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Author Topic: Frostfire: The Trials of Kynlore Jailtrumpet, and his Merry Band of Criminals  (Read 2509 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Shorer, Kobold Pimp cancels Work: Too Pimpin'
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And my requested dual-wielding Swordsdwarf?

I know, I was thinking Wrestler before, but, well...a Wrestler would get slaughtered, and swordsdwarves are always cool.

If you're wondering how to give him two weapons, it's an option in V -> Preferences -> Soldiering and Hunting. Number of Weapons.

You can use Make Wooden Sword in a Craftsdwarf's Workshop to make an Aztec Macuahuitl for him to use if you don't feel like buying swords from the traders.


  • Bay Watcher
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First wave of migrants, I promise! Also, Macuahuitl are totally pwn. It's a shame you can't actually make them, although I can just give him two obsidian swords. Basically the same thing, right? Also, did you still want the two dogs, or no?


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12th Granite
A dog has given birth, and we now have a healthy horse foal, it seems our horse was... erm, impregnated by the trader's horse. How this happened we don't know, both of them were clearly separated, but it doesn't matter it's just more meat for us when the time comes. I fear we're going to need some more cages... the four we have are simply not going to cut it, especially if we plan on catching any Muskox and Elk. Motsognir spied a Polar Bear during the winter, when he was constructing some Obsidian walls, but he tells me now that the beast has vanished. It's for the best, I suppose.

In other news, I now feel as if the stock-records are but a fleeting nuisance. Keeping track of them is as easy as simply look at the barrels. It's as if, by some psychic ability, I've managed to count all the stocks. Of course, I need to check on them every now but the time it takes is slim to none. A quick glance in each barrel and the stocks are finished. I must find something to occupy my time with now. I think, perhaps, I'll go back to farming and helping the girls weave the Pig Tails into usable items. It was rather calming, in a strange sort of way.

17th Granite
Motsognir says he's seen some elves heading our way. I do hope their peaceful, I'd hate to be eaten by one of the voracious bastards. It would be nice, too, if they would bring us some wood, but knowing their kind it seems unlikely. I'll have to have a look at their wares in any regard, they may have something useful, maybe some animals and cages.

26th Granite
The Elves had nothing, or close to nothing. A few pieces of wood, and we traded it all for two obsidian mugs! Two! The bastards. They traveled all this way, and with what? Nothing, dammit! Still, we got some wood, now we can make some more beds, and a few more cages.

Still, the day wasn't all bad. Our cow gave birth again, so now we have three cow calves, who I'm hoping will grow into suitable stock for breeding. I only hope the humans the elves told us about are really coming. I've heard a great deal about humans often bringing great stores of wood, and exotic animals. They're nearly as industrious as we are!

Speaking of industry, the Obsidian mines are going smoothly, not one accident yet! The miners tell me it's quite dangerous what we're doing, skirting the edges of the magma pipe. At least we have enough of the valuable stone to continue our crafting. I truly do not want to get into the basalt layer unless we absolutely must.

17th Slate

The elves finally left, which is a good thing, they were beginning to creep me out. Strangely, just as they were leaving they told us about some dwarves that were heading our way. Migrants!? I guess the king hasn't quite forgotten about us, or these are the worst criminals he could have sent us... or they are just useless. I'll have to wait and see what they bring with them, and what they're skills are. If anything, they will help move things along... I hope they brought wood.

19th Slate
The king is a bastard. I'm grateful that he sent us some migrants... but... seriously, 20 of them!? I was simply not prepared for this.  Not only that, but so many of these people are useless! Here's the roster.

1 Engraver
1 Animal Trainer
1 Hunter
1 Animal Dissector
1 Metal Smith
1 Weapon Smith
1 Armorer
1 Blacksmith
1 Metal Crafter
1 Wood Crafter
1 Bone Carver
1 Clothier
1 Fishery Worker
1 Farmer
1 Herbalist
5 Peasants – All women, strangely enough.

Of interesting note is the Woodcrafter, he's known by Dobar Pleatedfenced ... but enjoys being called the Fist of Armok, I can't imagine why. Still, he approached me shortly after arrived and asked if he could be some sort of berserker dwarf, complete with twin swords “ better defend this place! To better defend our home, and most importantly my wife!” I do wonder if his wife pushed him into this. He's also requested two war dogs... although we currently don't have any to spare, and I'd rather not risk the lives of our breeding pair. Perhaps when the puppies mature I'll have the new Animal Trainer tend to it.

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Meanwhile, I'm quickly turning those peasants into masons, they'll surely aid in the construction of the Obsidian tower... Ysmor has been complaining about not having any help, Motsognir has been too busy setting up cage traps. Most everyone else has been regulated to farming, something I think Sird and Momuz will appreciate, or weaving pig tails thread into cloth.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Shorer, Kobold Pimp cancels Work: Too Pimpin'
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Whoops; I mean Make Rock Sword. Yes, they're Macahuitl; they use one Obsidian and one Wood to make, after all. And please, do give him the dogs.

Call him The Fist of Armok. If possible, he should be prideful, not inclined to admitting his own faults, and fond of talking to people.

EDIT: Thanks!


  • Bay Watcher
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6th Felsite
Obok  Amazerag had withdrawn from the public today... and she's holed himself up within the Craft shop. She spent awhile in there before coming out, with pictures of skeletons and shells... they were quite disturbing. I'm afraid we don't have any skeletons or shells lying around. I hope this doesn't impact her unstable state. Perhaps, if the humans come, we'll be able to get some from them, I only hope Obok can hang for that long.

14the Hematite
It's early summer, and still cold as ever. The masons working on the Obsidian tower, now to be called “Frostfire Spire” have informed me that a human caravan has arrived, as well as a human guild representative. Surely this means more wares than the elves, they didn't even both with a Liaison! It matters not, but I've ordered as many Obsidian mugs into the Depot as it can hold. I would very much so like to have some bins to place them in, this is getting ridiculous.

16th Hematite
These humans! These humans surely know of our plight, perhaps the Mountain homes spoke to them, or maybe the elves... although why the elves would tell the humans to bring wood, that is to cut down trees, is beyond me. Never the less, they have brought us a great deal of wood, and cages and barrels! Ah, I could kiss them.

There is a bit of bad news, however. Obok has gone berserk, it seems she really wanted those shells. Her killer was none other than Fist of Armok, the dwarven berserker. He struck her down right-quick. I think I'll be making him the new sheriff, doesn't do much else anyway.

7th Malachite
There is little to speak of happening, though we did manage to capture a wild Muskox! Praise Ral, though this is not truly her sphere... it will add to her wealth! There have also been reports of a large, man-like creature wandering in the southern plains. Like a human, only much larger and covered in white fur. I shudder to think what this creature might be, and I dare-say it will crush any dwarf who gets in it's way. That said, we're going to be rigging up some traps nearby in hopes of catching and, possibly, training the thing.

Also, more migrants have arrived. We are -still- not prepared for this onslaught. Thankfully there were not that m any... six in all, bringing our population to a total of 32.

1 Woodworker
1 Carpenter
2 Rangers
1 Herbalist
1 Dyer

Needless to say, everyone has been assigned different jobs... mostly more farmers and masons.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Shorer, Kobold Pimp cancels Work: Too Pimpin'
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Groovy, my first kill.

I can almost see those new 'migrants as a bunch of hippies and their guide. "Let's go live with the Elves! They're, like, all in tune with nature!

Several hundred wrong turns later...

"Welcome to Frostfire. We have no plants, almost no wood, and little to no game. Enjoy your stay!"


  • Bay Watcher
  • Forger of Civilizations
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I'll take the weaponsmith. If it's a guy, name him Darkforge. If it's a girl, name her Ironeyes. He/she is obsessed with getting the magma forge up and running, even if all we have lying around is copper to forge. Love of the craft and all that. Hopefully, though, there is some hematite in the basalt so we can make iron armor and weapons.
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
Come play Mafia with us!
"Let us maintain our chill composure." - Toady One


  • Bay Watcher
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25th Malachite
Bembul, sorry, “Darkforge”, Sealtime has been pestering me lately. Seems he wants the Magma Forges up and running. Unfortunately, I had to tell him that, with the current plan, we needed some Bauxite Mechanisms to move the magma to a work-able area. When he asked why, I promptly showed him the Obsidian mines. Where we to dig channels anywhere near the Magma pipe, the whole fortress would be flooded in the red hot liquid. This seemed to annoy him, and he cursed down the hallway as he went back to planting seeds.

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On a sadder note, we finally buried Obok in a proper coffin. We don't yet have a tomb for those who have fallen and, truth be told, this is one of the sadder says of Frostfire. The first dwarf killed in this accursed place. I hope the king is happy.

In conjunction with Darkforge's request, I have had the miners start to dig a massive hallway within the Basalt layer. I hope to find some metal ores, even a little for our stockpiles. This way, when the magma forges do spring up, we'll have something for the blacksmith's to do.

12th Limestone

Darkforge was jumping for joy today... the Dwarven Caravan arrived and I had told him that they would be bringing Bauxite. This, of course, meant that he would be able to hook up some pumps... rather, Motsognir would be able to do it. With these, we'll be able to elevate the magma to a workable area, probably on the surface. We'll have to maintain just how much we pump, however... wouldn't want to flood the entire area... yet.

I've also had Ysmor and Freja expand the bedroom area, as we'll surely have more wood for beds, and it's about time people began sleeping in their own rooms instead of a communal barracks. Two years sharing a room with thirty other dwarves? No thanks. I'll write as soon as I'm done trading with the caravan, I do hope they brought what we requested.

18th Limestone
They brought everything we asked for... and nothing else. Unfortunately, they only brought a bauxite stone, and two bauxite blocks. There are a great many cages, but little wood. Sometimes I think the King personally selects what's going... “Oh, they need this? Then no food for them!” Bugger on him. Darkforge was just as disappointed, this meant we wouldn't be able to create the magma chamber just yet. He went off cursing some number of gods, and I think I heard my name. I'll have to watch out for him in the future.

I saw Fist of Armok, I'll never get used to calling him that, talking to some of the caravan guards. They were admiring his obsidian swords, practically salivating over them. It made me smile, until I saw one of the bastards chase after and kill a a Muskox. I don't know why, it wasn't doing anything even remotely danger... just sitting there, staring... with those eyes.

1st Sandstone
Urdim Seedtongs has been taken by a mood, and has withdrawn from society. I fear he may meet the same fate as Obok I truly hope not, and I'll try everything in my power to keep this from happening. Time will tell, however. As expected, he's taken the carpenter's shop... if he's going to use wood, it had better be to make a bed, dammit.

4th Sandstone
He's begun constructing something, I suppose this is a good sign. We'll have to wait and see. Also, the second set of bedrooms are complete, and the miners are finally moving into the basalt layer.

8th Sandstone
I swear, I may just kill Urdim. Instead of making something useful, he has made a Willow hatch cover and, while it is incredibly well crafted and gorgeous... it serves no use. None. Not a single one. All he has done is waste a willow log, someone's bed. No, HIS bed. Anyway, he's called it “Entrancedcackled the Slaughter of Spoiling” I can only imagine why.

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12th Sandstone
It's quite boring here, so I've decided to throw a party! I figure everyone needs a break, they've all been hard at work. Except Urdim of course. It was during this party, actually, that Darkforge showed me a spot that was perfect for a small Magma Forge operation. We'll have to be incredibly careful when carving the area out, our miners have heard fire imps laughing through the walls lately. I'm going to consider it, and possibly layout a preliminary section for the forges to be set up. Until then, Darkforge will just have to wait.

20th Sandstone
Ignore my last entry, the aquifer makes this impossible. I've apologized to Darkforge, but we not have a large empty room. I've added a stockpile for various things in there. Next time I need to survey the area most closely.

Also, more Migrants have arrived. They are going to be the death of me, I swear. I'll have to count them all when they get here.

24th Sandstone
We've gone from 32 to 41 dwarves. That's nine migrants to arrive. At least it's nothing as heinous as 20. At once.

1 Stoneworker
1 Hunter
1 Weapon Smith
1 Stone Crafter
1 Wrestler
1 Wood Burner ( He has been firmly educated that we do not burn wood here. Never. )
3 Peasants

All of them have been assigned mundane jobs. The peasants, of course, are training in masonry. Eventually they will be conscripted into the army, though they don't know that. The wrestler has been left as is, Urist will make a good sparring partner for Fist of Armok... though it will require him to give up a sword. Speaking of Fist of Armok, I've asked one of the animal trainers to start training his war dogs... they should be done soon enough.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Shorer, Kobold Pimp cancels Work: Too Pimpin'
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Heyyy...if that good-for-nothing wants a sword, make him get his own! I'm Fist Of Armok, the dual-wielding berserker of Frostfire, smiter of angry dwarves and...something.

Fist of Armok cancels Rant: Looking for something to read


  • Bay Watcher
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1st Moonstone
Winter has arrived and, unfortunately we are running low on alcohol. This is partially might fault, an oversight in the amount of barrels we should be reserving. I've changed this from five to fifteen in hopes that it will alleviate the situation.

Fist of Armok is getting better, especially now that Urist Orbdrive is here to spar with him. They should make a formidable duo in no time. I only hope that neither of them becomes too injured during their practice to be of any use. There is little else to make note of, although we are making progress on the Spire. If, by any sort of miracle, the first floor is complete by winter's end, I shall encloase a diagram of it.

3rd Moonstone
We now have a breeding pair of elk. Fancy that... now if only we could catch a female muskox, we will have tamed half of the wild-life here, and made them our own as a delicious food source. Darkforge seems rather depressed, if only because we have no forges. I spoke to him about it and he seems to have gotten better. I really must see to getting some done, if not for him, then for the Fortress and Ral, my beloved Goddess.

2nd Opal

Cilob Pagepillars has been acting strangely, babbling in tongues and twitching his head back and forth quickly. It's... unnerving. Some of the other dwarves are scared for their safety. I've asked Urist and Fist of Armok to watch him should anything strange arise.

4th Opal
He has gone on and on about trees and skin. If he wants trees, I'm afraid he's out of luck... we have none here, and there's no wood to speak of. I fear our friend may fall victim to the same fate Obok has. I hope a Caravan arrives soon.

7th Opal
Urist tells me that Fist or Armok has broken his hand... in a clumbsy sparring accident. Evidently Urist smashed the thing with her sword's hilt. I've seen it, the fingers look absolutely disgusting. He should be fine. In light of this, I've asked Urist to stand guard over Cilob, near the workshop he's taken over. Should he go berserk, I believe his end will be swift.

12th Opal
Urist has just dragged Motsognir in from the cold. He looked dreadful, his upper body was nearly crushed, and quite obviously broken or worse. I fear for his well being. When I asked what had done this, Urist told me it was a Muskox. I was shocked... but now I know why that Dwarven Caravan Guard was chasing them. It's those eyes... those evil, hollow eyes. They continue to stare at us, plotting I think, they're next move. Will they take out a miner? Ysmor, Freja!? Or maybe me? No, I will be prepared. I've started carrying around a dagger, a large copper one picked off the body of a dead kobold. I won't be caught of guard!

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16th Opal
My precautions were not simply paranoia. Cilob has, indeed, gone insane and berserk. Urist made short work of him, sending his body flying against a nearby wall where it split into two. The scene is gorey and full of blood, I'm simply glad I wasn't there when it happened.

1st Granite
Spring is here, and as before I am including a diagram of the fortress's current layout and our stock supplies. Do not be fooled! We have a great deal of food, our weakness is alcohol, although we can exist on water if we need to. Darkforge is still nagging me about the Magma Forges, but I've told him continuously that we simply cannot create them at this time! He's stormed off. Likewise, Motsognir and Fist of Armok are still bedridden. I hope they recover soon. People may say that we're not expanding quickly, but I believe this is a good thing. It keeps the heat within the fortress, within a confined area! Less cold, more warm. We will be expanding though, within the next year.

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Main Area, including the smaller barracks, farms (which are surprisingly empty) food stores and some random workshops.
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Storage Area, including a great number of Mason's workshops, some looms, two kitches, stills and clothier's workshop.
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Bedroom area, still functioning as a barracks, simply not enough beds for individual rooms yet.

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