Hey, I wonder what all the sync kills are for the "ultimate" units...
So far we've seen:
Daemon Prince vs. Greater Knarloc (a personal favorite)
Bloodthirster vs. Avatar of Khaine
Librarian vs. Avatar of Khaine
Force Commander vs. Bloodthirster
And I at least have seen the Avatar vs. Avatar sync kill, which is absolutely bugtastic.
I DEMAND KNOWLEDGE! I want to see every possible combination, just to prove that the animators weren't working away for nothing on those special sync kills... Plus, it would be absolutely awesome.
Oh, and one other thing... If you're playing the Ork Swarm mod, don't fight in the same battle as an Eldar faction. Everyone else will burn. Also, the SM Whirlwind really is a force of nature in this mod.
EDIT: For thoise of you who think that the orks are losing a lot of their power by being reduced to only using slugga boy squads, consider this: Do you know of any player, playing any race, who can hold out against THREE bloodthirsters and a squad of nineteen chaos marines with five of them carrying heavy bolters?
I had to call in reinforcements to keep those demons alive, and they even REGENERATE their health now instead of losing it!
[ June 03, 2008: Message edited by: Kagus ]