Elsie Blackenship sauntered into the courtroom without a care in the world. Sure, her rap sheet was long... treason, terrorism, hacking, murder, kidnapping, racketering and so forth... being the leader of the Liberal Crime Squad tended to require a fair bit of crime, but there was no chance she'd get nailed for any of it. The courtroom today had been like a well oiled machine, allowing every member of her organization to get off of technicality, sympathetic juries or just a general lack of credible evidence. Lex was amazing. He wasn't a well known liberal ace attorney, but he knew this courtroom like the back of his hand and had completely overwhelmed everything the prosecution had to throw at him. Elsie grinned and motioned Lex over with he shackled hands.
"Got one more in ya, slugger?" she asked when he'd scurried her way.
"Ahem, no. There's a problem with the account."
"Ha, good one Lex, but seriously."
"Hey, lay off you hippie deadbeat!" Not wanting to break his cover, the lawyer shot Elsie a nasty look. "There was a shortage in the account, Ms Blackenship. In fact it is empty. I'm not running a charity. You are left to make your own defense. I wish you luck."
Elsie's attention shot to Akira, the fashion mogul who primarily bankrolled their enterprise. She was watching from the packed courtroom with an apologetic look on her face. She mouthed the word "Sorry."
Elsie gave a look of horror towards the stern looking judge, no plant of hers, and then at the Arizona State prosecutor who had just strode into the courtroom with a confident smirk, eying the founder of the fearsome Liberal Crime Squad like a tiger eying it's wounded prey. The Supreme Court had just struck down the ban on capital punishment last month...
"Wha?" Elsie's ears shot up as she heard Lex mutter something as he passed.
"I hope you were paying attention..."