I am having trouble with my usual trap array, standard for my fort, suddenly killing off my dwarves. They used to not trigger due to my dwarves unless my dwarves were running from enemies or such. Now, however, they seem to be triggering somewhat randomly. Example, I just watched 15 of my 29 dwarves die when trying to haul in gear from the last ambush killed in the traps. Along with those deaths are any animals that passed over them. When I built them, they were not doing this: dwarves have been passing over them constantly, as have merchants, without triggering. Now, though, suddenly they are killing my dwarves... and the reason, I have found, is the way the game handles webbing. You see, some enemies I modded in, Arachnoids, spit web, and pass through my traps [trAPAVOID]. But when webbed, the dwarf triggers the traps. The only way I have found around this is building a ton of looms, forbidding everything around it but the web, turning on many dwarves' weaving, and having them all collect web until it is gone... which still has it's mishaps.
The wiki says Traps will trigger if my dwarf is ever unconscious on it. Does webbing make the dwarf temporarily 'unconscious' as a way of making them stay in place momentarily to simulate webbing?