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Author Topic: So I'm going to try writing stories, dwarfy stories  (Read 1336 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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So I'm going to try writing stories, dwarfy stories
« on: August 30, 2008, 08:50:24 pm »

Unlike the complete failure of my last topic, here I have decided to just write this one by myself. So you go ahead, and read. Tell me if you spot any mistakes.


*Crunch* *Crunch* *Crunch* Shorast Limulalmôsh sighed as he ate the last of the decent rations his expedition's wagon had. It was a +Plump helmet biscuit+;a little stale, a kitchen, was definetly going to be one of the first things he would ordered be built. Shorast was over looking the land of his new fortress from a chalk plateau; his first few acts would either insure or destroy the future of it, but as far as he was concerned he knew he would not fail. "OYE! Shorast!" one of his expedition companions yelled, it was Nish Umombidok the Wood cutter/carpenter. "Where should we settal, the crap lef in this wagon, won't last long outsidez" Nish said with contempt in his voice. "Nish tha food will last. I't be more concerned with tha location." Shorast replied. Nish grumbled, and muttered some words to himself as a response. Shorast could tell Nish would not like him, and would perhaps grow as time went by.
          "I'm getting tired here!" complained ♀črith Nekolnish the jewler/book kepper in a shrill voice. "Whada yu tallking about!? You've been in that wagon since we lef" yelled ♀Urvad Libashlir the armor/weapon smith, and only dwarf with military training. "I mean tired of being in this wagon!" replied črith a bit ashamed, "Well we havn't evn choosn a location for our fortress yet! Besides who else is going to lead this wagon?" črith continued; defending her answer. "Well then, take'a break! Caause ye must be so tired!" replied Urvad. "Jus ah bit more, down tha path to the south over ther" Shorast said looking towards the wagon. "What?" the two woman said. "The wagon, down ther" Shorast said geturing towards where he would want the wagon to be settled. "EHYE! Are we finnaly going to start this damn fort!" said Cog Solozamur the miner/mason, and stonecrafter. "I been itchin ta use my familys pick, I can dig fastur then scores a dwarfs with this" said Cog clecnching his cloth covered pick with his hands. "A pick will dig tha samea no mattar what tha matearial" said Shorast. "Not mine" Cog said giggling to himself. "Down to the south right?" Cog asked. "Yes, bu- hey you going already! ..." replied Shorast looking at Cog running down the southern path. "Wait! WAIT! wait!..." *huff* *phew* "Is the soil thare good!?" asked the expedition farmer Tosid Zčlerkegeth. "Don'ta know" said Shorast. "WHAT! whaT!" *phew* *gasp!* "Why dind'nt you axsk me!" said the angry farmer. "Well what were you doing all the way back thera!" "PICKING HERBS! GATHERING FOOD! WHAT WERE YOU DOING!" "Calm down! When me, and Cog begin mining well know!" *huuuf!* "Are you going to faint?" asked Shorast. "No. Naw! I just don want ta fail the fort!"

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤
The food storages were finshed, and Shorast felt comftorable that his eager mining companion Cog who brought along his own pick, and a adamantine one too! Meant they had equipment for one extra miner if the time called for it. Though about Cog's pick. It had lost it's masterful quality while being handed down the long line, but short lived adamantine crazed miners of Cog's family, and had been reduced to no quality at all by the time Cog had inherited it. The food hauling was all finished, and the idle dwarfs were of course idling their time; exploring the suroundings of their new fort or watching it be built from the inside out. Except Nish who was cutting down the dense forests that surrounded them, and Tosid who was gathering plants from nearby shrubs. ♀Eral Vúshabol the expedition brewer/cook aproached Tosid. "Hi!" said Eral to Tosid. "Oh, OH!!!" "Huh? What wrong?" "NOTHING! Not a thing!" replied Tosid furiosly shaking his head. "Thought, maybe I'd saw a roach!" he said pointing at where an invisible vermin had walked. "Eh! Well I think they are kind of cute." "Me. I too!" "Well what was that OH!" asked Eral, surprised, as Tosid had just picked up a large roach, and stuffed it into his right pocket. "Just, wanted to keep it!" said Tosid. "Well I think I'd go check if they built any rooms for my craft" said Eral walking off to the fort entrance in to the mountain. "By Armok what a figure" thought Tosid. Who was reaching down for some blade weed. "ARRHHHHH!" Tosid said jumping back into a tree, remembering the roach crawling around in his pants. Which had just left through Tosid's right pants leg, insuring he felt all of the vermins movements. *THWACK!* "ARRGH!" Tosid said falling a few meters from the tree, as if it had just pushed him away. "Sorry." said Nish from behind, who had just finshed chopping the tree Tosid hurt himself on. "OH! Eh." Tosid got up, and felt his bruise on his head, and looked back. "Woow, amazing" he said. "You work fast" he said surveying his flat surroundings. "It is my job." replied Nish, grabbing a log. "W'ell what ar'e you waiting f'er? The'se logs ain't going to haul th'emselfs!" and with that he steadily marched along the same path Eral had just walked on. Tosid sighed, and picked up another log, and walked down the same path Nish had just walked on, a bit wavering, and unsteady.

(I think I will stop here, yes I'm going slow, but skipping parts at certain times) Any criticizing is welcome.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2008, 08:02:37 am by Creamcorn »
"OH NO! That carp is gulping at me menacingly, even though it cannot really threaten me from here on land!  I KNOW! I'll dodge into the water, where I'll be safe!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: So I'm going to try writing stories, dwarfy stories
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2008, 09:08:36 pm »

Hm, I thought much about updating this story, and at the same time also thought how crappy the first post was. Well by my standards atleast. Hopefully,(I use the term loosely) someone is reading this. By the way the order or weird words you saw atop the first post is the list of characters name,(in english) by order of introduction, yes the last one is a joke. Anyway I havn't exactly perfected the type of speech pattern I want to try giving all the dwarfs in this story, so when I get the chance I will try to edit the posts, allot, I've already saved a few drafts, and hopefully it will help this story go somewhere.

HARHAR! Anyway. I was somewhere I don't know where I wuz.

(Time, some time into have making the needed rooms/bed/craftshops, etc)

THACK! THACK! THACK! Were the rhythmic sounds Nish,(The wood cutter) made as he expertly chopped into the innards of the oak tree which lay ahead of him with his steel axe. His mind was a buzz with his own thoughts while his body was preoccupied with it's task set at hand. Nish wasn't a dwarf who showed his emotions so much, but was a dwarf who was quick to anger, a real mess really. The tree looked like it would fall in one or three strikes from Nish's view, so instead of continuing he decided it would be best he would get a drink before he would have finshed his job, so he dropped his axe, and went into the fortress. Which began in a cut through a yellow sand hill. Nish traveled through the hallways which Shorast,(expedition leader) said "Would help protect the fortress". He found what he was looking for in the food storages, Dwarf Wine, and began to happily drink it untill he felt the buzz of his beverage; he was ecstatic at this point, untill another dwarf walked in.

 It was Shorast. "Whudayu looking for...?" Nish asked felling more buzzed, and angry at Shorast. "Some meat" calmly answered Shorast. Nish watched Shorast open a barrel, and felt compeled to have another ration of his favorite wine. And he soon started again at the wine barrel, and began to feel tipsy, he looked back at Shorast. "...YoU know wHat Shorast?" Nish said sucking up more Dwarf Wine, more than what he originally had wanted. "I don't" Shorast replied in the same manner, and not noticing how much alcohol Nish had begun to drink. "i, don likae yo*hic* scuse me. YOu!" Shorast remained silent, untill he found a ration of mule meat in the barrel which he tipped to gather the meat. Nish noticed this, and quickly downed set of large gulps of wine. "NO oNE Dns't!" Shorast turned towards Nish now, and saw that a noticable amount of alcohol was dripping from Nish's gray beard, and Shorast did what any sensible person would have done if they knew how to deal with drunks. "Nish, how much of that wine have you had?" "HoW *Hi* O*c*f thaT much foOD i'd yu havE eaTEN!" Shorast backed off a little, and Nish began to stumble foward. "Nish I think you should go outside" "I! T*burp!* ink I should Mkea A feather BED! ThaN staB! Yua wIth it!" "You're not making any sense Nish! Now stop your babbling, and go outside!" "I THINK I SHOUL-D...! *BUUUuuuurp!" Nish suddenly vommited! Than fell down, and entered an unconsious semi drunk sleep, thus ending his almost drunken rage on Shorast; who watched the dwarf waiting if he would get up, and make a named dwarf leather belt out of him. Luckily no one was around to have noticed the little episode which had just occured, Shorast would certainly ask an engraver to place this event in the dining room when it would be completed, but before that he would need to clean up the vomit, move the empty barrel into furniture storage, and drag Nish into bed. "I will need to be careful with this dwarf" thought Shorast poking Nish, than dragging him into the barrel to roll him along the floor.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

(Mean while)

črith,(jewler/book kepper) carefully placed moonstones into a +Marble Jewel toy box+, and transformed it into a  (≡(+Marble Jewel toy Box+)≡). "That's worth any easy 300!" črith thought chuckling to herself, she hummed to herself happily as she looked at the pile of gems brought to her by the eager miner Cog. Speaking of Cog, he by now had mined out tons of stone, nothing intresting a deposit of precious gems here, a few viens of precious ore, this of course bored Cog, he needed adamantine! Before striking at the rock wall ahead of him, Cog recited a pray in his mind. "Oh mighty mole god Ral greasystones. I beg of thee, let me strike adamantine with my pick's next blow!" CRaaCccKkk! The sound of Cog's pick echoed throughout the halls he had produced, he lifted his pick from the wall. "...ARGH! Curses! Rubies..." all that compensated for his deity's faliure or lack of piety was being able to chat with črith, who would just request for more gems. Cog leaned against his trusty pick, and wondered what he would say to črith "this time", than he picked up his gems, and began his way back up, [up], [up], [up], [up], stairs again.

That's all for now, disregard that I do not often write so much
« Last Edit: October 04, 2008, 08:48:23 am by Creamcorn »
"OH NO! That carp is gulping at me menacingly, even though it cannot really threaten me from here on land!  I KNOW! I'll dodge into the water, where I'll be safe!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: So I'm going to try writing stories, dwarfy stories
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2008, 09:11:06 pm »

I quite liked it ;D
Gone on hiatus due to RL. Major apologies to all involved in LP thread.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: So I'm going to try writing stories, dwarfy stories
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2008, 02:32:29 pm »

I'm continuing again, and if you are blind I hope someone can read to you I have also added pics. Yay!

Moving along.

Shorast was at rest in his meager office, he silently pondered to himself what he would write into the fortress's log, but tapped his pencil rhythmically wondering what he would write in his own log. Finished with his thoughts, Shorast began to write into the forts journal, begining with a fanciful illuminated manuscript of the date, and continuing with calligraphic dwarven letters.

The day of this entry is Slate 4th mid spring.

The fortress is going along at great speed. As of yet no dwarfs have been harmed in the making of BeardedAxes, no animals either. Word has perhaps spread of our forts growing wealth, the miner Cog has unearthed many valuable materials from his digging. Cog intends to find adamantine. The value of the many unearthed materials are only increased, by the fortresses jeweler, when I Shorast expedition leader finds the time I shall order an office be built for the jewler, as she has experience as a book keeper. Many of the priority buildings have been created, plans for the metal industry are under way, as soon as magma can be channeled; ores, and other materials are of abundance! No dwarfs have of yet complained, the fortresses population is content, migrants are expected this autumn or earlier.

Current projects include building a well, building stock pile rooms, and a trade depot.

Shorast Limulalmôsh

Finished with the forts diary Shorast began his own journals entry.

Time, first of my forts entry.

Well things are going very fast, that Cog works quick, very quick. I wonder how long he's going to last here. Not much going on, well I did almost get killed today or seriously hurt, being unconcious for a year in bed wouldn't help the fort much. To think, all this time I thought Nish was a sensible dwarf, as he always hid his emotions from us. I was wrong, the guys a total drunk too! Urgh, my other companions, lets see... Nish is crazy, Cog's not going to last so long, črith only cares about money,(less than herself), Tosid is akward, Eral's just a pretty face, and Urvad is the only other sensible dwarf here besides myself. Yes I will try to get to know her better, than again where am I going! I live here! Hm, wonder how hot magma is, shouldn't be too dificult to mine through. Now how did you channel that stuff? Erh, Cog should know or die trying. I've ordered him to stop mining, and make some nice obsidian, and chalk crafts, hopefully that will get us an anvil, and some booze, and some decent food. Speaking of which I think those plump helmets have finished growing! Yum, plump helmet roast for me tonihgt! DARN! Made a mistake oh well, this is my journal anyways.


[scribbled at the bottom here is an exceptional image of a dwarf, the dwarf is drinking sunshine brew.]

Satisfyed with his writings Shorast put his journals, the forts blue bound white parchment, and his own hoary marmot leather bound yellow pages underneath his bed.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

Urvad was making her way up the stairs, carrying some chalk in her shoulders. It has been a boring day, all that ore, and she couldn't even forge it into a nice war hammer or axe! Let alone touch it, no ore stockpiles yet. Urvad wondered how long she would have to wait untill Shorast orded the magma forges be built. "Feh, if I were in charge weapons would have been my first priority" thought Urvad. Urvad walked down the corrider to the outside, she was tasked with building the trade depot, not that she knew the first thing about architecture. Some time passed, phew thought Urvad, all that work, and still her attempts at designing the trade depot were not finished, she was thirsty, and needed something to drink! As she examined her depot before going inside she could had sworn she saw something glint above the hill of the fort. "Must be a roach she thought" Urvad would have immediately inspected such a sudden phenomenon, but a dwarfs first priority is to have nice drink! Going through the halls Urvad's thirst grew steadily, finally reaching the stockpiles she searched the barrels carefully. "Ah! Dwarf beer! Who needs water!?" said Urvad to herself.
  Finished with her ration she started towards the outside, when someone or something... shouted. "Skulking Flesh! Protect the hoard!" suddenly Urvad saw it! A kobold holding a puzzle box, who had just popped out of the downward stairs! Urvad reverted back to her milatary instincts! "AAAHHH!" Urvad whirled towards the scream! It was just Tosid dropping the plump helmet in his hands to go hide somewhere. Ignoring the dwarf Urvad charged at the kobold! Not carrying any weapons Urvad grabbed the kobold by its elbow than the shoulder, and forced it to bend the way it wasn't meant to! This proved too much for the kobold who screamed in pain, than fainted, and Urvad made quick work of the kobold. Shorast who had just finished storing some plump helmet came over to Urvad. "You made quick work of that thing. Are you wounded?" Urvad looked over herself, and noticed that she was, only moderatly wounded on her arm. "It's nothing" said Urvad. "He was carrying some giant cave spider cloths, well this kobold won't be needing it anymore." Urvad said carrying the dead kobolds clothing to the apropriate stock piles. Shorast looked down at the corpse, which still bore the kobolds head, which made a silent effort to scream. Shorast carried it outside, and thought even more of weaponry, and who would be the first soldiers as he did. Than Shorast began to wonder, who else would die?

"OH NO! That carp is gulping at me menacingly, even though it cannot really threaten me from here on land!  I KNOW! I'll dodge into the water, where I'll be safe!"