Liriith stood at the gate. He was the first that they would see when the door was unlocked, and he knew he would be the first to die. Standing around him were dozens of others. Nowhere did he see a trained soldier, all had died in a glorious blaze, an attempt to keep the invaders from even reaching this point. They were unarmed and outmatched. A ragtag band of elves from all professions stood around him in the sunberry fields, some held the axes and picks they were accustomed to working with. Still, some others were unarmed. They had trained for several days before this time, locking themselves in. They knew they had to fight back to survive.
Now he could hear the orc's snarling outside. There was a small feeble cry for help, and then a crunch as the last friendly face on the other side was murdered.
Somebody gave the order, and the Orc's began to flood in. Liriith could see a miner locked in combat with a large burly, orc who held a mace. He marveled at the chaos for a moment, and then was suddenly on the ground. His arm was broken in a moment, his leg was gripped in the lock of a hideous orc. He, in turn, reached out and grasped the Orc's finger.
Several cries rang out, and he watched two elves, the only remaining elves began to retreat to the dining room. That was all he saw, save for an axe.
Not good at all, sorry. Inspired by a massive seige I just lost. The elves are fae, I forget who made them. I renamed them as elves because I liked the idea of them being a different kind of elf. Orcs are the popular Orcs.