yet.
anyway, they started to run after the cat and killed the 5 dwarves it tried to hide at and the cat of course died to. after this they thought their killing spree wasent enough and charged my fortress, inside was a single marksdwarf which killed 5 wrestlers and 1 spearman before he fell to the ground being filled with arrows when the bowmen entered the door. now my miner rampaged and kill a spearman while 3 bowman was firing at him but unfortunatly he had his heart pierced and lungs. the kobolds fleed and my miner died after 5 minutes (how the hell can you survive with youre heart and lungs pierced).
just when they left a giant siege of orcs came and stormed the gates luckily these couldnt run through locked doors and the first who tried to opened the door died by the traps. this is when i recruit a new marksdwarf and set him up on the wall to kill these orc invaders. it was like target practice but i wondered how that orc could take like 10 bolts direct hit, then i saw him pass out and then i investigated him and saw that he was the Local leader and had all attributes topped and he was a legendary swordsman, my lucky dwarf hit him right in his right eye and then at his neck but then he went almost invurnerable as my arrows just cracked when they hit his armor. now they ran away and i survived once again '' Praise be ironpolishes''.
anyway the purpose of this topic was that i had a question about local leaders, what happenes if i kill him in the next siege? will someone take his place or will the orcs cease their attacks? and is there no way to stop kobolds from running through all of your traps/doors.