Awesome idea efraker, but that won't be for anytime soon i'm afraid. (never played the game btw, or is the game unrelated? Dunno)
I embarked on a desert/mountain. (hot, so i hope that will make my dwarfs atleast a little less happy) Actually, several deserts to be more exact, and apart from one petite corner of the map being a normal grassland everything is something very bad. (haunted/terrifying)
The map has a pit chasm (the round hole type) and a normal chasm (completely on the map). It also has a magma pool somewhere far in one of the corners. (i can't traverse the map too much though, its way too dangerous) and i think it has the pits and a complete underground river as my only water supply, which will take a while before its found. It also has a vast cave beneath a large part of the desert i didn't even know about. I have two friendly kobolds, the master kobowld (get it?) has already bitten the dust, literally, and it won't be too long before the dual legendary stat swordkobold also gets slaughtered by the marauding skeletal two-humped camels. Them freaking nightmares i tells ya.
The map is filled to the brim with undead chasm creatures, and not just antman but also huge packs of undead naked mole dogs, worse, it has Iron man and a pack of skeletal trolls. (and the underground river creatures also seem to be undead, have a dead undead Giant Toad on the units screen. Anyways, this place is freak'n awesome
About trying my dwarfs to be unhappy, i changed strategy a little bit, namely like WCG said (or Bill? dunno what you prefer) you pretty much have to kill off atleast two dwarfs for the remaining five to feel unhappy (if you're lucky and they witnessed death or something) so for the time being them feeling content-happy is fine enough, i won't be creating any artifacts any time soon anyways. (too many any's, yikes)
I figure that the first few immigration waves will start of being reasonably happy until i start killing the non-unhappy moody dwarfs it generates, then the fortress will naturally progress into an unhappy one. Then it will become a bitch to balance on that thin rope of unhappiness. Hehehe.
What i'm wondering though is, the amount of artifacts are capped at 200 right? If i kill off moody dwarfs before they can even get all their needed materials, then does the non created artifact still count towards that cap? Also, the population is capped at around 50 or so. But through all the killing that will be going on (i might even kill off the fell or macabre artifact creators and give them HUGE burial chambers so that they may rest in peace as a sort of thank you for their valuable contribution of evilness to the fortress) i will probably go through 200 different dwarfs in no time, so i hope the pop cap of 50 won't interfere with the amount of artifacts that can be created, or will it? (as if this fortress will live to see even 10 created artifacts, lol)